/əˈbaʊt/, /əˈbʌʊt/, /əˈbɛʊt/
- In a circle around; all round; on every side of; on the outside of.
- Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; throughout.
- Indicates that something will happen very soon, indicates a plan or intention to do something.
- Concerning; with regard to; on account of; on the subject of; to affect.
- Concerned with; engaged in; intent on.
- Within or in the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place.
- On one's person; nearby the person.
- (figurative) In or near, as in mental faculties or (literally) in the possession of; under the control of; at one's command; in one's makeup.
Inherited from Middle English aboute inherited from Old English abūtan, on (on, a, in, or toward, at) + Old English būtan (outside of, except, without, only), be (by, around) + Old English ūtan (outside, from outside, on the outside, without)inherited from Middle English about.
Middle English
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- -s English
- about-face English
- aboutness English
- abouts English
- anent English
- anon English
- asunder English
- cast English
- cast about English
- east English
- eastabout English
- face English
- haul English
- haulabout English
- here English
- hereabout English
- hereabouts English
- kick English
- kickabout English
- knock English
- knockabout English
- lay English
- layabout English
- mini-roundabout English
- near English
- nearabout English
- nearabouts English
- race English
- raceabout English
- round English
- roundabout English
- roundaboutly English
- roundaboutness English
- run English
- runabout English
- stir English
- stirabout English
- tear English
- tearabout English
- then English
- thenabout English
- there English
- thereabout English
- thereabouts English
- tour English
- tourabout English
- turn English
- turnabout English
- west English
- westabout English
- when English
- whenabout English
- where English
- whereabout English
- whereabouts English
- whirl English
- whirlabout English
- *ana Proto-Germanic
- *sunder Proto-Germanic
- *ūtiniz Proto-Germanic
- アバウト Japanese
- abūtan Old English
- be Old English
- butan Old English
- būtan Old English
- on Old English
- on ecnesse Old English
- onbutan Old English
- onbūtan Old English
- ongemang Old English
- onmiddan Old English
- onweg Old English
- utanlandes Old English
- wiþutan Old English
- ūtan Old English
- abak Middle English
- about Middle English
- aboute Middle English
- but Middle English
- on Middle English
- outen Middle English
- nabaut Tok Pisin
- -s
- lay
- run
- east
- anon
- stir
- when
- near
- tour
- here
- west
- haul
- tear
- kick
- face
- turn
- then
- cast
- race
- there
- knock
- where
- round
- whirl
- anent
- abouts
- asunder
- runabout
- layabout
- tourabout
- tearabout
- whenabout
- aboutness
- eastabout
- stirabout
- westabout
- haulabout
- kickabout
- nearabout
- thenabout
- raceabout
- hereabout
- turnabout
- whirlabout
- thereabout
- about-face
- roundabout
- whereabout
- cast about
- knockabout
- nearabouts
- hereabouts
- thereabouts
- whereabouts
- roundaboutly
- roundaboutness
- mini-roundabout