- A weather vane, sometimes in the form of a cockerel.
- (figuratively) One who veers with every change of current opinion; a fickle, inconstant person.
- (Chiefly US and Canada) A wind pump style where the top of it behaves like a weather vane, moving with the wind direction, but also with a wheel attached to measure wind speed.
Inherited from Middle English wetharcoke com from English weather (direction from which the wind blows) + English cock (penis, male domestic chicken, a shock pile of grain, diminutive suffix, male, a roundish heap, rooster).
penis, male domestic chicken, a shock pile of grain, diminutive suffix, male, a roundish heap, rooster
Semantic Field
The body
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- acock English
- aweather English
- ballcock English
- blackcock English
- boycock English
- chicken English
- clipcock English
- cock English
- cock ring English
- cock tease English
- cock-bawd English
- cockaholic English
- cockale English
- cockaludicrous English
- cockbag English
- cockbird English
- cockbiting English
- cockblock English
- cockblocker English
- cockbrain English
- cockbrained English
- cockbreath English
- cockbulge English
- cockchafer English
- cockcrow English
- cockcrowing English
- cockerel English
- cockeye English
- cockface English
- cockfag English
- cockfight English
- cockfighter English
- cockfighting English
- cockfish English
- cockflesh English
- cockfucker English
- cockhead English
- cockhole English
- cockish English
- cockless English
- cocklicker English
- cocklike English
- cockloft English
- cockmatch English
- cockmeat English
- cockmonger English
- cockmunch English
- cockmuncher English
- cockocracy English
- cockpit English
- cockpleaser English
- cockpunch English
- cockscomb English
- cockscrow English
- cockserver English
- cocksfoot English
- cockshaft English
- cockshead English
- cockshit English
- cockshot English
- cockshut English
- cockshy English
- cocksleeve English
- cocksman English
- cocksmith English
- cockspur English
- cockstain English
- cockster English
- cocksucker English
- cocksucking English
- cocksure English
- cocktease English
- cockteaser English
- cocktip English
- cockwad English
- cockweasel English
- cockweed English
- cockwomble English
- cockworm English
- cocky English
- coldcock English
- decock English
- donkeycock English
- draincock English
- firecock English
- gamecock English
- halfcock English
- hay-cock English
- horsecock English
- macroweather English
- monstercock English
- moorcock English
- nestle-cock English
- niddicock English
- nigger cock English
- nonweather English
- overweather English
- palaeoweather English
- paleoweather English
- peacock English
- petcock English
- pinchcock English
- recock English
- roostcock English
- seacock English
- snowcock English
- stopcock English
- stormcock English
- stunt cock English
- supercock English
- tripcock English
- turkeycock English
- turncock English
- uncock English
- unweather English
- watercock English
- weather English
- weatherability English
- weatherable English
- weatherboard English
- weatherbound English
- weathercast English
- weatherfish English
- weathergirl English
- weatherglass English
- weathering English
- weatherish English
- weatherization English
- weatherize English
- weatherless English
- weatherlike English
- weatherlore English
- weatherly English
- weatherman English
- weathermost English
- weatherology English
- weatherometer English
- weatherperson English
- weatherproof English
- weathersome English
- weatherstrip English
- weathertight English
- weatherwear English
- weatherwoman English
- weatherworn English
- woodcock English
- Wetter German
- coq French
- cok Middle English
- weder Middle English
- wetharcoke Middle English
- ก๊อก Thai
- kak Cebuano
- kok Tok Pisin
- kaka Sranan Tongo
- cock
- cocky
- acock
- decock
- recock
- uncock
- weather
- petcock
- cockbag
- cockwad
- seacock
- cockish
- cockeye
- cocktip
- cockale
- boycock
- cockpit
- cockshy
- cockfag
- peacock
- chicken
- cockloft
- cockbird
- cockster
- turncock
- aweather
- cockhead
- snowcock
- cockspur
- woodcock
- cockhole
- cockworm
- moorcock
- clipcock
- ballcock
- firecock
- cockerel
- coldcock
- tripcock
- gamecock
- cockface
- cocksman
- cockshot
- cockless
- cockfish
- stopcock
- halfcock
- hay-cock
- cockshut
- cockweed
- cocksure
- cockmeat
- cockshit
- cockcrow
- cocklike
- horsecock
- cockfight
- cocktease
- roostcock
- niddicock
- stormcock
- draincock
- weatherly
- cockstain
- cockpunch
- cockbrain
- blackcock
- cockflesh
- cockshaft
- pinchcock
- watercock
- cock-bawd
- cockshead
- unweather
- cockscrow
- cockbulge
- cockmatch
- cockblock
- cocksmith
- cocksfoot
- supercock
- cockmunch
- cockscomb
- cock ring
- cockchafer
- weatherish
- cockfucker
- cockmonger
- cock tease
- weatherman
- cockocracy
- weathering
- turkeycock
- cockweasel
- cocksucker
- cockwomble
- cockserver
- stunt cock
- weatherize
- nonweather
- cocksleeve
- donkeycock
- cockbiting
- cockteaser
- cocklicker
- cockaholic
- cockbreath
- overweather
- cockfighter
- weathercast
- weathergirl
- cockcrowing
- weatherfish
- weatherlike
- cockpleaser
- monstercock
- cocksucking
- nestle-cock
- cockbrained
- weatherless
- cockblocker
- weathersome
- cockmuncher
- nigger cock
- weatherworn
- weathermost
- weatherwear
- weatherable
- weatherlore
- weatherproof
- weatherstrip
- weatherboard
- weatherglass
- weatherwoman
- weatherbound
- macroweather
- paleoweather
- weatherology
- weathertight
- cockfighting
- palaeoweather
- weatherperson
- weatherometer
- weatherization
- cockaludicrous
- weatherability