Old English
- church-time, time for service in a church
Compound from Old English ċiriċe (church) + Old English tīd (time, season, period, feast-day, hour, festal-tide, while, due time, tide, canonical hour, canonical hour service, yeartide, point portion of time).
Old English
time, season, period, feast-day, hour, festal-tide, while, due time, tide, canonical hour, canonical hour service, yeartide, point portion of time
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
⏲️ 🕐️ 🕑️ 🕒️ 🕓️ 🕔️ 🕕️ 🕖️ 🕗️ 🕘️ 🕙️ 🕚️ 🕛️ 🕜️ 🕝️ 🕞️ 🕟️ 🕠️ 🕡️ 🕢️ 🕣️ 🕤️ 🕥️ 🕦️ 🕧️
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- -tide English
- κυριακόν Ancient Greek
- *dī- Proto-Indo-European
- *yekə- Proto-Indo-European
- *tīdiz Proto-Germanic
- Angelcirice Old English
- Ciricburh Old English
- antid Old English
- bedtid Old English
- cenningtid Old English
- ciricbelle Old English
- ciricboc Old English
- ciricbot Old English
- ciricbryce Old English
- ciricbræc Old English
- ciricdor Old English
- ciricend Old English
- ciricfriþ Old English
- ciricfultum Old English
- ciricgang Old English
- ciricgemana Old English
- ciricgeorn Old English
- ciricgeriht Old English
- ciricgriþ Old English
- cirichad Old English
- cirichalgung Old English
- cirichata Old English
- cirichyll Old English
- ciricland Old English
- ciriclic Old English
- ciricmangung Old English
- ciricmitta Old English
- ciricmærsung Old English
- ciricnytt Old English
- ciricpæþ Old English
- ciricragu Old English
- ciricran Old English
- ciricsang Old English
- ciricsangere Old English
- ciricsceatt Old English
- ciricsocn Old English
- ciricsteall Old English
- ciricstede Old English
- ciricstig Old English
- cirictun Old English
- ciricwag Old English
- ciricwaru Old English
- ciricweard Old English
- ciricweg Old English
- ciricwica Old English
- ciricwæcce Old English
- ciricwæd Old English
- ciricæwe Old English
- ciricþegn Old English
- ciricþegnung Old English
- ciricþing Old English
- ciricþingere Old English
- dægtid Old English
- heafodcirice Old English
- healf tid Old English
- metetid Old English
- tidlice Old English
- tidwritere Old English
- tīd Old English
- wintertid Old English
- ċiriċe Old English
- chirche Middle English
- tide Middle English
- kirkja Old Norse
- *kirikā gmw-pro
- κυριακόν gkm
- tīd
- antid
- dægtid
- bedtid
- ċiriċe
- metetid
- tidlice
- ciricwæd
- ciricpæþ
- ciricweg
- cirichad
- ciricæwe
- ciriclic
- cirictun
- ciricdor
- ciricbot
- ciricran
- ciricwag
- ciricboc
- ciricend
- ciricgang
- ciricsang
- ciricbræc
- wintertid
- ciricragu
- healf tid
- ciricgriþ
- ciricnytt
- ciricþegn
- ciricfriþ
- cirichyll
- ciricwica
- ciricland
- ciricwaru
- Ciricburh
- ciricstig
- ciricsocn
- ciricþing
- cirichata
- ciricbryce
- ciricgeorn
- ciricmitta
- tidwritere
- ciricwæcce
- ciricstede
- ciricbelle
- ciricweard
- cenningtid
- ciricgeriht
- ciricfultum
- ciricsteall
- ciricgemana
- ciricsceatt
- Angelcirice
- heafodcirice
- ciricsangere
- ciricmærsung
- ciricþingere
- cirichalgung
- ciricmangung
- ciricþegnung