- (US) A cowhand (one who tends free-range cattle)
- (US) A 19th-century device used around the necks of cows and other livestock to prevent them from challenging fencing. The action of the device was to poke the cow when the device came into contact with the fence.
Compound from English cow + English poke (Phytolacca americana).
Phytolacca americana
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Coward English
- Cowtown English
- anticow English
- cow English
- cow stall English
- cow weed English
- cow-eyed English
- cow-wheat English
- cowbane English
- cowbell English
- cowberry English
- cowbird English
- cowboy English
- cowcatcher English
- cowdom English
- cowdung English
- cowfinch English
- cowfish English
- cowflesh English
- cowfoot English
- cowfucker English
- cowgal English
- cowgirl English
- cowhand English
- cowhearted English
- cowheel English
- cowherb English
- cowherd English
- cowherder English
- cowhide English
- cowhouse English
- cowkeeper English
- cowleech English
- cowless English
- cowlet English
- cowlick English
- cowlike English
- cowling English
- cowlot English
- cowman English
- cowmilk English
- cowness English
- cownose English
- cowpat English
- cowpath English
- cowpea English
- cowperson English
- cowpie English
- cowplop English
- cowpock English
- cowpony English
- cowpool English
- cowpooling English
- cowpox English
- cowpuncher English
- cowpunching English
- cowpunk English
- cowquake English
- cowsense English
- cowshed English
- cowshit English
- cowskin English
- cowstall English
- cowstealer English
- cowtail English
- cowtown English
- cowy English
- cowyard English
- dogcow English
- gunpoke English
- killcow English
- kye English
- lolcow English
- mercow English
- noncow English
- pokable English
- poke English
- poke along English
- poke box English
- pokeberry English
- pokeful English
- poker English
- pokeroot English
- pokeweed English
- shitepoke English
- slowpoke English
- supercow English
- uncowable English
- werecow English
- worricow English
- cou Middle English
- poken Middle Dutch
- kau Marshallese
- kau Tok Pisin
- kaw Sranan Tongo
- kou Chuukese
- kye
- cow
- poke
- cowy
- poker
- cowboy
- cowpie
- cowlet
- mercow
- cowpat
- cowman
- cowgal
- cowpea
- dogcow
- cowpox
- noncow
- cowdom
- Coward
- lolcow
- cowlot
- pokable
- cownose
- cowling
- cowplop
- cowpony
- cowbell
- anticow
- cowmilk
- cowheel
- cowhide
- cowyard
- cowherd
- killcow
- cowness
- cowlick
- cowgirl
- cowskin
- cowfoot
- cowfish
- cowshit
- cowpock
- cowpunk
- cowpath
- cowdung
- cowhand
- werecow
- cowherb
- cowpool
- Cowtown
- cowbane
- cowtown
- gunpoke
- cowless
- pokeful
- cowbird
- cowlike
- cowtail
- cowshed
- cowsense
- cowberry
- cow weed
- cow-eyed
- poke box
- supercow
- cowquake
- pokeroot
- cowstall
- cowfinch
- pokeweed
- worricow
- slowpoke
- cowflesh
- cowhouse
- cowleech
- cowperson
- pokeberry
- shitepoke
- cow stall
- cowherder
- cowkeeper
- cow-wheat
- cowfucker
- uncowable
- cowpuncher
- cowstealer
- cowcatcher
- cowhearted
- poke along
- cowpooling
- cowpunching