- a school
Derived from Old Norse skóli (school) derived from Old English scol derived from Middle Low German schole derived from Dutch, Flemish scoele derived from Ancient Greek σχολή (leisure, spare time, later conversations and the knowledge gained through them during free time, the places where these conversations took place, free time, school, disputation).
Ancient Greek
leisure, spare time, later conversations and the knowledge gained through them during free time, the places where these conversations took place, free time, school, disputation
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- schola Latin
- scola Latin
- scoele Dutch, Flemish
- σχολή Ancient Greek
- σχολεῖον Ancient Greek
- *seǵʰ- Proto-Indo-European
- barn Norwegian Bokmål
- barneskole Norwegian Bokmål
- buss Norwegian Bokmål
- disippel Norwegian Bokmål
- elev Norwegian Bokmål
- gang Norwegian Bokmål
- grunn Norwegian Bokmål
- grunnskole Norwegian Bokmål
- gutt Norwegian Bokmål
- gård Norwegian Bokmål
- høg Norwegian Bokmål
- høgskole Norwegian Bokmål
- høy Norwegian Bokmål
- høyskole Norwegian Bokmål
- internat Norwegian Bokmål
- internatskole Norwegian Bokmål
- jente Norwegian Bokmål
- korps Norwegian Bokmål
- kunst Norwegian Bokmål
- kunstskole Norwegian Bokmål
- lærer Norwegian Bokmål
- plante Norwegian Bokmål
- planteskole Norwegian Bokmål
- privat Norwegian Bokmål
- privatskole Norwegian Bokmål
- sekk Norwegian Bokmål
- skip Norwegian Bokmål
- skolebarn Norwegian Bokmål
- skolebuss Norwegian Bokmål
- skoledisippel Norwegian Bokmål
- skoleelev Norwegian Bokmål
- skolegang Norwegian Bokmål
- skolegutt Norwegian Bokmål
- skolegård Norwegian Bokmål
- skolejente Norwegian Bokmål
- skolekorps Norwegian Bokmål
- skolelærer Norwegian Bokmål
- skolesekk Norwegian Bokmål
- skoleskip Norwegian Bokmål
- skoletur Norwegian Bokmål
- skoleveske Norwegian Bokmål
- tur Norwegian Bokmål
- ungdom Norwegian Bokmål
- ungdomsskole Norwegian Bokmål
- veske Norwegian Bokmål
- *skōla Proto-Germanic
- skole Norwegian Nynorsk
- skule Norwegian Nynorsk
- scol Old English
- skóli Old Norse
- skole Danish
- escole Old French
- σχολή Greek (modern)
- skúli Faroese
- სკოლა Georgian
- schole Middle Low German
- אסכולא Aramaic
- *skʰolā́ Proto-Hellenic
- høy
- tur
- høg
- buss
- barn
- gang
- elev
- gård
- sekk
- skip
- gutt
- kunst
- lærer
- korps
- grunn
- veske
- jente
- ungdom
- plante
- privat
- høyskole
- disippel
- høgskole
- skoletur
- internat
- skoleelev
- skoleskip
- skolebarn
- skolebuss
- skolegang
- skolesekk
- skolegutt
- skolegård
- skolelærer
- skoleveske
- skolekorps
- skolejente
- grunnskole
- kunstskole
- barneskole
- privatskole
- planteskole
- ungdomsskole
- skoledisippel
- internatskole