- (organic compound) The explosive nitro compound CH(NO, analogous to chloroform; trinitromethane
Affix from English form (having the form of).
having the form of
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- alloform English
- antiform English
- apoform English
- beamform English
- bedform English
- bioform English
- byform English
- cloudform English
- crudeform English
- cytoform English
- disform English
- e-form English
- eigenform English
- fireform English
- foreform English
- form English
- form feed English
- formability English
- formable English
- formboard English
- formbook English
- formest English
- formeth English
- formfilling English
- formfitting English
- formful English
- formless English
- formlike English
- formstone English
- formwork English
- geoform English
- glycoform English
- inform English
- interform English
- isoform English
- landform English
- letterform English
- lifeform English
- megaform English
- metalloform English
- microform English
- misform English
- morphoform English
- multiform English
- nanoform English
- newform English
- outform English
- phosphoform English
- planform English
- polyform English
- postform English
- preform English
- pro-form English
- protoform English
- rollform English
- shortform English
- sialoform English
- sideform English
- slipform English
- springform English
- subform English
- synform English
- thermoform English
- thoughtform English
- unform English
- urform English
- verbform English
- waveform English
- webform English
- wireform English
- wordform English
- forme French
- フォーム Japanese
- forme Middle English
- formo Esperanto
- ฟอร์ม Thai
- fomu Swahili
- ifomu Xhosa
- form
- inform
- unform
- urform
- e-form
- byform
- bedform
- formful
- outform
- synform
- preform
- disform
- newform
- misform
- formest
- bioform
- webform
- apoform
- isoform
- subform
- geoform
- formeth
- formable
- landform
- slipform
- antiform
- polyform
- planform
- sideform
- rollform
- lifeform
- verbform
- wireform
- formless
- waveform
- pro-form
- fireform
- beamform
- wordform
- megaform
- formbook
- foreform
- formlike
- formwork
- nanoform
- postform
- alloform
- cytoform
- formboard
- glycoform
- sialoform
- shortform
- formstone
- interform
- eigenform
- protoform
- multiform
- microform
- crudeform
- form feed
- cloudform
- morphoform
- springform
- thermoform
- letterform
- formability
- phosphoform
- metalloform
- formfilling
- thoughtform
- formfitting