- worth; worthy; having a value
Derived from Old Swedish værþer derived from Old Norse verðr (meal, worth, worthy) derived from Proto-Germanic *werþaz (worthy, towards, opposite, valuable).
worthy, towards, opposite, valuable
Semantic Field
Spatial relations
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- beword English
- dearworth English
- farthingsworth English
- forworth English
- groatsworth English
- moneyworth English
- outworth English
- pennyworth English
- quidsworth English
- self-worth English
- shillingsworth English
- unworth English
- worship English
- worth English
- worthen English
- worthful English
- worthless English
- worthly English
- worthwhile English
- worthy English
- kirkkoväärti Finnish
- väärti Finnish
- -wertig German
- Eckwert German
- Eigenwert German
- Halbwertszeit German
- Hauswirt German
- Härtewert German
- Kehrwert German
- Landwirt German
- Marktwert German
- Mehrwert German
- Metallwert German
- Mittelwert German
- Nennwert German
- Nominalwert German
- Notenwert German
- Nutzwert German
- Nährwert German
- Realwert German
- Referenzwert German
- Schwellenwert German
- Sollwert German
- Standardwert German
- Wahrheitswert German
- Wert German
- Wertbegriff German
- Wertkonflikt German
- Wertpapier German
- Wertrationalität German
- Wertschätzung German
- Wertstoff German
- Werturteil German
- Wirt German
- Wirtin German
- Wirtschaft German
- Wirtshaus German
- Wirtspflanze German
- Zahlenwert German
- bemerkenswert German
- bewirten German
- ehrenwert German
- geldwert German
- lohnenswert German
- wert German
- wertig German
- wertkonservativ German
- wertlos German
- wertvoll German
- wissenswert German
- -waardig Dutch, Flemish
- Albrandswaard Dutch, Flemish
- aanbevelenswaard Dutch, Flemish
- uiterwaard Dutch, Flemish
- volwaardig Dutch, Flemish
- waard Dutch, Flemish
- waardin Dutch, Flemish
- waardplant Dutch, Flemish
- waardschap Dutch, Flemish
- waardvogel Dutch, Flemish
- *wert- Proto-Indo-European
- verdt Norwegian Bokmål
- *werduz Proto-Germanic
- *werþaz Proto-Germanic
- -het Swedish
- hus Swedish
- hyra Swedish
- hyresvärd Swedish
- nattvard Swedish
- se Swedish
- sevärdhet Swedish
- värdshus Swedish
- wart Polish
- weorþ Old English
- weorþian Old English
- weorþleas Old English
- weorþlic Old English
- weorþmynd Old English
- weorþscipe Old English
- þancweorþ Old English
- worth Middle English
- worthy Middle English
- athugaverðr Old Norse
- náttverðr Old Norse
- verðleikr Old Norse
- verðr Old Norse
- davre Danish
- nadver Danish
- vært Danish
- værtinde Danish
- verður Icelandic
- wāert Middle Dutch
- werd Old High German
- verður Faroese
- wert Middle High German
- wirt Middle High German
- 𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌸𐍃 Gothic
- *verta Proto-Finnic
- wert Middle Low German
- werth Old Saxon
- værþe Old Swedish
- værþer Old Swedish
- wähl Westrobothnian
- worth Scots
- wert Silesian