

  • (intransitive) to hit, to strike, to beat move a body part or an object in order to touch so as to inflict pain, injury or death, to hit in order to change or direct an object
  • (transitive) to hit, to strike, to beat something
  • (colloquial) to hit to attack, defeat the enemy
  • (transitive) to hit, beat move a body part or an object in order to touch in order to change or direct an object in a desirable way, or to obtain a certain effect, to make noise, etc.
  • (transitive) to hit, to break to cause something to split or shatter
  • (transitive) to hit, to get to obtain a piece or card from one's opponent, according to the rules of the game
  • (transitive) to slam, to shut (or also to open) noisily, violently (e.g., a door, window, etc.)
  • to hit, to beat to make noise by rapidly touching something, to play a percussion instrument
  • in the third person to hit, to strike to produce noise so as to indicate the time
  • (intransitive) to beat, to pulse strongly and rapidly
  • in the third person to hit, to strike, to throw, to shoot to move fast and strongly against something, to cause motion in something
  • (intransitive) to hit, to strike to have a sudden, powerful effect on the sensory organs
  • (transitive) to move (a body part) suddenly
  • (colloquial) to hit to type, to write down with a typewriter or similar device
  • (colloquial) to hit, to churn, to stir into a foam or paste


Derived from Proto-Indo-European *ḱent- (pierce), *sey- (tie to, strength, tension, tie together, stretch one's arm).





tie to, strength, tension, tie together, stretch one's arm

Semantic Field

The body

Ontological Category





Distribution of cognates by language

Geogrpahic distribution of cognates

Cognates and derived terms