Dutch (Brabantic)
- A berm (verge) with a surface of sand.
Compound from Dutch, Flemish zand (sand) + Dutch, Flemish berm (bank, tree lawn, verge, riverbank).
Dutch (Brabantic)
bank, tree lawn, verge, riverbank
Semantic Field
Modern world
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Zandvoort Dutch, Flemish
- berm Dutch, Flemish
- bermbom Dutch, Flemish
- bermlamp Dutch, Flemish
- bermprostitutie Dutch, Flemish
- bermtoerisme Dutch, Flemish
- bermtoerist Dutch, Flemish
- drijfzand Dutch, Flemish
- kwikzand Dutch, Flemish
- slaapzand Dutch, Flemish
- stuifzand Dutch, Flemish
- teerzand Dutch, Flemish
- woestijnzand Dutch, Flemish
- zand Dutch, Flemish
- zandaal Dutch, Flemish
- zandbak Dutch, Flemish
- zandbank Dutch, Flemish
- zandbij Dutch, Flemish
- zandduin Dutch, Flemish
- zanderig Dutch, Flemish
- zandgeel Dutch, Flemish
- zandgroeve Dutch, Flemish
- zandgrond Dutch, Flemish
- zandhagedis Dutch, Flemish
- zandhoen Dutch, Flemish
- zandkasteel Dutch, Flemish
- zandlaag Dutch, Flemish
- zandloper Dutch, Flemish
- zandpad Dutch, Flemish
- zandrif Dutch, Flemish
- zandsculptuur Dutch, Flemish
- zandsteen Dutch, Flemish
- zandstorm Dutch, Flemish
- zandstrand Dutch, Flemish
- zandsuppletie Dutch, Flemish
- zandverstuiving Dutch, Flemish
- zandvlakte Dutch, Flemish
- zandvos Dutch, Flemish
- zandweg Dutch, Flemish
- zandwoestijn Dutch, Flemish
- zandzak Dutch, Flemish
- zandzegge Dutch, Flemish
- berme French
- baerm Middle Dutch
- sant Middle Dutch
- sand Afrikaans
- santu Papiamentu
- santi Sranan Tongo
- berm
- zand
- zandweg
- zandaal
- zandpad
- zandzak
- zandbak
- zandvos
- zandrif
- bermbom
- zandbij
- zandbank
- zandduin
- bermlamp
- kwikzand
- teerzand
- zandlaag
- zandhoen
- zandgeel
- zanderig
- zandzegge
- zandloper
- slaapzand
- zandgrond
- zandsteen
- stuifzand
- drijfzand
- Zandvoort
- zandstorm
- zandvlakte
- zandgroeve
- zandstrand
- zandhagedis
- zandkasteel
- bermtoerist
- zandwoestijn
- woestijnzand
- bermtoerisme
- zandsuppletie
- zandsculptuur
- zandverstuiving
- bermprostitutie