Dutch (Brabantic)
- people, nation
- tribe
- folk, the common people, the lower classes, the working classes
- (informal) people many individuals
Inherited from Middle Dutch volc inherited from Old Dutch folc inherited from Proto-Germanic *fulką (people, multitude, host of warriors, people collectively, folk, crowd, nation, tribe, race, army).
people, multitude, host of warriors, people collectively, folk, crowd, nation, tribe, race, army
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Suffolk English
- adfolk English
- alms-folk English
- almsfolk English
- anti-folk English
- businessfolk English
- chairfolk English
- cisfolk English
- commonfolk English
- congressfolk English
- countryfolk English
- electrofolk English
- fieldfolk English
- finfolk English
- fisherfolk English
- folk English
- folk song English
- folkcraft English
- folker English
- folkfree English
- folkgame English
- folkie English
- folkish English
- folkland English
- folklife English
- folklike English
- folklore English
- folkly English
- folkmoot English
- folknik English
- folkred English
- folkright English
- folksinger English
- folksinging English
- folkster English
- folkstyle English
- folktale English
- folkway English
- folkweave English
- folky English
- gayfolk English
- gentlefolk English
- grandfolk English
- hillfolk English
- kinfolk English
- kinsfolk English
- kithfolk English
- ladyfolk English
- lizardfolk English
- menfolk English
- merfolk English
- neofolk English
- nonfolk English
- pseudofolk English
- ratfolk English
- seafolk English
- showfolk English
- skinfolk English
- smallfolk English
- snowfolk English
- straightfolk English
- streetfolk English
- townfolk English
- townsfolk English
- tradesfolk English
- transfolk English
- turbo-folk English
- volk English
- womenfolk English
- workfolk English
- yachtsfolk English
- youngfolk English
- Fulcaredi Latin
- fullo, fullare Latin
- Fußvolk German
- Herrenvolk German
- Kulturvolk German
- Mischvolk German
- Tätervolk German
- Umvolkung German
- Volk German
- Volksabstimmung German
- Volksarmee German
- Volksaufstand German
- Volksbewegung German
- Volksbezeichnung German
- Volksdeutscher German
- Volksempfänger German
- Volksetymologie German
- Volksfeind German
- Volksfest German
- Volksgemeinschaft German
- Volksgenosse German
- Volksgericht German
- Volksgruppe German
- Volksherrschaft German
- Volkskammer German
- Volkskrankheit German
- Volkskunde German
- Volkslehre German
- Volkslied German
- Volksmarine German
- Volksmund German
- Volksmusik German
- Volkspolizei German
- Volksschule German
- Volkssport German
- Volkssprache German
- Volkstod German
- Volkstracht German
- Volkstrauertag German
- Volksverhetzung German
- Volksverräter German
- Volkswagen German
- Volksweisheit German
- Volkszugehörigkeit German
- Volkszählung German
- Völkerkunde German
- Völkerpsychologie German
- Völkerverständigung German
- Völkerwanderung German
- volksdeutsch German
- volkseigen German
- volksmäßig German
- völkisch German
- -er- Dutch, Flemish
- Latijn Dutch, Flemish
- Volkenbond Dutch, Flemish
- Volkslatijn Dutch, Flemish
- Volkslatijns Dutch, Flemish
- aard Dutch, Flemish
- altaar Dutch, Flemish
- bij Dutch, Flemish
