proper noun
- (capital city in Yukon).
Compound from English white (a white-skinned person, bright and colorless) + English horse.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Eurowhite English
- Finnhorse English
- Horsegate English
- White Crown English
- White Day English
- White Sox English
- Whiteacre English
- Whiteboy English
- Whitehead English
- Whitsun English
- Witter English
- acetowhite English
- ahorse English
- antihorse English
- antiwhite English
- behorsed English
- boathorse English
- carthorse English
- clotheshorse English
- coachhorse English
- darkhorse English
- dishorse English
- draft horse English
- forehorse English
- green-white-checkered English
- horse English
- horse pucky English
- horse tornado English
- horse-comb English
- horse-leech English
- horseable English
- horseapple English
- horseback English
- horseball English
- horsebalm English
- horseboat English
- horsebound English
- horsebox English
- horsebreaker English
- horsebreaking English
- horsebreeder English
- horsebrush English
- horseburger English
- horsecar English
- horsecart English
- horsecloth English
- horsecock English
- horsecollar English
- horsecrap English
- horsed English
- horsedealer English
- horsedick English
- horsedung English
- horseface English
- horsefeathers English
- horsefish English
- horseflesh English
- horsefly English
- horsefoot English
- horsefucker English
- horsehair English
- horsehead English
- horseheal English
- horseherd English
- horsehide English
- horsehood English
- horsehoof English
- horsekeeper English
- horsekind English
- horseknop English
- horselaugh English
- horselaughter English
- horseless English
- horselike English
- horseling English
- horseload English
- horselore English
- horsely English
- horseman English
- horsemeat English
- horsemilk English
- horsemint English
- horsen English
- horsenail English
- horseness English
- horsenettle English
- horseperson English
- horseplay English
- horseplayer English
- horsepond English
- horsepower English
- horsepox English
- horseproof English
- horserake English
- horserider English
- horseriding English
- horseshit English
- horseshoe English
- horseshoer English
- horsesit English
- horseskin English
- horsetail English
- horsethief English
- horsetrade English
- horsetrader English
- horsetrading English
- horseway English
- horsewear English
- horseweed English
- horsewheel English
- horsewhip English
- horsewoman English
- horsewood English
- horseworm English
- horsey English
- horsie English
- horsy English
- hyperwhite English
- interwhite English
- intrawhite English
- light horse English
- lily-white English
- merhorse English
- monowhite English
- multihorse English
- non-white English
- nonhorse English
- nonwhite English
- packhorse English
- paperwhite English
- ploughhorse English
- plowhorse English
- posthorse English
- prehorse English
- pro-white English
- prowhite English
- racehorse English
- redhorse English
- sawhorse English
- sea horse English
- showhorse English
- snow-white English
- superhorse English
- superwhite English
- tighty whities English
- unhorse English
- unwhite English
- warhorse English
- waterhorse English
- werehorse English
- wheatear English
- wheelhorse English
- white English
- white truffle English
- white-crowned plover English
- white-eye English
- white-haired English
- white-handed English
- white-rumped hawk English
- white-shirt English
- white-tailed hawk English
- white-throated hawk English
- whiteass English
- whiteback English
- whitebait English
- whitebark English
- whitebeam English
- whitebeard English
- whitebelly English
- whitebill English
- whiteboard English
- whiteboy English
- whitecap English
- whitecapped English
- whitecapper English
- whitecoat English
- whitedamp English
- whiteface English
- whitefella English
- whitefeller English
- whitefellow English
- whitefin English
- whitefish English
- whitefly English
- whitefront English
- whitegirl English
- whitehaired English
- whitehead English
- whitehood English
- whiteist English
- whiteless English
- whitelike English
- whitelime English
- whitelip English
