German (Berlin)
- blood
Inherited from Middle High German bluot inherited from Old High German bluot (blossom, blooming) inherited from *blōd inherited from Proto-Germanic *blōþą (blood).
Semantic Field
The body
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Bloodgate English
- ablood English
- beblood English
- blood English
- blood wurst English
- blood-red English
- bloodbath English
- bloodberry English
- bloodbird English
- bloodborne English
- blooded English
- blooden English
- blooder English
- bloodfed English
- bloodfest English
- bloodfin English
- bloodguilt English
- bloodguilty English
- bloodhead English
- bloodheat English
- bloodhound English
- bloodhungry English
- blooding English
- bloodlands English
- bloodleaf English
- bloodless English
- bloodlet English
- bloodletter English
- bloodletting English
- bloodlike English
- bloodline English
- bloodloss English
- bloodlust English
- bloodmeal English
- bloodmobile English
- bloodnut English
- bloodplay English
- bloodroot English
- bloodscape English
- bloodshed English
- bloodshedder English
- bloodshedding English
- bloodshot English
- bloodshotting English
- bloodsoaked English
- bloodsome English
- bloodsport English
- bloodspot English
- bloodstain English
- bloodstained English
- bloodstaining English
- bloodstick English
- bloodstock English
- bloodstone English
- bloodstream English
- bloodstroke English
- bloodsucker English
- bloodsucking English
- bloodthirst English
- bloodthirster English
- bloodthirsting English
- bloodthirsty English
- bloodwood English
- bloodwork English
- bloodwort English
- bloody English
- blutwurst English
- cryoblood English
- gutterblood English
- half-blood English
- heart-blood English
- lifeblood English
- mixblood English
- moonblood English
- nonblood English
- noseblood English
- oxblood English
- pureblood English
- self-blood English
- youngblood English
- -ig German
- -s- German
- Analyse German
- Armut German
- Bank German
- Bildung German
- Blutarmut German
- Blutbank German
- Blutbildung German
- Blutdruck German
- Blutegel German
- Blutentnahme German
- Blutfehde German
- Blutgang German
- Blutgasanalyse German
- Blutgefäß German
- Blutgeld German
- Blutgerinnsel German
- Blutgerinnung German
- Blutgruppe German
- Blutgrätsche German
- Bluthund German
- Blutkrebs German
- Blutkreislauf German
- Blutkörperchen German
- Blutlache German
- Blutlaugensalz German
- Blutmangel German
- Blutmond German
- Blutorange German
- Blutplasma German
- Blutprobe German
- Blutrache German
- Bluträcher German
- Blutsbruder German
- Blutsbrüderschaft German
- Blutschande German
- Blutschuld German
- Blutspender German
- Blutsturz German
- Blutsverwandtschaft German
- Bluttransfusion German
- Blutwurst German
- Blutzeuge German
- Blutzoll German
- Blutzucker German
- Blutzuckerspiegel German
- Blüte German
- Bruder German
- Brüderschaft German
- Drache German
- Drachenblut German
- Druck German
- Egel German
- Entnahme German
- Fehde German
- Gang German
- Gas German
- Geblüt German
- Gefäß German
- Geld German
- Gerinnsel German
- Gerinnung German
- Gruppe German
- Grätsche German
- Herz German
- Herzblut German
- Hund German
- Krebs German
- Kreislauf German
- Körperchen German
- Lache German
- Laugensalz German
- Mangel German
- Mond German
- Orange German
- Plasma German
- Probe German
- Runse German
- Rächer German
- Schande German
- Schuld German
- Spender German
- Sturz German
- Transfusion German
- Verwandtschaft German
- Wurst German
- Zeuge German
- Zoll German
- Zucker German
- beschmiert German
- blutbeschmiert German
- blutdruckerhöhend German
- blutdrucksenkend German
- blutgetränkt German
- blutig German
- blutjung German
- blutleer German
- blutrot German
- blutrünstig German
- blutwenig German
- blutähnlich German
- deutsch German
- deutschblütig German
- ge- German
- getränkt German
- jung German
- leer German
- rot German
- wenig German
- ähnlich German
- bloed Dutch, Flemish
- bloedarmoede Dutch, Flemish
- bloedbaan Dutch, Flemish
- bloedbad Dutch, Flemish
- bloedbank Dutch, Flemish
- bloedbeeld Dutch, Flemish
- bloedblaar Dutch, Flemish
- bloedbroeder Dutch, Flemish
- bloedcel Dutch, Flemish
- bloeddiamant Dutch, Flemish
- bloeddonor Dutch, Flemish
- bloeddorst Dutch, Flemish
- bloeddorstig Dutch, Flemish
- bloeddruk Dutch, Flemish
- bloedeloos Dutch, Flemish