- bijenvolk Dutch, Flemish
- bond Dutch, Flemish
- buurt Dutch, Flemish
- feest Dutch, Flemish
- gezondheid Dutch, Flemish
- lied Dutch, Flemish
- menner Dutch, Flemish
- mond Dutch, Flemish
- moord Dutch, Flemish
- om Dutch, Flemish
- omvolking Dutch, Flemish
- oploop Dutch, Flemish
- opstand Dutch, Flemish
- planten Dutch, Flemish
- raad Dutch, Flemish
- recht Dutch, Flemish
- republiek Dutch, Flemish
- scheep Dutch, Flemish
- scheepsvolk Dutch, Flemish
- stam Dutch, Flemish
- taal Dutch, Flemish
- telling Dutch, Flemish
- tuin Dutch, Flemish
- tuinder Dutch, Flemish
- universiteit Dutch, Flemish
- verhaal Dutch, Flemish
- vertegenwoordiger Dutch, Flemish
- vertegenwoordiging Dutch, Flemish
- vijandig Dutch, Flemish
- volkenrecht Dutch, Flemish
- volkerenmoord Dutch, Flemish
- volks Dutch, Flemish
- volksaard Dutch, Flemish
- volksaltaar Dutch, Flemish
- volksbuurt Dutch, Flemish
- volksfeest Dutch, Flemish
- volksgezondheid Dutch, Flemish
- volkslied Dutch, Flemish
- volksmenner Dutch, Flemish
- volksmennerij Dutch, Flemish
- volksmond Dutch, Flemish
- volksoploop Dutch, Flemish
- volksopstand Dutch, Flemish
- volksplanting Dutch, Flemish
- volksraad Dutch, Flemish
- volksrepubliek Dutch, Flemish
- volksstam Dutch, Flemish
- volkstaal Dutch, Flemish
- volkstelling Dutch, Flemish
- volkstuin Dutch, Flemish
- volkstuinder Dutch, Flemish
- volksuniversiteit Dutch, Flemish
- volksverhaal Dutch, Flemish
- volksvertegenwoordiger Dutch, Flemish
- volksvertegenwoordiging Dutch, Flemish
- volksvijandig Dutch, Flemish
- volkswil Dutch, Flemish
- wacht Dutch, Flemish
- wachtvolk Dutch, Flemish
- folk Spanish, Castilian
- *pl̥h₁-gós Proto-Indo-European
- folk Portuguese
- *fulką Proto-Germanic
- ceorlfolc Old English
- folc Old English
- folcgefeoht Old English
- folcland Old English
- folclar Old English
- folclic Old English
- folcræden Old English
- folcstede Old English
- landfolc Old English
- folk Middle English
- folke Middle English
- folk Old Norse
- fólk Old Norse
- *pъlkъ Proto-Slavic
- volc Middle Dutch
- folc Old High German
- folk Old High German
- volk Afrikaans
- volkslied Afrikaans
- volc Middle High German
- volk Middle High German
- Vollek Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- פּאָרפֿאָלק Yiddish
- פֿאָלק Yiddish
- *folk gmw-pro
- folc Old Dutch
- folk Old Saxon
- *fulc Frankish
- пълъкъ Old East Slavic
- folk Old Frisian
- Volk Pennsylvania German
- fulḱ Vilamovian
- om
- bij
- taal
- bond
- mond
- stam
- raad
- tuin
- lied
- aard
- -er-
- wacht
- moord
- volks
- feest
- recht
- buurt
- altaar
- menner
- Latijn
- oploop
- scheep
- planten
- verhaal
- opstand
- telling
- tuinder
- vijandig
- volkswil
- bijenvolk
- volksstam
- volksraad
- volksmond
- omvolking
- volkslied
- volkstaal
- volksaard
- republiek
- wachtvolk
- volkstuin
- volksbuurt
- volksfeest
- gezondheid
- Volkenbond
- volksaltaar
- Volkslatijn
- volksoploop
- scheepsvolk
- volkenrecht
- volksmenner
- universiteit
- volkstuinder
- volksopstand
- volksverhaal
- volkstelling
- Volkslatijns
- volksvijandig
- volkerenmoord
- volksmennerij
- volksplanting
- volksrepubliek
- volksgezondheid
- volksuniversiteit
- vertegenwoordiger
- vertegenwoordiging
- volksvertegenwoordiger
- volksvertegenwoordiging