- (Antarctica) The sensation caused by seeing plants again after a period in Antarctica.
- (slang) A temporary loss of consciousness due to inhalation of marijuana.
Compound from English green + English out (surpassing, beyond, outward, away from).
surpassing, beyond, outward, away from
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Green Zone English
- Greenacre English
- Greencastle English
- Greencloth English
- Greenfield English
- Greenist English
- Greenland English
- Greenpeace English
- Greenville English
- all-out English
- antigreen English
- ayegreen English
- bailout English
- bear out English
- blackout English
- blow out English
- blue-green English
- boxout English
- brownout English
- buildout English
- but English
- callout English
- campout English
- carveout English
- cashout English
- changeout English
- chimpout English
- cliffgreen English
- cookout English
- cut-out English
- dropout English
- dustout English
- earnout English
- engreen English
- evergreen English
- fadeout English
- fallout English
- fanout English
- flunkout English
- flyout English
- foldout English
- forceout English
- freakout English
- freezeout English
- geekout English
- grass-green English
- green English
- green mamba English
- green-eyed monster English
- green-white-checkered English
- greenable English
- greenage English
- greenback English
- greenbone English
- greenbottle English
- greenbrier English
- greenbroke English
- greenbug English
- greenchop English
- greencrop English
- greenery English
- greeneye English
- greenfaced English
- greenfeed English
- greenfield English
- greenfinch English
- greenfish English
- greenfly English
- greenfodder English
- greengage English
- greengill English
- greengrocer English
- greenhead English
- greenheart English
- greenhood English
- greenhouse English
- greenie English
- greenify English
- greenish English
- greenism English
- greenkeeper English
- greenkeeping English
- greenlet English
- greenline English
- greenling English
- greenly English
- greenmarket English
- greenness English
- greens English
- greensand English
- greenscamming English
- greenscape English
- greenschist English
- greenscreen English
- greenshank English
- greenshirt English
- greenshoe English
- greensick English
- greenside English
- greenskin English
- greensman English
- greenspace English
- greenspeak English
- greensperson English
- greenstone English
- greenstuff English
- greensward English
- greentech English
- greenth English
- greenward English
- greenware English
- greenway English
- greenweed English
- greenwing English
- greenwood English
- greeny English
- handout English
- hangout English
- haulout English
- hereout English
- hideout English
- holdout English
- hypergreen English
- ice-out English
- jumpout English
- khaki green English
- kludge out English
- lay out English
- layout English
- lead-out English
- light out English
- loadout English
- lockout English
- mailout English
- microgreen English
- missout English
- monogreen English
- moveout English
- multi-green English
- multigreen English
- nongreen English
- opt out English
- opt-out English
- out English
- outage English
- outback English
- outbounds English
- outbowed English
- outbreeder English
- outbuilding English
- outbye English
- outclearing English
- outcome English
- outcourt English
- outdated English
- outdiffuse English
- outfeed English
- outfit English
- outform English
- outgate English
- outgrade English
- outgreen English
- outguard English
- outhole English
- outie English
- outlane English
- outlet English
- outline English
- outlink English
- outmost English
- outpart English
- output English
- outright English
- outseam English
- outsentry English
- outsettler English
- outside English
- outspan English
- outstable English
- outthink English
- outvoter English
- outward English
- outway English
- outwicking English
- outwith English
- outy English
- payout English
- peelout English
- pigout English
- pinout English
- pitchout English
- playout English
- popout English
- printout English
- punt-out English
