- A pad of paper for preliminary notes or sketches or writings, etc.
- (computing) A piece of temporary memory to hold details of a current conversation, usually scratchpad memory.
Compound from English scratch + English pad (toad, frog toad).
toad, frog toad
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- backscratch English
- bescratch English
- catscratch English
- chestpad English
- datapad English
- earpad English
- footpad English
- fuckpad English
- gamepad English
- gunpad English
- hardpad English
- helipad English
- highpad English
- iPad English
- joypad English
- keypad English
- microscratch English
- mousepad English
- nanoscratch English
- notepad English
- overpad English
- pad English
- pad saw English
- paddability English
- paddable English
- padder English
- padless English
- padlike English
- padnag English
- padstone English
- padstool English
- pawpad English
- pushpad English
- repad English
- scorepad English
- scratch English
- scratch by English
- scratch print English
- scratch-proof English
- scratchability English
- scratchable English
- scratchback English
- scratchband English
- scratchboard English
- scratchbrush English
- scratcher English
- scratches English
- scratchest English
- scratcheth English
- scratchgrass English
- scratchie English
- scratchless English
- scratchlike English
- scratchmark English
- scratchplate English
- scratchproof English
- scratchsome English
- scratchweed English
- scratchwork English
- scratchy English
- shellpad English
- skidpad English
- taskpad English
- telepad English
- thumbpad English
- toepad English
- tonepad English
- tooth pad English
- touchpad English
- trackpad English
- underpad English
- wingpad English
- wristpad English
- skrätsätä Finnish
- scratch Italian
- scratch French
- scratch Spanish, Castilian
- パッド Japanese
- scracchen Middle English
- eskrats Cebuano
- 拍紙簿 Chinese
- pad West Flemish
- pad
- iPad
- repad
- toepad
- pawpad
- padder
- keypad
- joypad
- padnag
- gunpad
- earpad
- skidpad
- datapad
- notepad
- fuckpad
- pushpad
- highpad
- padlike
- wingpad
- scratch
- padless
- gamepad
- helipad
- pad saw
- footpad
- telepad
- hardpad
- overpad
- tonepad
- taskpad
- mousepad
- paddable
- touchpad
- padstone
- underpad
- padstool
- trackpad
- scorepad
- scratchy
- wristpad
- shellpad
- chestpad
- thumbpad
- scratcher
- tooth pad
- bescratch
- scratchie
- scratches
- scratch by
- scratcheth
- scratchest
- catscratch
- scratchband
- scratchweed
- scratchmark
- scratchable
- scratchwork
- scratchlike
- scratchsome
- scratchless
- paddability
- scratchback
- nanoscratch
- backscratch
- scratchgrass
- scratchbrush
- microscratch
- scratchboard
- scratchproof
- scratchplate
- scratch-proof
- scratch print
- scratchability