- A paste, normally used with a toothbrush, for cleaning the teeth.
Compound from English tooth + English paste.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Bluetooth English
- bigtooth English
- bucktooth English
- cheek tooth English
- daggertooth English
- dogtooth English
- eyetooth English
- fangtooth English
- foretooth English
- gagtooth English
- houndstooth English
- impaste English
- intertooth English
- megatooth shark English
- milk-tooth English
- multitooth English
- pastable English
- paste English
- pasteable English
- pastebin English
- pasteboard English
- pastedown English
- pasteless English
- pastelike English
- paster English
- pastie English
- pastry English
- pasty English
- picktooth English
- prepaste English
- pseudotooth English
- puppytooth English
- retooth English
- sabertooth English
- sabretooth English
- sawtooth English
- snaggletooth English
- softpaste English
- stone-paste English
- stonepaste English
- tooth English
- tooth pad English
- toothache English
- toothake English
- toothbill English
- toothblack English
- toothbrush English
- toothbrusher English
- toothcare English
- toothcarp English
- toothdrawer English
- toothdrawing English
- toothed English
- toothfish English
- toothful English
- toothing English
- toothleaf English
- toothless English
- toothlet English
- toothlike English
- toothly English
- toothmark English
- toothmug English
- toothpasty English
- toothpick English
- toothpicker English
- toothplate English
- toothpuller English
- toothrow English
- toothsome English
- toothwash English
- toothwort English
- toothy English
- unpaste English
- untooth English
- wangtooth English
- wisdom tooth English
- pasta Latin
- Pasta German
- Zahn German
- Zahnpasta German
- pasta Dutch, Flemish
- tand Dutch, Flemish
- tandpasta Dutch, Flemish
- tothe Middle English
- pasta Danish
- tand Danish
- tandpasta Danish
- krem Icelandic
- tannkrem Icelandic
- टूथपेस्ट Hindi
- pasta Cebuano
- paste Middle French
- paste
- tooth
- pasty
- paster
- pastie
- toothy
- pastry
- retooth
- toothed
- unpaste
- impaste
- toothly
- untooth
- toothmug
- toothake
- toothful
- eyetooth
- toothrow
- toothing
- pastable
- sawtooth
- dogtooth
- prepaste
- bigtooth
- pastebin
- toothlet
- gagtooth
- toothmark
- fangtooth
- foretooth
- pasteable
- pasteless
- pastedown
- toothless
- toothpick
- toothleaf
- toothwash
- bucktooth
- Bluetooth
- toothbill
- toothcare
- tooth pad
- toothfish
- toothwort
- toothsome
- pastelike
- softpaste
- toothcarp
- toothlike
- picktooth
- toothache
- wangtooth
- puppytooth
- sabretooth
- stonepaste
- toothpasty
- milk-tooth
- intertooth
- multitooth
- toothplate
- sabertooth
- pasteboard
- toothbrush
- toothblack
- toothpicker
- cheek tooth
- stone-paste
- toothdrawer
- daggertooth
- toothpuller
- pseudotooth
- houndstooth
- wisdom tooth
- toothdrawing
- snaggletooth
- toothbrusher
- megatooth shark