- Any of the genus of plants with yellow flowers, related to the sunflower.
Compound from English yellow (a colour like that of copper, yellow flag) + English top.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Bricktop English
- Yellowknife English
- Yellowstone English
- antitop English
- antiyellow English
- archtop English
- atop English
- bartop English
- bedtop English
- benchtop English
- betop English
- beyellowed English
- blacktop English
- blufftop English
- boxtop English
- browntop English
- bubbletop English
- carrot top English
- cartop English
- cherrytop English
- clifftop English
- cloudtop English
- cooktop English
- coppertop English
- cottontop English
- countertop English
- dashtop English
- decktop English
- desktop English
- droptop English
- dunetop English
- filtertop English
- flattop English
- flowtop English
- foretop English
- full-course yellow English
- gyrotop English
- hardtop English
- hilltop English
- hooktop English
- housetop English
- infrayellow English
- jacktop English
- keytop English
- kneetop English
- looptop English
- maintop English
- mizzentop English
- moortop English
- moptop English
- mountaintop English
- nonyellow English
- out-top English
- outtop English
- overtop English
- palmtop English
- pegtop English
- pentop English
- pillowtop English
- ragtop English
- raintop English
- redtop English
- ridgetop English
- rooftop English
- screwtop English
- shoetop English
- stovetop English
- tabletop English
- tiptop English
- top English
- top light English
- top loader English
- top tube English
- top-age English
- top-dimensional English
- top-drain English
- top-post English
- topbar English
- topbill English
- topboot English
- topcloth English
- topcode English
- topcolor English
- topcolour English
- topdeck English
- topectomy English
- topflight English
- topfree English
- topfreedom English
- topful English
- topfull English
- topknot English
- topless English
- toplight English
- topline English
- toplist English
- toploading English
- toploftical English
- topmaker English
- topmaking English
- topman English
- topmast English
- topminnow English
- topmost English
- topneck English
- topness English
- topnotcher English
- toponium English
- topper English
- topping English
- topple English
- toppo English
- toppy English
- toprope English
- topsail English
- topsetting English
- topshell English
- topside English
- topsite English
- topsman English
- topsoil English
- topspace English
- topspin English
- topspun English
- topstitch English
- topstone English
- topwater English
- topweight English
- treetop English
- untoppable English
- unyellow English
- walltop English
- wavetop English
- whitetop English
- worktop English
- yeldrin English
- yellow English
- yellow bone English
- yellow-bellied English
- yellow-green English
- yellow-red English
- yellowback English
- yellowbelly English
- yellowberry English
- yellowbill English
- yellowbird English
- yellowcake English
- yellowcress English
- yellowen English
- yelloweye English
- yellowface English
- yellowfin English
- yellowfish English
- yellowhead English
- yellowhorn English
- yellowish English
- yellowjacket English
- yellowly English
- yellowmouth English
- yellowness English
- yellowroot English
- yellowseed English
- yellowshanks English
- yellowshins English
- yellowtail English
- yellowthroat English
- yellowware English
- yellowwood English
- yellowwort English
- yellowy English
- ziptop English
- toppi Finnish
- Top German
- top Italian
- top Dutch, Flemish
- top French
- top model French
- top Spanish, Castilian
- top model Spanish, Castilian
- top Portuguese
- イエロー Japanese
- トップ Japanese
- top Polish
- top Old English
- top Middle English
- yelwe, yelow, yelou Middle English
- iaļo Marshallese
- yelo Tok Pisin
- Topp Low German
- tapu Sranan Tongo
- yelo Bislama
- top
- atop
- toppo
- toppy
- betop
- yellow
- topbar
- topple
- boxtop
- topful
- pegtop
- ragtop
- bedtop
- pentop
- bartop
- outtop
- topman
- tiptop
- moptop
- redtop
- topper
- keytop
- ziptop
- cartop
- topsail
- antitop
- yeldrin
- dunetop
- topfree
- archtop
- dashtop
- looptop
- flattop
- moortop
- overtop
- topspun
- topsite
- out-top
- topspin
- hilltop
- topsman
- maintop
- topbill
- toplist
- topping
- foretop
- cooktop
- topknot
- raintop
- decktop
- treetop
- flowtop
- droptop
- walltop
- gyrotop
- topdeck
- rooftop
- desktop
- topline
- top-age
- wavetop
- shoetop
- hardtop
- topsoil
- topneck
- toprope
- topfull
- topmost
- yellowy
- worktop
- topboot
- topmast
- topless
- topness
- palmtop
- kneetop
- topside
- topcode
- hooktop
- jacktop
- topshell
- ridgetop
- topmaker
- clifftop
- topwater
- topcolor
- blufftop
- top-post
- cloudtop
- browntop
- whitetop
- stovetop
- benchtop
- topstone
- yellowly
- yellowen
- tabletop
- toplight
- topspace
- toponium
- screwtop
- top tube
- blacktop
- topcloth
- Bricktop
- housetop
- unyellow
- topweight
- topectomy
- topcolour
- cherrytop
- yelloweye
- pillowtop
- topstitch
- cottontop
- topminnow
- topflight
- yellowfin
- mizzentop
- yellowish
- bubbletop
- top light
- filtertop
- top-drain
- topmaking
- coppertop
- nonyellow
- topsetting
- yellowseed
- yellow-red
- carrot top
- yellowroot
- yellowware
- untoppable
- topnotcher
- yellowness
- yellowhorn
- beyellowed
- yellowwood
- yellowbill
- yellowback
- topfreedom
- yellowwort
- yellowtail
- yellowhead
- yellowfish
- top loader
- countertop
- yellowcake
- yellowbird
- yellowface
- toploading
- antiyellow
- yellowbelly
- yellowcress
- Yellowknife
- toploftical
- yellowshins
- infrayellow
- yellowberry
- yellowmouth
- Yellowstone
- yellow bone
- mountaintop
- yellowshanks
- yellowthroat
- yellowjacket
- yellow-green
- yellow-bellied
- top-dimensional
- full-course yellow