- Hide of a horse.
- (baseball) A baseball.
Compound from English horse + English hide (skin, unit of land used for tax assessment, animal skin, measure of land).
skin, unit of land used for tax assessment, animal skin, measure of land
Semantic Field
Food and drink
Ontological Category
皮, 膚, 肌
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Finnhorse English
- Horsegate English
- Whitehorse English
- ahorse English
- antihorse English
- autohide English
- behorsed English
- boarhide English
- boathorse English
- calfhide English
- carthorse English
- clotheshorse English
- coachhorse English
- cowhide English
- darkhorse English
- dishorse English
- draft horse English
- dragonhide English
- forehorse English
- hidage English
- hidate English
- hidation English
- hiddle English
- hide English
- hide-all English
- hideable English
- hideaway English
- hidebehind English
- hidebound English
- hided English
- hidegild English
- hideless English
- hidelings English
- hideman English
- hideout English
- hider English
- hidest English
- hidness English
- hidy English
- horse English
- horse pucky English
- horse tornado English
- horse-comb English
- horse-leech English
- horseable English
- horseapple English
- horseback English
- horseball English
- horsebalm English
- horseboat English
- horsebound English
- horsebox English
- horsebreaker English
- horsebreaking English
- horsebreeder English
- horsebrush English
- horseburger English
- horsecar English
- horsecart English
- horsecloth English
- horsecock English
- horsecollar English
- horsecrap English
- horsed English
- horsedealer English
- horsedick English
- horsedung English
- horseface English
- horsefeathers English
- horsefish English
- horseflesh English
- horsefly English
- horsefoot English
- horsefucker English
- horsehair English
- horsehead English
- horseheal English
- horseherd English
- horsehood English
- horsehoof English
- horsekeeper English
- horsekind English
- horseknop English
- horselaugh English
- horselaughter English
- horseless English
- horselike English
- horseling English
- horseload English
- horselore English
- horsely English
- horseman English
- horsemeat English
- horsemilk English
- horsemint English
- horsen English
- horsenail English
- horseness English
- horsenettle English
- horseperson English
- horseplay English
- horseplayer English
- horsepond English
- horsepower English
- horsepox English
- horseproof English
- horserake English
- horserider English
- horseriding English
- horseshit English
- horseshoe English
- horseshoer English
- horsesit English
- horseskin English
- horsetail English
- horsethief English
- horsetrade English
- horsetrader English
- horsetrading English
- horseway English
- horsewear English
- horseweed English
- horsewheel English
- horsewhip English
- horsewoman English
- horsewood English
- horseworm English
- horsey English
- horsie English
- horsy English
- huddle English
- light horse English
- merhorse English
- moosehide English
- multihorse English
- nonhorse English
- oxhide English
- packhorse English
- ploughhorse English
- plowhorse English
- posthorse English
- prehorse English
- racehorse English
- rawhide English
- redhorse English
- rehide English
- sawhorse English
- sea horse English
- showhorse English
- superhorse English
- unhide English
- unhorse English
- warhorse English
- waterhorse English
- werehorse English
- wheelhorse English
- workhorse English
- yardhorse English
- hiden Middle English
- horse Middle English
- hors Serbo-Croatian
- o̧o̧j Marshallese
- o̧waj Marshallese
- hait Tok Pisin
- hos Tok Pisin
- hōiho Maori
- asi Sranan Tongo
- hoi Rapa Nui
- hooc Kumak
- hoosi Bwatoo
- hoos Drehu
- hide
- hidy
- horse
- hided
- hider
- horsy
- rehide
- hiddle
- hidage
- hidate
- unhide
- huddle
- oxhide
- horsey
- ahorse
- horsed
- hidest
- horsen
- horsie
- unhorse
- cowhide
- hideman
- hidness
- rawhide
- horsely
- hideout
- hideaway
- warhorse
- horsebox
- hidation
- horsesit
- calfhide
- redhorse
- hideless
- horsecar
- horseman
- hidegild
- behorsed
- prehorse
- boarhide
- autohide
- nonhorse
- horsefly
- horseway
- merhorse
- horsepox
- sawhorse
- dishorse
- hide-all
- hideable
- boathorse
- horseshoe
- plowhorse
- horsecock
- Horsegate
- horsewear
- horserake
- horseboat
- horsetail
- horselore
- horsemilk
- horselike
- horseskin
- darkhorse
- horsehoof
- horsecart
- horseworm
- horsefoot
- horsehead
- werehorse
- yardhorse
- workhorse
- Finnhorse
- posthorse
- horseness
- horseball
- antihorse
- carthorse
- hidebound
- hidelings
- racehorse
- horsedick
- horseknop
- horsemint
- moosehide
- horsepond
- horsehood
- horsefish
- horsekind
- horsebalm
- packhorse
- horsecrap
- horsehair
- horseload
- horsenail
- horsedung
- horseplay
- horsemeat
- horseback
- sea horse
- horseweed
- showhorse
- horseface
- forehorse
- horseherd
- horsewhip
- horseless
- horseling
- horseable
- horsewood
- horseshit
- horseheal
- wheelhorse
- horse-comb
- horsetrade
- horselaugh
- Whitehorse
- horsebound
- horsepower
- horsecloth
- horseflesh
- horseapple
- horsebrush
- superhorse
- multihorse
- hidebehind
- horserider
- horsewheel
- horseshoer
- horsewoman
- waterhorse
- coachhorse
- horsethief
- horseproof
- dragonhide
- light horse
- horseperson
- horsefucker
- ploughhorse
- horse pucky
- horseplayer
- horseburger
- horsedealer
- horsekeeper
- horse-leech
- horsetrader
- horsenettle
- horseriding
- horsecollar
- draft horse
- horsebreeder
- horsebreaker
- clotheshorse
- horsetrading
- horse tornado
- horsebreaking
- horselaughter
- horsefeathers