- The young of any animal; a cub, colt, etc. (see मृगपोतः (fawn), वीरपोतः (a young warrior))
- An elephant ten years old.
- ship, raft, boat
- garment, cloth
- the young shoot of a plant
- the site or foundation of a house
- a fetus having no enveloping membrane
Derived from Proto-Indo-European *peh₂w- (few, little, small, smallness, young, offspring).
few, little, small, smallness, young, offspring
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- orthopedics English
- paucality English
- pauperism English
- pauperize English
- pediatric English
- pediatrician English
- pedophobia English
- pony English
- poppet English
- puericulture English
- puerilism English
- puerility English
- puerperal English
- puerperium English
- pullulation English
- pusillanimity English
- pusillanimous English
- *pulletrus Latin
- *pulliter Latin
- paucalis Latin
- paucitas Latin
- paucus Latin
- paucī Latin
- pauper Latin
- pauper, pauperem Latin
- paupertās Latin
- pueritia Latin
- puerperium Latin
- puerīlis Latin
- pulla Latin
- pullamen Latin
- pullarius Latin
- pullastra Latin
- pulleiaceus Latin
- pullicēnus Latin
- pullinus Latin
- pulliter Latin
- pullulātus Latin
- pullus Latin
- pullāmen Latin
- pumilus Latin
- pupa Latin
- puppus Latin
- pupus Latin
- putus Latin
- pūpa Latin
- pūpillus Latin
- pūpus Latin
- pollo Italian
- poltrone Italian
- putti Italian
- orthopédique French
- pollo Spanish, Castilian
- repollo Spanish, Castilian
- παιδαγωγία Ancient Greek
- παιδαγωγός Ancient Greek
- παιδεραστής Ancient Greek
- παιδεραστία Ancient Greek
- παιδοφῐ́λης Ancient Greek
- παύω Ancient Greek
- παῖς Ancient Greek
- πῶλος Ancient Greek
- φαῦλος Ancient Greek
- *peh₂u-kos Proto-Indo-European
- *peh₂ukos Proto-Indo-European
- *peh₂w- Proto-Indo-European
- *polH- Proto-Indo-European
- *péh₂uros Proto-Indo-European
- *pōlH- Proto-Indo-European
- *fawaz Proto-Germanic
- पौत्र Sanskrit
- fylja Old Norse
- fæð Old Norse
- empoverir Old French
- pol Old French
- poulet Old French
- pouleterie Old French
- poll Catalan, Valencian
- पोत Hindi
- युद्धपोत Hindi
- repolo Galician
- pui Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan
- -πουλος Greek (modern)
- փոքր Old Armenian
- မီးသင်္ဘော Burmese
- သင်္ဘော Burmese
- palo- Albanian
- পুলি Assamese
- পোনা Assamese
- পোৱালী Assamese
- *putrás Proto-Indo-Iranian
- pulj Aromanian
- puljiu Aromanian
- fellus Maltese
- *paukos Proto-Italic
- pollu Asturian
- पोर Marathi
- poleç Friulian
- putytis Lithuanian
- *put- Proto-Balto-Slavic
- -ποῦλος gkm
- Pöll Central Franconian
- 𑘢𑘻𑘨 Old Marathi
- πουλλίον grc-koi
- ἐγκύκλιος παιδείᾱ grc-koi
- *pavo-pars Old Latin
- ꠙꠥꠀ Sylheti