- The knowledge, study, or science of whales.
Compound from English whale + English lore (learning, knowledge, study of).
learning, knowledge, study of
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Cokelore English
- angel-lore English
- beer-lore English
- birdlore English
- booklore English
- catlore English
- childlore English
- computerlore English
- copylore English
- deathlore English
- demonlore English
- devil-lore English
- doglore English
- dragonlore English
- druglore English
- earthlore English
- elflore English
- fairylore English
- faxlore English
- fieldlore English
- filmlore English
- fishlore English
- folklore English
- fowl-lore English
- ghostlore English
- giantlore English
- godlore English
- hairlore English
- herblore English
- horselore English
- laborlore English
- lakelore English
- landwhale English
- lifelore English
- loral English
- lore English
- loreal English
- lored English
- lorefather English
- loreless English
- loremaster English
- loresman English
- loring English
- lovelore English
- mislore English
- movielore English
- netlore English
- nonwhale English
- ocean-lore English
- photocopylore English
- playlore English
- runelore English
- scarelore English
- sealore English
- sexlore English
- soundlore English
- spacelore English
- speechlore English
- starlore English
- stonelore English
- storylore English
- timelore English
- weatherlore English
- whale English
- whale-path English
- whale-road English
- whaleback English
- whalebird English
- whaleboat English
- whalebone English
- whaleburger English
- whalecraft English
- whalefall English
- whalefeed English
- whalefish English
- whaleish English
- whalelike English
- whaleling English
- whaleman English
- whalemeat English
- whaler English
- whalery English
- whaleship English
- whaleshit English
- whalesong English
- whalespeak English
- whalesucker English
- whalewatcher English
- whalewatching English
- winelore English
- woodlore English
- wordlore English
- wortlore English
- xeroxlore English
- lore Middle English
- whale Middle English
- व्हेल Hindi
- ह्वेल Hindi
- ဝေလငါး Burmese
- lore
- lored
- loral
- whale
- loring
- loreal
- whaler
- doglore
- whalery
- faxlore
- catlore
- elflore
- mislore
- godlore
- netlore
- sexlore
- sealore
- druglore
- Cokelore
- starlore
- whaleish
- timelore
- nonwhale
- wortlore
- lakelore
- whaleman
- lovelore
- herblore
- filmlore
- woodlore
- loreless
- copylore
- lifelore
- playlore
- fishlore
- loresman
- hairlore
- winelore
- runelore
- booklore
- folklore
- birdlore
- wordlore
- whalebone
- whalemeat
- landwhale
- whalefish
- demonlore
- horselore
- storylore
- soundlore
- fieldlore
- deathlore
- giantlore
- whaleshit
- scarelore
- ghostlore
- spacelore
- earthlore
- laborlore
- childlore
- stonelore
- whalelike
- fowl-lore
- movielore
- whalesong
- whalebird
- whalefall
- whalefeed
- xeroxlore
- whaleback
- whaleship
- whaleling
- whaleboat
- beer-lore
- fairylore
- angel-lore
- ocean-lore
- whale-road
- whalecraft
- speechlore
- loremaster
- whalespeak
- whale-path
- lorefather
- devil-lore
- dragonlore
- whalesucker
- whaleburger
- weatherlore
- whalewatcher
- computerlore
- whalewatching
- photocopylore