/ˈkʌvɚ/, /ˈkʌvə/
- A lid.
- (uncountable) Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view.
- The front and back of a book, magazine, compact CD package, etc.
- The top sheet of a bed.
- A cloth, usually fitted, placed over an item such as a car or sofa to protect it from dust, rain, etc. when not in use.
- A cover charge.
- A setting at a restaurant table or formal dinner.
- (music) A new performance or rerecording of a previously recorded song; a cover version; a cover song.
- (cricket) A fielding position on the off side, between point and mid off, about 30° forward of square; a fielder in this position.
- (topology) A set (more often known as a family) of sets, whose union contains the given set.
- (philately) An envelope complete with stamps and postmarks etc.
- (military) A solid object, including terrain, that provides protection from enemy fire.
- (legal) In commercial law, a buyer’s purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for after a seller has breached a contract of sale by failure to deliver the goods contracted for.
- (insurance) An insurance contract; coverage by an insurance contract.
- (espionage) A persona maintained by a spy or undercover operative; cover story.
- (dated) A swindler's confederate.
- The portion of a slate, tile, or shingle that is hidden by the overlap of the course above.
- In a steam engine, the lap of a slide valve.
- (construction) The distance between reinforcing steel and the exterior of concrete.
Inherited from Middle English coveren (recover) borrowed from Old French covrir, cueuvrir derived from Latin coperire, cooperiō (cover, I cover completely).
cover, I cover completely
Semantic Field
Basic actions and technology
Ontological Category
🤭 📔
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- air English
- aircover English
- all English
- becover English
- bed English
- bedcover English
- bedcovering English
- cover-shame English
- cover-slut English
- coverability English
- coverable English
- coverage English
- coverall English
- coveralled English
- coverdisc English
- coverdisk English
- coverer English
- covereth English
- coverglass English
- covering English
- coverless English
- coverlessness English
- coverline English
- covermount English
- coversheet English
- coverside English
- coverslip English
- coverslipped English
- coverstrip English
- covertape English
- disc English
- disk English
- dust English
- dustcover English
- floorcovering English
- forcover English
- forecover English
- glass English
- hard English
- hardcover English
- head English
- headcover English
- heal English
- hypercover English
- land English
- landcover English
- line English
- miscoverage English
- mount English
- multicover English
- noncoverage English
- overcover English
- overcoverage English
- precover English
- precovering English
- re-cover English
- semicovering English
- shame English
- sheet English
- side English
- slip English
- slipcover English
- slut English
- slut-cover English
- soft English
- softcover English
- strip English
- subcover English
- subcovering English
- tape English
- uncover English
- uncoverable English
- uncoverer English
- uncoverest English
- uncovereth English
- under English
- undercover English
- undercoverage English
- undercovering English
- wallcovering English
- wry English
- cover Finnish
- coverbändi Finnish
- coverversio Finnish
- koveri Finnish
- *accoperiō Latin
- cooperculum Latin
- cooperiō Latin
- coperire Latin
- discooperio Latin
- covern German
- cover Dutch, Flemish
- undercover Dutch, Flemish
- couverture French
- couvrepied French
- couvrir French
- cover French
- cover Spanish, Castilian
- cubreasientos Spanish, Castilian
- cubrebocas Spanish, Castilian
- cubreobjetos Spanish, Castilian
- cubreplatos Spanish, Castilian
- cubreradiadores Spanish, Castilian
- cubrir Spanish, Castilian
- descubrir Spanish, Castilian
- cover Portuguese
- *þakjaną Proto-Germanic
- cover Swedish
- カバー Japanese
- ソフトカバー Japanese
- ハードカバー Japanese
- cover Polish
- forhelan Old English
- helan Old English
- hǣlan Old English
- wreon Old English
- wrīġian Old English
- þeccan Old English
- bewrien Middle English
- coverage Middle English
- coveren Middle English
- forcoveren Middle English
- helen Middle English
- overcoveren Middle English
- recoveren Middle English
- uncoveren Middle English
- wrien Middle English
- covrir Old French
- covrir, cueuvrir Old French
- kovri Esperanto
- cubrir Galician
- *helan gmw-pro
- *wrīan gmw-pro
- cobrir Old Portuguese
- coapir Aromanian
- cubrir Old Spanish
- كفر Hijazi Arabic
- كڤر Hijazi Arabic
- couvri Louisiana Creole French
- wry
- air
- bed
- all
- heal
- dust
- hard
- slip
- soft
- tape
- disc
- disk
- slut
- head
- land
- side
- line
- under
- shame
- sheet
- glass
- mount
- strip
- coverer
- uncover
- becover
- aircover
- subcover
- covering
- coverall
- forcover
- covereth
- re-cover
- coverage
- precover
- bedcover
- dustcover
- overcover
- coverdisc
- hardcover
- slipcover
- coverable
- coverside
- coverless
- headcover
- forecover
- coverdisk
- landcover
- softcover
- coverline
- coverslip
- covertape
- uncoverer
- slut-cover
- uncovereth
- uncoverest
- coverstrip
- coveralled
- undercover
- covermount
- multicover
- cover-slut
- coversheet
- coverglass
- hypercover
- bedcovering
- miscoverage
- noncoverage
- subcovering
- cover-shame
- precovering
- uncoverable
- wallcovering
- coverability
- coverslipped
- overcoverage
- semicovering
- coverlessness
- floorcovering
- undercoverage
- undercovering