German (Berlin)
- goldsmith
Affix from German Gold (gold) + German Schmied (smith).
German (Berlin)
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Goldberg English
- Goldschmidt English
- gold English
- goldsmith English
- goldsmithery English
- smith English
- Blattgold German
- Borneo-Goldkatze German
- Flittergold German
- Gold German
- Goldbarren German
- Goldbergbau German
- Goldbergwerk German
- Goldblech German
- Goldbulle German
- Golddistel German
- Golddraht German
- Goldesel German
- Goldfaden German
- Goldfisch German
- Goldgewinnung German
- Goldgrube German
- Goldhochzeit German
- Goldhähnchen German
- Goldlack German
- Goldlagerstätte German
- Goldlegierung German
- Goldmine German
- Goldmünze German
- Goldrausch German
- Goldrute German
- Goldschmidt German
- Goldschmiedin German
- Goldschnabelralle German
- Goldschraube German
- Goldspecht German
- Hufschmied German
- Katzengold German
- Narrengold German
- Rauschgold German
- Ränkeschmied German
- Schmied German
- Schmiedin German
- Waffenschmied German
- Weißgold German
- Zahngold German
- goldartig German
- golden German
- goldfarbig German
- goldglänzend German
- goldgrün German
- goldhaltig German
- goldig German
- goldrichtig German
- übergolden German
- goldsmith Middle English
- golt Middle High German
- smit Middle High German
- Gold
- goldig
- golden
- Schmied
- goldgrün
- Goldrute
- Goldmine
- Goldesel
- Zahngold
- Weißgold
- Goldlack
- Schmiedin
- Goldmünze
- Goldfaden
- Goldfisch
- Goldbulle
- Golddraht
- goldartig
- Goldgrube
- Blattgold
- Goldblech
- übergolden
- Katzengold
- Golddistel
- Narrengold
- goldfarbig
- Hufschmied
- Rauschgold
- Goldrausch
- goldhaltig
- Goldspecht
- Goldbarren
- Goldschmidt
- Flittergold
- Goldbergbau
- goldrichtig
- Goldhochzeit
- Goldschraube
- goldglänzend
- Goldbergwerk
- Ränkeschmied
- Goldhähnchen
- Waffenschmied
- Goldgewinnung
- Goldschmiedin
- Goldlegierung
- Goldlagerstätte
- Borneo-Goldkatze
- Goldschnabelralle