- (sports) A short break in the action of a sport, for substitution, consultation, etc.
- A break from a tense, heated or stressful situation (often enforced, sometimes as a disciplinary measure); a cooling-off period.
- (communication) The intentional ending of an incomplete task after a time limit considered long enough for it to end normally.
Compound from English time + English out (surpassing, beyond, outward, away from).
surpassing, beyond, outward, away from
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Christmastime English
- Dreamtime English
- Eastertime English
- Maytime English
- Paschaltime English
- Timese English
- aforetime English
- aftertime English
- airtime English
- all-out English
- all-time English
- antitime English
- anytime English
- autumntime English
- backtime English
- bailout English
- bath time English
- beamtime English
- bear out English
- bedtime English
- beforetime English
- betime English
- betimes English
- between-time English
- bigtime English
- birthtime English
- blow out English
- boomtime English
- boxout English
- breaktime English
- brownout English
- brunchtime English
- buildout English
- but English
- bytime English
- callout English
- campout English
- carveout English
- cashout English
- changeout English
- childtime English
- chimpout English
- chowtime English
- classtime English
- coffeetime English
- cookout English
- counter-time English
- countertime English
- cut-out English
- datetime English
- dawntime English
- daytime English
- deadtime English
- deathtime English
- dinnertime English
- doubletime English
- downtime English
- drivetime English
- dropout English
- dusktime English
- dustout English
- earnout English
- eigentime English
- endtime English
- evetime English
- fadeout English
- fallout English
- fanout English
- flexitime English
- floortime English
- flowtime English
- flunkout English
- flyout English
- flytime English
- foldout English
- forceout English
- foretime English
- freakout English
- freezeout English
- full-time English
- geekout English
- greenout English
- handout English
- hangout English
- hangtime English
- haulout English
- hereout English
- hideout English
- holdout English
- hometime English
- hypertime English
- ice-out English
- icetime English
- jailtime English
- jumpout English
- kill-time English
- kludge out English
- lagtime English
- lay out English
- layout English
- laytime English
- lead-out English
- leavetime English
- lifetime English
- light out English
- loadout English
- lockout English
- longtime English
- lunch-time English
- lunchtime English
- mailout English
- mealtime English
- meantime English
- midtime English
- missout English
- mistime English
- moontime English
- moveout English
- naptime English
- nighttime English
- nontime English
- noon-time English
- noontime English
- oftentime English
- old timer English
- onetime English
- opt out English
- opt-out English
- out English
- outage English
- outback English
- outbounds English
- outbowed English
- outbreeder English
- outbuilding English
- outbye English
- outclearing English
- outcome English
- outcourt English
- outdated English
- outdiffuse English
- outfeed English
- outfit English
- outform English
- outgate English
- outgrade English
- outguard English
- outhole English
- outie English
- outlane English
- outlet English
- outline English
- outlink English
- outmost English
- outpart English
- output English
- outright English
- outseam English
- outsentry English
- outsettler English
- outside English
- outspan English
- outstable English
- outthink English
- outvoter English
- outward English
- outway English
- outwicking English
- outwith English
- outy English
- overtime English
- part-time English
- payout English
- pea-time English
- peacetime English
- peelout English
- pigout English
- pinout English
- pitchout English
- playout English
- playtime English
- polytime English
- popout English
- presstime English
- primetime English
- printout English
- pseudotime English
- punt-out English
- pushout English
- putout English
- ragtime English
- rainout English
- readout English
- realtime English
- redout English
- retime English
- risetime English
- rubout English
- run time English
- runout English
- scaleout English
- schooltime English
- screenout English
- seedtime English
- sellout English
- setout English
- shakeout English
- showtime English
- sickout English
- signout English
- sitout English
- sleepytime English
- slideout English
- smalltime English
- snacktime English
- snoozetime English
- snowout English
- snowtime English
- sometime English
- spacetime English
- speakout English
- spellout English
- spinout English
- splashout English
- springtime English
- stakeout English
- storytime English
- sugartime English
- summertime English
- suppertime English
- swingout English
- switchout English
- teatime English
- thereout English
- thought-out English
- throughout English
- throw out English
- tie-out English
- time English
- time frame English
- time-barred English
- time-lapse English
- time-use English
- time-waste English
- timeable English
- timeband English
- timebank English
- timebase English
- timebook English
- timebound English
- timebox English
- timecard English
- timecode English
- timecourse English
- timeful English
- timekeep English
