- (optics) Having one spheric and one cylindric surface.
Compound from English sphere + English o (diminutive suffix, person with characteristic, colloquialising suffix, colloquial, zero)+ English cylindrical, spherocylinder.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Afrosphere English
- acylindrical English
- amylosphere English
- angiosphere English
- anthosphere English
- asphere English
- astrosphere English
- bicylindrical English
- bronchosphere English
- cardiosphere English
- carposphere English
- caulosphere English
- coenoblast English
- coenosteum English
- colonosphere English
- colosphere English
- conicocylindrical English
- cosmosphere English
- cosphere English
- cylinder English
- cylindric English
- cylindrical English
- cylindricality English
- cylindricalization English
- cylindrically English
- digisphere English
- ectosphere English
- endosphere English
- ensphere English
- enterosphere English
- esophagosphere English
- fluorosphere English
- hemicylindrical English
- hemisphere English
- hepatosphere English
- hypercylindrical English
- hypersphere English
- icosasphere English
- incelosphere English
- intersphere English
- liposphere English
- macrosphere English
- medullosphere English
- megalosphere English
- memosphere English
- microcylindrical English
- midsphere English
- minisphere English
- multisphere English
- myosphere English
- myrmecosphere English
- nanosphere English
- noncylindrical English
- nonsphere English
- o English
- oligosphere English
- orosphere English
- ovocylindrical English
- panicogenesis English
- peanosphere English
- pentacylindrical English
- photon sphere English
- phycosphere English
- planisphere English
- pneumosphere English
- polycylindrical English
- polysphere English
- pseudocylindrical English
- pseudosphere English
- radiansphere English
- semicylindrical English
- semisphere English
- servosphere English
- sociosphere English
- spermosphere English
- spheral English
- sphere English
- sphereing English
- sphereless English
- spherelike English
- spheric English
- spherics English
- spherification English
- sphering English
- spherite English
- spherium English
- spherize English
- spherocylinder English
- spheroid English
- spherule English
- sphery English
- subcylindrical English
- subsphere English
- supersphere English
- thyrosphere English
- tricylindrical English
- trochosphere English
- tumorsphere English
- undersphere English
- unsphere English
- xenosphere English
- オー Japanese
- spere Middle English
- o
- sphery
- sphere
- spheral
- spheric
- asphere
- cylinder
- spherize
- unsphere
- spherium
- sphering
- spherule
- ensphere
- spherite
- spherics
- spheroid
- cosphere
- nonsphere
- orosphere
- midsphere
- sphereing
- myosphere
- cylindric
- subsphere
- xenosphere
- ectosphere
- digisphere
- nanosphere
- hemisphere
- polysphere
- endosphere
- memosphere
- coenosteum
- minisphere
- colosphere
- spherelike
- semisphere
- Afrosphere
- coenoblast
- liposphere
- sphereless
- cosmosphere
- macrosphere
- phycosphere
- thyrosphere
- intersphere
- planisphere
- carposphere
- servosphere
- sociosphere
- astrosphere
- cylindrical
- undersphere
- oligosphere
- tumorsphere
- caulosphere
- multisphere
- anthosphere
- supersphere
- amylosphere
- hypersphere
- angiosphere
- icosasphere
- peanosphere
- colonosphere
- acylindrical
- pneumosphere
- fluorosphere
- trochosphere
- spermosphere
- cardiosphere
- incelosphere
- hepatosphere
- pseudosphere
- megalosphere
- radiansphere
- enterosphere
- myrmecosphere
- bicylindrical
- photon sphere
- panicogenesis
- medullosphere
- cylindrically
- bronchosphere
- spherocylinder
- cylindricality
- ovocylindrical
- tricylindrical
- esophagosphere
- noncylindrical
- spherification
- subcylindrical
- hemicylindrical
- polycylindrical
- semicylindrical
- pentacylindrical
- hypercylindrical
- microcylindrical
- conicocylindrical
- pseudocylindrical
- cylindricalization