- pushout English
- putout English
- rainout English
- readout English
- red-green English
- redout English
- regreen English
- retrogreen English
- rubout English
- runout English
- scaleout English
- screenout English
- sellout English
- sempergreen English
- setout English
- shakeout English
- sickout English
- signout English
- sitout English
- slideout English
- snowout English
- speakout English
- spellout English
- spinout English
- splashout English
- stakeout English
- swingout English
- switchout English
- thereout English
- thought-out English
- throughout English
- throw out English
- tie-out English
- time-out English
- timeout English
- turn out English
- turnout English
- ultragreen English
- ungreen English
- utmost English
- walkout English
- wash out English
- wearout English
- whereout English
- whiteout English
- whore out English
- wideout English
- wintergreen English
- without English
- workout English
- yellow-green English
- griini Finnish
- Outing German
- out German
- блэкаут Russian
- blecaute Portuguese
- アウト Japanese
- aut Polish
- grene Middle English
- out Middle English
- green Danish
- green Czech
- aut Serbo-Croatian
- आउट Hindi
- out Chinese
- 아웃 Korean
- kūriin Marshallese
- grünikön Volapük
- grünön Volapük
- grünükön Volapük
- grin Tok Pisin
- grinpela Tok Pisin
- grin Bislama
- out
- but
- outy
- outie
- green
- redout
- setout
- outage
- greens
- flyout
- payout
- outbye
- pigout
- runout
- putout
- popout
- fanout
- boxout
- utmost
- outfit
- rubout
- greeny
- pinout
- outlet
- outway
- layout
- sitout
- output
- sickout
- cookout
- hereout
- campout
- lay out
- mailout
- outside
- spinout
- hangout
- bailout
- dustout
- all-out
- geekout
- turnout
- regreen
- readout
- ice-out
- signout
- walkout
- earnout
- rainout
- outseam
- fadeout
- greenly
- cut-out
- greenth
- outcome
- loadout
- outline
- outback
- hideout
- outpart
- ungreen
- engreen
- playout
- wideout
- tie-out
- opt-out
- outspan
- callout
- greenie
- outform
- sellout
- wearout
- lockout
- outward
- timeout
- dropout
- jumpout
- workout
- holdout
- handout
- outlane
- outhole
- outgate
- cashout
- peelout
- moveout
- haulout
- opt out
- missout
- fallout
- outlink
- pushout
- outfeed
- foldout
- outwith
- without
- outmost
- snowout
- blackout
- wash out
- outright
- time-out
- whiteout
- nongreen
- flunkout
- stakeout
- brownout
- Greenist
- thereout
- printout
- greenify
- greenism
- greenbug
- greenery
- greeneye
- ayegreen
- outgreen
- pitchout
- buildout
- greenage
- carveout
- outguard
- outvoter
- outgrade
- outbowed
- swingout
- blow out
- freakout
- slideout
- outdated
- speakout
- lead-out
- turn out
- greenfly
- outthink
- greenway
- spellout
- greenlet
- shakeout
- forceout
- greenish
- chimpout
- whereout
- bear out
- punt-out
- scaleout
- outcourt
- whore out
- Greenacre
- greengage
- freezeout
- greenhood
- greenskin
- greencrop
- greenwood
- greensand
- greenweed
- greenline
- greenness
- greenchop
- greenside
- outbounds
- greenbone
- greensick
- monogreen
- greenward
- outstable
- evergreen
- greengill
- splashout
- throw out
- greenback
- antigreen
- greenwing
- greensman
- greenfeed
- greenshoe
- screenout
- red-green
- outsentry
- greentech
- greenware
- greenable
- changeout
- greenhead
- Greenland
- greenling
- light out
- greenfish
- switchout
- greenshank
- greenfinch
- outsettler
- greenstuff
- greenheart
- multigreen
- greenspeak
- greenshirt
- greensward
- kludge out
- Greenfield
- blue-green
- outdiffuse
- greenbrier
- hypergreen
- ultragreen
- outbreeder
- microgreen
- greenfield
- Greenpeace
- retrogreen
- throughout
- greenscape
- greenspace
- cliffgreen
- greenhouse
- greenfaced
- outwicking
- greenbroke
- Greenville
- greenstone
- Green Zone
- Greencloth
- greenbottle
- khaki green
- grass-green
- wintergreen
- outclearing
- greenscreen
- green mamba
- multi-green
- greenkeeper
- greenfodder
- greenschist
- Greencastle
- sempergreen
- outbuilding
- greenmarket
- thought-out
- greengrocer
- greensperson
- greenkeeping
- yellow-green
- greenscamming
- green-eyed monster
- green-white-checkered