Dutch (Brabantic)
- cell a compartment
Inherited from Middle Dutch celle derived from Latin cella (small room, chamber, compartment, room, cell, pantry, closet, shrine, hut, granary).
small room, chamber, compartment, room, cell, pantry, closet, shrine, hut, granary
Semantic Field
The house
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- cella English
- cella Latin
- cellarium Latin
- cellarius Latin
- cellula Latin
- cellārium Latin
- Zelle German
- cella Italian
- -e- Dutch, Flemish
- beton Dutch, Flemish
- bloed Dutch, Flemish
- bloedcel Dutch, Flemish
- brandstof Dutch, Flemish
- brandstofcel Dutch, Flemish
- celgenoot Dutch, Flemish
- celgenote Dutch, Flemish
- celkern Dutch, Flemish
- cellenbeton Dutch, Flemish
- celmaat Dutch, Flemish
- celmembraan Dutch, Flemish
- celstraf Dutch, Flemish
- celwand Dutch, Flemish
- douche Dutch, Flemish
- douchecel Dutch, Flemish
- ei Dutch, Flemish
- eicel Dutch, Flemish
- gastheer Dutch, Flemish
- gastheercel Dutch, Flemish
- genoot Dutch, Flemish
- genote Dutch, Flemish
- gevangenis Dutch, Flemish
- gevangeniscel Dutch, Flemish
- hersencel Dutch, Flemish
- hersenen Dutch, Flemish
- kern Dutch, Flemish
- knoop Dutch, Flemish
- knoopcel Dutch, Flemish
- knoopcelbatterij Dutch, Flemish
- koelcel Dutch, Flemish
- koelen Dutch, Flemish
- maat Dutch, Flemish
- membraan Dutch, Flemish
- stam Dutch, Flemish
- stamcel Dutch, Flemish
- straf Dutch, Flemish
- supercel Dutch, Flemish
- telefoon Dutch, Flemish
- telefooncel Dutch, Flemish
- wand Dutch, Flemish
- zenuw Dutch, Flemish
- zenuwcel Dutch, Flemish
- zon Dutch, Flemish
- zonnecel Dutch, Flemish
- celda Spanish, Castilian
- κέλλα Ancient Greek
- *ḱelneh₂ Proto-Indo-European
- *ḱelnā Proto-Indo-European
- celle Norwegian Bokmål
- selle Norwegian Bokmål
- cell Swedish
- celle Norwegian Nynorsk
- selle Norwegian Nynorsk
- cell Old English
- celle Danish
- cel Old French
- cel·la Catalan, Valencian
- Celanova Galician
- sel Indonesian
- cell Welsh
- celle Middle Dutch
- cell Old Irish
- sel Afrikaans
- selmaat Afrikaans
- qelizë Albanian
- cela Old Portuguese
- κελλία gkm
- ei
- zon
- -e-
- maat
- kern
- stam
- wand
- eicel
- bloed
- straf
- knoop
- beton
- zenuw
- genote
- genoot
- koelen
- douche
- celwand
- celkern
- stamcel
- celmaat
- koelcel
- bloedcel
- celstraf
- supercel
- zenuwcel
- zonnecel
- gastheer
- telefoon
- knoopcel
- membraan
- hersenen
- douchecel
- hersencel
- celgenote
- brandstof
- celgenoot
- gevangenis
- telefooncel
- gastheercel
- celmembraan
- cellenbeton
- brandstofcel
- gevangeniscel
- knoopcelbatterij