- (chemistry) atom, the smallest possible amount of matter which still retains its identity as a chemical element, now known to consist of a nucleus surrounded by electrons.
- (figurative) modern
- (figurative) plastic, a synthetic, solid, hydrocarbon-based polymer, whether thermoplastic or thermosetting.
Borrowed from Dutch, Flemish atoom (atom) derived from French atome derived from Latin atomus (smallest particle) derived from Ancient Greek ἄτομος (indivisible, uncut).
Ancient Greek
indivisible, uncut
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- atom English
- atomus Latin
- Atom German
- atomair Dutch, Flemish
- atomist Dutch, Flemish
- atoom Dutch, Flemish
- atoombom Dutch, Flemish
- atoombunker Dutch, Flemish
- atoomgetal Dutch, Flemish
- atoomkern Dutch, Flemish
- atoomklok Dutch, Flemish
- atoommassa Dutch, Flemish
- atoommodel Dutch, Flemish
- atoomnummer Dutch, Flemish
- atoomproef Dutch, Flemish
- atoomtheorie Dutch, Flemish
- atoomtijdperk Dutch, Flemish
- atoomwapen Dutch, Flemish
- antiatome French
- atome French
- atomique French
- atomisme French
- atomiste French
- hétéroatome French
- superatome French
- а́том Russian
- átomo Spanish, Castilian
- ἄτομοι (φύσεις), ἄτομος Ancient Greek
- ἄτομος Ancient Greek
- *temh₂- Proto-Indo-European
- atom Norwegian Bokmål
- átomo Portuguese
- atom Norwegian Nynorsk
- atome Old French
- atom Serbo-Croatian
- атом Serbo-Croatian
- atóm Icelandic
- atom Turkish
- atam Old Irish
- atom Old Irish
- atoom Afrikaans
- атом Bulgarian
- athome Middle French
- אטום Hebrew (modern)
- אטומי Hebrew (modern)
- aatom Estonian
- atóm Slovak
- ataoma Malagasy