German (Berlin)
- sheet gold, gold foil
Compound from German Gold (gold) + German Blech (metal sheet, sheet metal, sheet, tin, tray).
German (Berlin)
metal sheet, sheet metal, sheet, tin, tray
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Goldberg English
- Goldschmidt English
- Alublech German
- Aluminiumblech German
- Backblech German
- Blattgold German
- Blech German
- Blechbüchse German
- Blechdach German
- Blechdose German
- Blechflöte German
- Blechhütte German
- Blechkasten German
- Blechkuchen German
- Blechlawine German
- Blechteil German
- Borneo-Goldkatze German
- Eisenblech German
- Flittergold German
- Gold German
- Goldbarren German
- Goldbergbau German
- Goldbergwerk German
- Goldbulle German
- Golddistel German
- Golddraht German
- Goldesel German
- Goldfaden German
- Goldfisch German
- Goldgewinnung German
- Goldgrube German
- Goldhochzeit German
- Goldhähnchen German
- Goldlack German
- Goldlagerstätte German
- Goldlegierung German
- Goldmine German
- Goldmünze German
- Goldrausch German
- Goldrute German
- Goldschmidt German
- Goldschmied German
- Goldschnabelralle German
- Goldschraube German
- Goldspecht German
- Katzengold German
- Kuchenblech German
- Narrengold German
- Rauschgold German
- Schutzblech German
- Silberblech German
- Weißgold German
- Zahngold German
- Zinnblech German
- blechern German
- goldartig German
- golden German
- goldfarbig German
- goldglänzend German
- goldgrün German
- goldhaltig German
- goldig German
- goldrichtig German
- übergolden German
- Blech Polish
- blacha Polish
- blëch Middle High German
- golt Middle High German
- Gold
- Blech
- goldig
- golden
- Goldrute
- goldgrün
- Goldmine
- Goldesel
- Alublech
- Zahngold
- Weißgold
- blechern
- Goldlack
- Goldmünze
- Backblech
- Goldfaden
- Goldbulle
- Golddraht
- Goldfisch
- goldartig
- Blechteil
- Goldgrube
- Zinnblech
- Blattgold
- Blechdose
- Blechdach
- Blechflöte
- übergolden
- Katzengold
- Narrengold
- Golddistel
- goldfarbig
- Blechhütte
- Rauschgold
- Goldrausch
- Eisenblech
- goldhaltig
- Goldspecht
- Goldbarren
- Silberblech
- Goldschmidt
- Blechlawine
- Kuchenblech
- Schutzblech
- Blechkuchen
- Goldbergbau
- Flittergold
- Goldschmied
- goldrichtig
- Blechkasten
- Blechbüchse
- Goldhochzeit
- Goldschraube
- goldglänzend
- Goldbergwerk
- Goldhähnchen
- Goldgewinnung
- Goldlegierung
- Aluminiumblech
- Goldlagerstätte
- Borneo-Goldkatze
- Goldschnabelralle