Dutch (Brabantic)
- monkey, ape, simian; any member of the infraorder Simiiformes
Inherited from Middle Dutch āpe inherited from Old Dutch *apo inherited from Proto-Germanic *apô (monkey, ape).
monkey, ape
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
🐒 🐵 🙈 🙉 🙊 🦍
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- ape English
- apedom English
- apehanger English
- apehood English
- apekind English
- apelet English
- apelike English
- apeling English
- apely English
- apeman English
- apeness English
- aper English
- apery English
- apeshit English
- apess English
- apewoman English
- apish English
- semi-ape English
- -e- Dutch, Flemish
- Berber Dutch, Flemish
- aapachtig Dutch, Flemish
- aapmens Dutch, Flemish
- apenarend Dutch, Flemish
- apenbakkes Dutch, Flemish
- apenboom Dutch, Flemish
- apenkooi Dutch, Flemish
- apenkooien Dutch, Flemish
- apenkop Dutch, Flemish
- apenliefde Dutch, Flemish
- apennoot Dutch, Flemish
- apenpak Dutch, Flemish
- apenrots Dutch, Flemish
- apenstreek Dutch, Flemish
- apetrots Dutch, Flemish
- apin Dutch, Flemish
- arend Dutch, Flemish
- baard Dutch, Flemish
- baardaap Dutch, Flemish
- bakes Dutch, Flemish
- berberaap Dutch, Flemish
- boom Dutch, Flemish
- breed Dutch, Flemish
- breedneusaap Dutch, Flemish
- brulaap Dutch, Flemish
- brullen Dutch, Flemish
- doodshoofd Dutch, Flemish
- doodshoofdaapje Dutch, Flemish
- kooi Dutch, Flemish
- kop Dutch, Flemish
- liefde Dutch, Flemish
- mens Dutch, Flemish
- mensaap Dutch, Flemish
- na Dutch, Flemish
- na-apen Dutch, Flemish
- neus Dutch, Flemish
- neusaap Dutch, Flemish
- noot Dutch, Flemish
- pak Dutch, Flemish
- resus Dutch, Flemish
- resusaap Dutch, Flemish
- rots Dutch, Flemish
- slingeraap Dutch, Flemish
- slingeren Dutch, Flemish
- smal Dutch, Flemish
- smalneusaap Dutch, Flemish
- snot Dutch, Flemish
- snotaap Dutch, Flemish
- stomp Dutch, Flemish
- stompneusaap Dutch, Flemish
- streek Dutch, Flemish
- tekenaap Dutch, Flemish
- tekenen Dutch, Flemish
- trots Dutch, Flemish
- woud Dutch, Flemish
- woudaap Dutch, Flemish
- *abō- Proto-Indo-European
- *h₂ep- Proto-Indo-European
- *apô Proto-Germanic
- ape Middle English
- api Old Norse
- *opica Proto-Slavic
- เอป Thai
- āpe Middle Dutch
- affo Old High German
- aap Afrikaans
- simango-aap Afrikaans
- apa Faroese
- Af Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- Afennoss Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- *apō gmw-pro
- *apo Old Dutch
- apo Old Saxon
- Aff Alemannic German
- *apa Old Frisian
- na
- kop
- pak
- -e-
- rots
- boom
- neus
- snot
- kooi
- smal
- woud
- noot
- apin
- mens
- trots
- bakes
- breed
- resus
- baard
- arend
- stomp
- Berber
- streek
- liefde
- aapmens
- tekenen
- brullen
- woudaap
- brulaap
- na-apen
- apenpak
- neusaap
- apenkop
- mensaap
- snotaap
- apenkooi
- baardaap
- tekenaap
- apetrots
- apennoot
- resusaap
- apenboom
- apenrots
- aapachtig
- slingeren
- apenarend
- berberaap
- apenstreek
- doodshoofd
- apenkooien
- slingeraap
- apenliefde
- apenbakkes
- smalneusaap
- breedneusaap
- stompneusaap
- doodshoofdaapje