German (Berlin)
- sheet (of metal)
- (informal) Brass, a collective term for all brass instruments, or all brass players, etc.
Inherited from Middle High German blëch (ornament on a woman's dress, small metal plate) inherited from Old High German bleh (metal plate) inherited from *blik inherited from Proto-Germanic *bliką (look, metal).
look, metal
Semantic Field
Sense perception
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Alu German
- Alublech German
- Aluminium German
- Aluminiumblech German
- Backblech German
- Blechbüchse German
- Blechdach German
- Blechdose German
- Blechflöte German
- Blechhütte German
- Blechkasten German
- Blechkuchen German
- Blechlawine German
- Blechteil German
- Büchse German
- Dach German
- Dose German
- Eisen German
- Eisenblech German
- Flöte German
- Gold German
- Goldblech German
- Hütte German
- Kasten German
- Kuchen German
- Kuchenblech German
- Lawine German
- Schutz German
- Schutzblech German
- Silber German
- Silberblech German
- Teil German
- Zinn German
- Zinnblech German
- backen German
- blechern German
- pléh Hungarian
- pléhek Hungarian
- aanblik Dutch, Flemish
- blik Dutch, Flemish
- blikken Dutch, Flemish
- bliklopen Dutch, Flemish
- blikschade Dutch, Flemish
- blikslager Dutch, Flemish
- blikvanger Dutch, Flemish
- cakeblik Dutch, Flemish
- conservenblik Dutch, Flemish
- inblikken Dutch, Flemish
- koekblik Dutch, Flemish
- ogenblik Dutch, Flemish
- terugblik Dutch, Flemish
- vooruitblik Dutch, Flemish
- бляха Russian
- *bliką Proto-Germanic
- bleck Swedish
- bleckblåsinstrument Swedish
- Blech Polish
- blacha Polish
- blacharz Polish
- blachosmród Polish
- blaszany Polish
- blaszka Polish
- blíkja Old Norse
- blic Middle Dutch
- bleh Old High German
- blicchen Old High German
- blëch Middle High German
- *blik gmw-pro
- blek Javanese
- Alu
- Zinn
- Gold
- Dose
- Teil
- Dach
- Flöte
- Eisen
- Hütte
- Schutz
- backen
- Kasten
- Büchse
- Lawine
- Kuchen
- Silber
- Alublech
- blechern
- Backblech
- Aluminium
- Blechteil
- Zinnblech
- Goldblech
- Blechdose
- Blechdach
- Blechflöte
- Blechhütte
- Eisenblech
- Blechlawine
- Schutzblech
- Blechkuchen
- Silberblech
- Kuchenblech
- Blechkasten
- Blechbüchse
- Aluminiumblech