- A device that controls the flow of a gas or fluid through a pipe.
- A device that admits fuel and air into the cylinder of an internal combustion engine, or one that allows combustion gases to exit.
- (anatomy) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or control the flow in the opposite direction
- One of the leaves of a folding folding-door, or a window-sash.
- (British) A vacuum tube.
- (botany) One of the pieces into which certain fruits naturally separate when they dehisce.
- (botany) A small portion of certain anthers, which opens like a trapdoor to allow the pollen to escape, such as in the barberry.
- (biology) One of the pieces or divisions of bivalve or multivalve shells.
- (biology) One of the two similar portions of the shell of a diatom.
Derived from Latin valva.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- bivalve English
- bivalved English
- electrovalve English
- epivalve English
- equivalve English
- equivalved English
- heterovalvate English
- homovalvate English
- hypovalve English
- inequivalve English
- microvalve English
- multivalve English
- nanovalve English
- nonvalved English
- quadrivalve English
- quinquevalve English
- subequivalve English
- train English
- trivalve English
- trivalved English
- univalve English
- univalved English
- unvalved English
- valva English
- valval English
- valvate English
- valvectomy English
- valved English
- valveless English
- valvelessness English
- valvelet English
- valvelike English
- valver English
- valvetrain English
- valviform English
- valva Latin
- valve French
- *welH- Proto-Indo-European
- バルブ Japanese
- วาล์ว Thai
- 閥 Chinese
- valvu Swahili
- 밸브 Korean
- valva
- train
- valval
- valver
- valved
- valvate
- bivalve
- epivalve
- bivalved
- unvalved
- trivalve
- valvelet
- univalve
- valveless
- nonvalved
- nanovalve
- valviform
- hypovalve
- equivalve
- univalved
- valvelike
- trivalved
- valvectomy
- microvalve
- multivalve
- equivalved
- valvetrain
- quadrivalve
- homovalvate
- inequivalve
- quinquevalve
- electrovalve
- subequivalve
- heterovalvate
- valvelessness