- whitelist English
- whitely English
- whitemail English
- whiten English
- whiteness English
- whiteout English
- whitephobia English
- whitepot English
- whitepox English
- whiteprint English
- whiteprinting English
- whiterump English
- whiteschist English
- whiteside English
- whitesmith English
- whitesplain English
- whitesploitation English
- whitestart English
- whitester English
- whitestone English
- whitetail English
- whitethorn English
- whitethroat English
- whitetip English
- whitetop English
- whitewall English
- whiteware English
- whitewash English
- whitewax English
- whiteweed English
- whitewing English
- whitewood English
- whitework English
- whiteworm English
- whitewort English
- whitey English
- whitify English
- whiting English
- whitish English
- whitism English
- whitist English
- whitleather English
- whitling English
- whitret English
- whity English
- workhorse English
- yardhorse English
- ホワイト Japanese
- horse Middle English
- whit Middle English
- hors Serbo-Croatian
- o̧o̧j Marshallese
- o̧waj Marshallese
- hos Tok Pisin
- wait Tok Pisin
- hōiho Maori
- asi Sranan Tongo
- hoi Rapa Nui
- waet Bislama
- hooc Kumak
- hoosi Bwatoo
- hoos Drehu
- horse
- white
- whity
- horsy
- horsey
- ahorse
- whiten
- horsed
- horsen
- whitey
- horsie
- Witter
- Whitsun
- unwhite
- unhorse
- whitish
- whitely
- whitify
- whitret
- whitist
- horsely
- whitism
- whiting
- whitewax
- wheatear
- whiteout
- whiteist
- prowhite
- whitepot
- whitefin
- whitetip
- warhorse
- whiteass
- horsebox
- horsesit
- redhorse
- horsecar
- horseman
- whitling
- whitepox
- behorsed
- prehorse
- whiteboy
- whitelip
- nonhorse
- horsefly
- whitefly
- horseway
- Whiteboy
- whitecap
- merhorse
- horsepox
- sawhorse
- whitetop
- dishorse
- nonwhite
- boathorse
- whiterump
- horseshoe
- plowhorse
- Whitehead
- horsecock
- Horsegate
- horsewear
- whiteweed
- horserake
- whiteware
- horseboat
- horsetail
- whiteface
- whitehood
- horselore
- whitelike
- horsemilk
- horselike
- whitehead
- whitedamp
- Whiteacre
- horseskin
- darkhorse
- whitewash
- horsehoof
- horsecart
- whitecoat
- horseworm
- whitelime
- horsefoot
- horsehead
- whitebait
- werehorse
- yardhorse
- whitelist
- workhorse
- whitester
- Finnhorse
- posthorse
- pro-white
- whitewort
- whiteworm
- horseness
- whitework
- horseball
- antihorse
- whitebeam
- carthorse
- antiwhite
- racehorse
- white-eye
- whitegirl
- horsedick
- whiteless
- whitefish
- whitebark
- horseknop
- horsemint
- whiteback
- horsepond
- horsehood
- horsefish
- horsekind
- horsebalm
- packhorse
- horsecrap
- horsehair
- whitetail
- horseload
- horsedung
- whitebill
- horsenail
- whitewing
- horseplay
- horsemeat
- horseback
- sea horse
- horseweed
- showhorse
- whiteside
- White Day
- horsehide
- horseface
- forehorse
- non-white
- White Sox
- horseherd
- whitewall
- horsewhip
- whitewood
- Eurowhite
- monowhite
- whiteness
- horseless
- horseling
- horseable
- horsewood
- horseshit
- whitemail
- horseheal
- wheelhorse
- horse-comb
- whitestone
- interwhite
- horsetrade
- horselaugh
- paperwhite
- whiteprint
- whitebeard
- horsebound
- lily-white
- superwhite
- horsepower
- horsecloth
- horseflesh
- horseapple
- whitebelly
- horsebrush
- superhorse
- whitefront
- multihorse
- horserider
- horsewheel
- acetowhite
- horseshoer
- hyperwhite
- horsewoman
- whitethorn
- waterhorse
- coachhorse
- whitefella
- snow-white
- horsethief
- whitestart
- whiteboard
- horseproof
- intrawhite
- whitesmith
- light horse
- horseperson
- horsefucker
- whiteschist
- whitecapper
- whitleather
- ploughhorse
- horse pucky
- horseplayer
- horseburger
- horsedealer
- horsekeeper
- whitephobia
- whitefellow
- whitethroat
- horse-leech
- horsetrader
- whitesplain
- horsenettle
- whitefeller
- White Crown
- horseriding
- white-shirt
- whitecapped
- horsecollar
- whitehaired
- draft horse
- horsebreeder
- white-handed
- horsebreaker
- clotheshorse
- white-haired
- horsetrading
- horse tornado
- whiteprinting
- horsebreaking
- horselaughter
- white truffle
- horsefeathers
- tighty whities
- whitesploitation
- white-rumped hawk
- white-tailed hawk
- white-throated hawk
- white-crowned plover
- green-white-checkered