- (climbing) A rope, used for the climber's safety, which runs from a belayer at the foot of a route through one or more carabiners connected to an anchor system at the top of the route and back down to the climber, usually attaching to the climber by means of a harness.
Compound from English top + English rope.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Bricktop English
- antitop English
- archtop English
- atop English
- bartop English
- bedtop English
- benchtop English
- betop English
- blacktop English
- blufftop English
- boxtop English
- breastrope English
- browntop English
- bubbletop English
- carrot top English
- cartop English
- catch-rope English
- cherrytop English
- clifftop English
- cloudtop English
- cooktop English
- coppertop English
- cottontop English
- countertop English
- crack-rope English
- dashtop English
- decktop English
- desktop English
- droptop English
- dunetop English
- filtertop English
- flattop English
- flowtop English
- footrope English
- foretop English
- goat-rope English
- gyrotop English
- handrope English
- hardtop English
- headrope English
- hilltop English
- hobblerope English
- hooktop English
- housetop English
- jacktop English
- keytop English
- kneetop English
- looptop English
- maintop English
- manrope English
- mastrope English
- mizzentop English
- moortop English
- moptop English
- mountaintop English
- out-top English
- outtop English
- overtop English
- palmtop English
- pegtop English
- pentop English
- pillowtop English
- ragtop English
- raintop English
- redtop English
- ridgerope English
- ridgetop English
- rooftop English
- rope English
- rope dancer English
- rope-ripe English
- rope-worthy English
- ropeable English
- ropeband English
- ropedancing English
- ropefish English
- ropeless English
- ropelike English
- ropeloft English
- ropemaker English
- ropemaking English
- ropeman English
- ropemate English
- roper English
- ropery English
- ropesman English
- ropewalk English
- ropewalker English
- ropewalking English
- ropeway English
- ropework English
- ropeworker English
- ropish English
- screwtop English
- shoetop English
- stirrup English
- stovetop English
- tabletop English
- tightrope English
- tiptop English
- top English
- top light English
- top loader English
- top tube English
- top-age English
- top-dimensional English
- top-drain English
- top-post English
- topbar English
- topbill English
- topboot English
- topcloth English
- topcode English
- topcolor English
- topcolour English
- topdeck English
- topectomy English
- topflight English
- topfree English
- topfreedom English
- topful English
- topfull English
- topknot English
- topless English
- toplight English
- topline English
- toplist English
- toploading English
- toploftical English
- topmaker English
- topmaking English
- topman English
- topmast English
- topminnow English
- topmost English
- topneck English
- topness English
- topnotcher English
- toponium English
- topper English
- topping English
- topple English
- toppo English
- toppy English
- topsail English
- topsetting English
- topshell English
- topside English
- topsite English
- topsman English
- topsoil English
- topspace English
- topspin English
- topspun English
- topstitch English
- topstone English
- topwater English
- topweight English
- towrope English
- treetop English
- unrope English
- untoppable English
- wainrope English
- walltop English
- wavetop English
- whitetop English
- worktop English
- yellowtop English
- ziptop English
- toppi Finnish
- Top German
- top Italian
- top Dutch, Flemish
- top French
- top model French
- top Spanish, Castilian
- top model Spanish, Castilian
- top Portuguese
- トップ Japanese
- top Polish
- top Old English
- rope Middle English
- top Middle English
- rópa Irish
- ròpa Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
- rop Tok Pisin
- Topp Low German
- tapu Sranan Tongo
- lope Chinook Jargon
- top
- rope
- atop
- toppo
- roper
- toppy
- betop
- ropery
- topbar
- topple
- boxtop
- topful
- pegtop
- unrope
- ragtop
- bedtop
- pentop
- bartop
- outtop
- topman
- tiptop
- moptop
- redtop
- topper
- keytop
- ziptop
- cartop
- ropish
- topsail
- antitop
- dunetop
- topfree
- archtop
- dashtop
- ropeman
- looptop
- flattop
- moortop
- overtop
- topspun
- topsite
- out-top
- ropeway
- topspin
- hilltop
- topsman
- maintop
- topbill
- toplist
- topping
- foretop
- cooktop
- topknot
- raintop
- decktop
- treetop
- flowtop
- droptop
- walltop
- gyrotop
- topdeck
- rooftop
- desktop
- topline
- top-age
- wavetop
- shoetop
- hardtop
- topsoil
- topneck
- manrope
- towrope
- topfull
- topmost
- worktop
- topboot
- topmast
- topless
- topness
- palmtop
- stirrup
- kneetop
- topside
- topcode
- hooktop
- jacktop
- ropeband
- topshell
- wainrope
- ropeloft
- headrope
- ridgetop
- topmaker
- clifftop
- topwater
- ropesman
- topcolor
- ropewalk
- ropeless
- blufftop
- top-post
- cloudtop
- mastrope
- ropefish
- ropelike
- browntop
- whitetop
- stovetop
- ropeable
- benchtop
- topstone
- footrope
- tabletop
- toplight
- topspace
- ropemate
- handrope
- toponium
- screwtop
- top tube
- blacktop
- ropework
- topcloth
- Bricktop
- housetop
- topweight
- topcolour
- topectomy
- yellowtop
- cherrytop
- ropemaker
- pillowtop
- topstitch
- rope-ripe
- cottontop
- topminnow
- goat-rope
- topflight
- ridgerope
- mizzentop
- bubbletop
- tightrope
- top light
- filtertop
- top-drain
- topmaking
- coppertop
- topsetting
- carrot top
- hobblerope
- untoppable
- topnotcher
- ropeworker
- topfreedom
- ropewalker
- crack-rope
- top loader
- countertop
- toploading
- breastrope
- catch-rope
- ropemaking
- ropedancing
- rope dancer
- toploftical
- ropewalking
- rope-worthy
- mountaintop
- top-dimensional