- bloederig Dutch, Flemish
- bloedgang Dutch, Flemish
- bloedgeld Dutch, Flemish
- bloedgericht Dutch, Flemish
- bloedheet Dutch, Flemish
- bloedhond Dutch, Flemish
- bloedig Dutch, Flemish
- bloedkanker Dutch, Flemish
- bloedkaros Dutch, Flemish
- bloedloop Dutch, Flemish
- bloedlul Dutch, Flemish
- bloedmaan Dutch, Flemish
- bloedneus Dutch, Flemish
- bloedplaatje Dutch, Flemish
- bloedplasma Dutch, Flemish
- bloedrood Dutch, Flemish
- bloedschande Dutch, Flemish
- bloedschender Dutch, Flemish
- bloedschending Dutch, Flemish
- bloedschenner Dutch, Flemish
- bloedschennis Dutch, Flemish
- bloedsneeuw Dutch, Flemish
- bloedsomloop Dutch, Flemish
- bloedspat Dutch, Flemish
- bloedspoor Dutch, Flemish
- bloedsprookje Dutch, Flemish
- bloedstolling Dutch, Flemish
- bloedstroom Dutch, Flemish
- bloedsuiker Dutch, Flemish
- bloedtransfusie Dutch, Flemish
- bloeduitstorting Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvat Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvergieten Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvergieting Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvergiftiging Dutch, Flemish
- bloedverwant Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvete Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvink Dutch, Flemish
- bloedvlag Dutch, Flemish
- bloedwei Dutch, Flemish
- bloedzuiger Dutch, Flemish
- bloedzuster Dutch, Flemish
- bloedzweer Dutch, Flemish
- dubbelbloed Dutch, Flemish
- halfbloed Dutch, Flemish
- koudbloedig Dutch, Flemish
- volbloed Dutch, Flemish
- *bʰleh₃- Proto-Indo-European
- *blōdiz Proto-Germanic
- *blōþą Proto-Germanic
- blod Swedish
- blodgivare Swedish
- blodgrupp Swedish
- blodplasma Swedish
- blodpudding Swedish
- blodröd Swedish
- blodsocker Swedish
- blodtryck Swedish
- blodtörst Swedish
- blodtörstig Swedish
- blod Old English
- blōd Old English
- blood Middle English
- blóð Old Norse
- blod Danish
- blodbad Danish
- blodcelle Danish
- blodfattig Danish
- blodkredsløb Danish
- blodmangel Danish
- blodplade Danish
- blodtryk Danish
- koldblodet Danish
- koldblodig Danish
- blutdruk Serbo-Croatian
- μπλάντι Greek (modern)
- bloet Middle Dutch
- bluot Old High German
- bloed Afrikaans
- bloedbaan Afrikaans
- bluot Middle High German
- bluotic, bluotec Middle High German
- bluotrünstec Middle High German
- bluotrōt Middle High German
- herzebluot Middle High German
- Blutt Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- Bluttdrock Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- bluddeg Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- bluttjonk Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- 𐌱𐌻𐍉𐌸 Gothic
- 𐌱𐌻𐍉𐌸𐌰𐍂𐌹𐌽𐌽𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃 Gothic
- בלוט Yiddish
- בלוטבאָד Yiddish
- בלוטיק Yiddish
- *blōd gmw-pro
- *blōdisōn gmw-pro
- bluot Old Dutch
- blôt Middle Low German
- pluat Cimbrian
- blōd Old Saxon
- blōþ, bloþ Old Swedish
- blōd Old Frisian
- blut Tok Pisin
- Blood Low German
- Bloot Low German
- błüt Vilamovian
- plut Crimean Gothic
- blad Torres Strait Creole
- blutu Berbice Creole Dutch
- -s-
- ge-
- rot
- Gas
- -ig
- Herz
- Hund
- Mond
- Egel
- leer
- Geld
- Zoll
- Bank
- jung
- Gang
- Armut
- Gefäß
- Blüte
- Wurst
- Sturz
- Probe
- Runse
- Fehde
- Druck
- Krebs
- wenig
- Lache
- Zeuge
- blutig
- Mangel
- Schuld
- Plasma
- Gruppe
- Orange
- Rächer
- Bruder
- Geblüt
- Zucker
- Drache
- Bildung
- ähnlich
- Schande
- blutrot
- deutsch
- Analyse
- Spender
- Grätsche
- Entnahme
- Blutgeld
- Blutgang
- blutleer
- Blutbank
- Bluthund
- Herzblut
- Blutzoll
- Blutegel
- getränkt
- blutjung
- Blutmond
- Blutsturz
- Gerinnung
- Blutarmut
- Blutprobe
- Gerinnsel
- blutwenig
- Blutgefäß
- Blutfehde
- Blutrache
- Blutzeuge
- Blutdruck
- Kreislauf
- Blutlache
- Blutkrebs
- Blutwurst
- Blutschuld
- beschmiert
- Blutmangel
- Blutgruppe
- Bluträcher
- Blutplasma
- Blutorange
- Körperchen
- Laugensalz
- Blutzucker
- Drachenblut
- Blutbildung
- Blutspender
- Blutsbruder
- blutrünstig
- Blutschande
- blutähnlich
- Transfusion
- Brüderschaft
- Blutgrätsche
- Blutentnahme
- blutgetränkt
- Blutkreislauf
- Blutgerinnsel
- Blutgerinnung
- deutschblütig
- Blutgasanalyse
- Blutlaugensalz
- Blutkörperchen
- blutbeschmiert
- Verwandtschaft
- Bluttransfusion
- blutdrucksenkend
- blutdruckerhöhend
- Blutsbrüderschaft
- Blutzuckerspiegel
- Blutsverwandtschaft