Old English
- holy order, order of the church, church-degree
Compound from Old English ċiriċe (church) + Old English hād (rank, office, order, choir, condition, holy office, race, state, form, person, degree, manner, family, individual, nature, character, tribe, individuality, sex).
Old English
rank, office, order, choir, condition, holy office, race, state, form, person, degree, manner, family, individual, nature, character, tribe, individuality, sex
Semantic Field
Modern world
Ontological Category
👨💼 👩💼 📁 📂 📎 📠
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- κυριακόν Ancient Greek
- *haiduz Proto-Germanic
- *hǣdu Old English
- Angelcirice Old English
- Ciricburh Old English
- ciricbelle Old English
- ciricboc Old English
- ciricbot Old English
- ciricbryce Old English
- ciricbræc Old English
- ciricdor Old English
- ciricend Old English
- ciricfriþ Old English
- ciricfultum Old English
- ciricgang Old English
- ciricgemana Old English
- ciricgeorn Old English
- ciricgeriht Old English
- ciricgriþ Old English
- cirichalgung Old English
- cirichata Old English
- cirichyll Old English
- ciricland Old English
- ciriclic Old English
- ciricmangung Old English
- ciricmitta Old English
- ciricmærsung Old English
- ciricnytt Old English
- ciricpæþ Old English
- ciricragu Old English
- ciricran Old English
- ciricsang Old English
- ciricsangere Old English
- ciricsceatt Old English
- ciricsocn Old English
- ciricsteall Old English
- ciricstede Old English
- ciricstig Old English
- cirictid Old English
- cirictun Old English
- ciricwag Old English
- ciricwaru Old English
- ciricweard Old English
- ciricweg Old English
- ciricwica Old English
- ciricwæcce Old English
- ciricwæd Old English
- ciricæwe Old English
- ciricþegn Old English
- ciricþegnung Old English
- ciricþing Old English
- ciricþingere Old English
- hadbot Old English
- heafodcirice Old English
- hād Old English
- hādian Old English
- ċiriċe Old English
- chirche Middle English
- hade Middle English
- hede Middle English
- hod Middle English
- kirkja Old Norse
- *kirikā gmw-pro
- κυριακόν gkm
- hād
- *hǣdu
- hadbot
- ċiriċe
- hādian
- ciricwæd
- ciricpæþ
- ciricweg
- ciricæwe
- ciriclic
- cirictun
- cirictid
- ciricdor
- ciricbot
- ciricran
- ciricwag
- ciricboc
- ciricend
- ciricgang
- ciricsang
- ciricbræc
- ciricragu
- ciricgriþ
- ciricnytt
- ciricþegn
- ciricfriþ
- cirichyll
- ciricwica
- ciricland
- ciricwaru
- Ciricburh
- ciricstig
- ciricsocn
- ciricþing
- cirichata
- ciricbryce
- ciricgeorn
- ciricmitta
- ciricwæcce
- ciricstede
- ciricbelle
- ciricweard
- ciricgeriht
- ciricfultum
- ciricsteall
- ciricgemana
- ciricsceatt
- Angelcirice
- heafodcirice
- ciricsangere
- ciricmærsung
- ciricþingere
- cirichalgung
- ciricmangung
- ciricþegnung