- timekeeper English
- timekeeping English
- timeless English
- timelike English
- timeline English
- timeling English
- timelord English
- timelore English
- timely English
- timeout English
- timepiece English
- timepleaser English
- timepoint English
- timeproof English
- timequake English
- timer English
- timesaver English
- timescale English
- timescaling English
- timescape English
- timeserver English
- timeshare English
- timesheet English
- timeshift English
- timeship English
- timeskip English
- timeslip English
- timeslot English
- timesome English
- timespan English
- timestamp English
- timestep English
- timestepping English
- timesteps English
- timestream English
- timesuck English
- timetable English
- timeward English
- timewasting English
- timewave English
- timeweighted English
- timewise English
- timework English
- timeworker English
- timeworn English
- timeworthy English
- timezone English
- timist English
- toforetime English
- traveltime English
- turn out English
- turnout English
- undertime English
- untime English
- utmost English
- waketime English
- walkout English
- wartime English
- wash out English
- wearout English
- whereout English
- whiteout English
- whole-time English
- wholetime English
- whore out English
- wideout English
- wintertime English
- without English
- workout English
- worktime English
- yeartime English
- yestertime English
- youthtime English
- zonetime English
- Outing German
- out German
- timen German
- тайм Russian
- アウト Japanese
- タイム Japanese
- aut Polish
- out Middle English
- tyme Middle English
- aut Serbo-Croatian
- आउट Hindi
- टाइम Hindi
- taym Cebuano
- out Chinese
- 아웃 Korean
- tim Volapük
- taim Tok Pisin
- ten Sranan Tongo
- out
- but
- time
- outy
- outie
- timer
- redout
- setout
- outage
- untime
- flyout
- payout
- outbye
- pigout
- runout
- Timese
- timist
- retime
- putout
- popout
- fanout
- boxout
- betime
- utmost
- bytime
- outfit
- rubout
- pinout
- timely
- outlet
- outway
- layout
- sitout
- output
- sickout
- evetime
- cookout
- icetime
- hereout
- campout
- lay out
- mailout
- outside
- spinout
- Maytime
- hangout
- bailout
- dustout
- all-out
- anytime
- geekout
- turnout
- bedtime
- airtime
- readout
- flytime
- teatime
- onetime
- ice-out
- midtime
- signout
- ragtime
- walkout
- earnout
- rainout
- wartime
- outseam
- fadeout
- daytime
- cut-out
- timeful
- outcome
- loadout
- endtime
- outline
- outback
- hideout
- outpart
- betimes
- playout
- nontime
- wideout
- tie-out
- mistime
- naptime
- opt-out
- outspan
- laytime
- callout
- outform
- sellout
- wearout
- lockout
- outward
- timeout
- dropout
- jumpout
- workout
- holdout
- handout
- outlane
- outhole
- outgate
- cashout
- peelout
- moveout
- haulout
- opt out
- bigtime
- missout
- fallout
- outlink
- lagtime
- timebox
- pushout
- outfeed
- foldout
- outwith
- without
- outmost
- snowout
- timebook
- risetime
- wash out
- outright
- sometime
- whiteout
- flunkout
- timeworn
- timesuck
- showtime
- stakeout
- brownout
- thereout
- printout
- moontime
- timecard
- hometime
- timespan
- boomtime
- timewise
- deadtime
- timeslot
- timecode
- pea-time
- timeless
- timezone
- datetime
- noontime
- hangtime
- timeable
- timeband
- yeartime
- worktime
- pitchout
- buildout
- timeward
- foretime
- realtime
- carveout
- antitime
- outguard
- timebank
- outvoter
- timelord
- timesome
- outgrade
- outbowed
- timeship
- swingout
- blow out
- freakout
- timeline
- flowtime
- mealtime
- overtime
- meantime
- snowtime
- timelike
- jailtime
- longtime
- slideout
- dusktime
- timeslip
- outdated
- timelore
- backtime
- polytime
- seedtime
- timekeep
- playtime
- lifetime
- speakout
- lead-out
- timeling
- turn out
- outthink
- dawntime
- spellout
- run time
- all-time
- shakeout
- forceout
- greenout
- waketime
- zonetime
- timework
- timeskip
- chimpout
- whereout
- bear out
- time-use
- punt-out
- timewave
- timestep
- scaleout
- beamtime
- chowtime
- timebase
- outcourt
- downtime
- whore out
- freezeout
- undertime
- timeshare
- drivetime
- timescape
- timeproof
- timeshift
- bath time
- timesaver
- timetable
- nighttime
- timequake
- snacktime
- Dreamtime
- presstime
- outbounds
- smalltime
- birthtime
- aftertime
- part-time
- old timer
- leavetime
- childtime
- full-time
- wholetime
- kill-time
- outstable
- storytime
- timestamp
- timepoint
- splashout
- throw out
- timesteps
- primetime
- oftentime
- screenout
- breaktime
- lunchtime
- timebound
- outsentry
- timescale
- timesheet
- timepiece
- changeout
- sugartime
- classtime
- peacetime
- light out
- noon-time
- eigentime
- deathtime
- spacetime
- floortime
- hypertime
- youthtime
- switchout
- aforetime
- flexitime
- timeworthy
- timeworker
- coffeetime
- doubletime
- time-lapse
- outsettler
- dinnertime
- snoozetime
- sleepytime
- pseudotime
- kludge out
- brunchtime
- toforetime
- springtime
- outdiffuse
- timekeeper
- traveltime
- lunch-time
- outbreeder
- Eastertime
- time-waste
- wintertime
- throughout
- timestream
- time frame
- timeserver
- schooltime
- autumntime
- outwicking
- yestertime
- beforetime
- summertime
- timecourse
- whole-time
- suppertime
- outclearing
- Paschaltime
- time-barred
- timepleaser
- timekeeping
- countertime
- outbuilding
- timescaling
- timewasting
- thought-out
- timestepping
- timeweighted
- between-time
- counter-time
- Christmastime