- (archaic) On which, on what.
Affix from English where (what, which) + English on (suffix for ketones, preposition).
suffix for ketones, preposition
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- allwhere English
- anywhere English
- eachwhere English
- elsewhere English
- everwhere English
- hereon English
- nowhere English
- on English
- on high English
- on-site English
- onballer English
- onfield English
- onglaze English
- ongoer English
- ongoing English
- onlap English
- online English
- onlooker English
- onpass English
- onscreen English
- onsell English
- onsetter English
- onshore English
- onside English
- onsides English
- onsight English
- onstage English
- onto English
- onward English
- onwards English
- otherwhere English
- pull up on English
- push up on English
- run up on English
- somewhere English
- thereon English
- upon English
- where English
- whereabout English
- wherealong English
- whereas English
- whereby English
- wherefor English
- wherefrom English
- whereinto English
- whereness English
- wherenot English
- whereof English
- whereso English
- wherethan English
- wherethrough English
- whereto English
- whereunder English
- whereunto English
- wherever English
- wherewith English
- wherewithal English
- whereäs English
- on Middle English
- where Middle English
- we Tok Pisin
- weya Kriol
- on
- onto
- upon
- where
- onlap
- hereon
- online
- onward
- onsell
- ongoer
- onside
- onpass
- thereon
- onshore
- onwards
- whereso
- onsight
- nowhere
- whereas
- on-site
- onglaze
- onsides
- ongoing
- on high
- whereof
- onfield
- whereäs
- onstage
- whereby
- whereto
- onsetter
- onlooker
- onscreen
- allwhere
- onballer
- wherever
- wherenot
- wherefor
- anywhere
- everwhere
- wherewith
- whereness
- elsewhere
- wherefrom
- wherethan
- whereunto
- whereinto
- somewhere
- eachwhere
- run up on
- wherealong
- pull up on
- whereunder
- push up on
- whereabout
- otherwhere
- wherewithal
- wherethrough