- (sewing) A pitted, now usually metal, cap for the fingers, used in sewing to push the needle.
- A similarly shaped socket in machinery.
- A thimbleful.
- (nautical) A ring of metal or rope used in a ship's rigging; it is a protection against chafing.
Inherited from Middle English thymbyll inherited from Old English þȳmel (fingerstall, thumbstall, thimble) inherited from Proto-Germanic *þūmilaz suffix from English thumb.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- berry English
- bethumb English
- eye English
- rig English
- rigger English
- tearthumb English
- thimbleberry English
- thimbled English
- thimbleeye English
- thimbleful English
- thimbleman English
- thimblerig English
- thimblerigger English
- thimbleweed English
- thumb English
- thumb-sketch English
- thumb-toe English
- thumbable English
- thumbboard English
- thumber English
- thumbhole English
- thumbkin English
- thumbless English
- thumblike English
- thumbling English
- thumbmark English
- thumbmarked English
- thumbnail English
- thumbnut English
- thumbpad English
- thumbpiece English
- thumbpot English
- thumbprint English
- thumbprinted English
- thumbscrew English
- thumbshot English
- thumbstall English
- thumbstick English
- thumbstroke English
- thumbsucker English
- thumbsucking English
- thumbtack English
- thumbwheel English
- thumby English
- weed English
- Daumen German
- Däumling German
- *þūmilaz Proto-Germanic
- þȳmel Old English
- thombe Middle English
- thymbyll Middle English
- þumall Old Norse
- tomme Danish
- tommel Danish
- tommelfinger Danish
- tomma Icelandic
- thumæ Old Danish
- rig
- eye
- weed
- berry
- thumb
- thumby
- rigger
- thumber
- bethumb
- thumbnut
- thumbpot
- thumbkin
- thimbled
- thumbpad
- tearthumb
- thumbmark
- thumbtack
- thumblike
- thumbhole
- thumbling
- thumbshot
- thumbable
- thumbnail
- thumbless
- thumb-toe
- thumbprint
- thumbboard
- thimbleman
- thumbstall
- thimbleful
- thimblerig
- thumbwheel
- thumbscrew
- thumbstick
- thumbpiece
- thimbleeye
- thimbleweed
- thumbstroke
- thumbmarked
- thumbsucker
- thimbleberry
- thumbsucking
- thumb-sketch
- thumbprinted
- thimblerigger