- A small barn for keeping cows.
Compound from English cow + English shed.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Coward English
- Cowtown English
- anticow English
- bikeshed English
- bloodshed English
- cartshed English
- cattleshed English
- coalshed English
- cow English
- cow stall English
- cow weed English
- cow-eyed English
- cow-wheat English
- cowbane English
- cowbell English
- cowberry English
- cowbird English
- cowboy English
- cowcatcher English
- cowdom English
- cowdung English
- cowfinch English
- cowfish English
- cowflesh English
- cowfoot English
- cowfucker English
- cowgal English
- cowgirl English
- cowhand English
- cowhearted English
- cowheel English
- cowherb English
- cowherd English
- cowherder English
- cowhide English
- cowhouse English
- cowkeeper English
- cowleech English
- cowless English
- cowlet English
- cowlick English
- cowlike English
- cowling English
- cowlot English
- cowman English
- cowmilk English
- cowness English
- cownose English
- cowpat English
- cowpath English
- cowpea English
- cowperson English
- cowpie English
- cowplop English
- cowpock English
- cowpoke English
- cowpony English
- cowpool English
- cowpooling English
- cowpox English
- cowpuncher English
- cowpunching English
- cowpunk English
- cowquake English
- cowsense English
- cowshit English
- cowskin English
- cowstall English
- cowstealer English
- cowtail English
- cowtown English
- cowy English
- cowyard English
- cultureshed English
- deshedding English
- dogcow English
- driveshed English
- foodshed English
- gunshed English
- hayshed English
- killcow English
- kye English
- lolcow English
- megashed English
- mercow English
- milkshed English
- noncow English
- playshed English
- serviceshed English
- shed English
- sheddable English
- sheddase English
- shedder English
- sheddest English
- sheddeth English
- shedful English
- shedhand English
- shedista English
- shedless English
- shedlike English
- shedload English
- shedmaster English
- shedrow English
- shedworker English
- shedworking English
- snow shed English
- supercow English
- toolshed English
- tramshed English
- uncowable English
- unshed English
- watershed English
- werecow English
- woodshed English
- woolshed English
- workshed English
- worricow English
- cou Middle English
- sheden Middle English
- sièd Welsh
- seada Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
- kau Marshallese
- kau Tok Pisin
- kaw Sranan Tongo
- kou Chuukese
- kye
- cow
- cowy
- shed
- cowboy
- cowpie
- cowlet
- mercow
- cowpat
- cowman
- cowgal
- cowpea
- dogcow
- cowpox
- noncow
- cowdom
- Coward
- lolcow
- unshed
- cowlot
- shedrow
- cownose
- cowling
- cowplop
- cowpony
- cowbell
- anticow
- cowmilk
- cowheel
- cowhide
- cowyard
- cowherd
- killcow
- cowness
- cowlick
- shedful
- cowgirl
- cowskin
- cowfoot
- cowfish
- cowshit
- cowpock
- cowpunk
- cowpath
- cowdung
- cowpoke
- gunshed
- cowhand
- werecow
- cowherb
- cowpool
- Cowtown
- cowbane
- cowtown
- cowless
- hayshed
- cowbird
- cowlike
- shedder
- cowtail
- sheddest
- cowsense
- cowberry
- shedload
- woodshed
- playshed
- cow weed
- shedhand
- cow-eyed
- supercow
- cowquake
- cowstall
- coalshed
- cowfinch
- sheddeth
- cartshed
- worricow
- cowflesh
- cowhouse
- toolshed
- shedlike
- shedless
- milkshed
- sheddase
- woolshed
- bikeshed
- workshed
- foodshed
- megashed
- tramshed
- shedista
- cowleech
- cowperson
- bloodshed
- cow stall
- cowherder
- cowkeeper
- cow-wheat
- driveshed
- sheddable
- cowfucker
- watershed
- snow shed
- uncowable
- cowpuncher
- cowstealer
- deshedding
- cowcatcher
- cattleshed
- cowhearted
- shedworker
- shedmaster
- cowpooling
- cultureshed
- shedworking
- cowpunching
- serviceshed