- The spring-loaded button on a telephone that is depressed by the action of returning the handset to the cradle, thus terminating the call
Compound from English switch + English hook (qualifier).
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- armhook English
- autoswitch English
- baithook English
- baroswitch English
- billhook English
- boathook English
- boothook English
- breasthook English
- bullhook English
- butthook English
- buttonhook English
- coathook English
- dehook English
- dipswitch English
- eyehook English
- firehook English
- fishhook English
- fleshhook English
- foothook English
- footswitch English
- forehook English
- grapplehook English
- heddle hook English
- hook English
- hook maneuver English
- hookable English
- hookbill English
- hooked English
- hooker English
- hookest English
- hooketh English
- hookgun English
- hookkeeper English
- hookless English
- hooklet English
- hooklike English
- hookman English
- hooknose English
- hookset English
- hookswitch English
- hookthorn English
- hooktip English
- hooktop English
- hookworm English
- keyswitch English
- microhook English
- microswitch English
- nanoswitch English
- nonswitch English
- nuthook English
- phosphoswitch English
- photoswitch English
- pothook English
- pre-hook English
- rehook English
- riboswitch English
- shavehook English
- sheephook English
- shithook English
- skyhook English
- subswitch English
- switch English
- switchability English
- switchable English
- switchback English
- switchblade English
- switchboard English
- switchbox English
- switcher English
- switcheroo English
- switchfoot English
- switchgear English
- switchgirl English
- switchgrass English
- switchless English
- switchlike English
- switchman English
- switchmode English
- switchology English
- switchout English
- switchover English
- switchplate English
- switchport English
- switchroom English
- switchy English
- switchyard English
- tailhook English
- tenterhook English
- thermoswitch English
- unhook English
- webhook English
- wolf hook English
- hukki Finnish
- switchen German
- switch French
- хук Russian
- フック Japanese
- hoke Middle English
- sviss Icelandic
- สวิตช์ Thai
- switsh Welsh
- swijch Middle Dutch
- swichar Ido
- souitchi Norman
- swichi Swahili
- 스위치 Korean
- huk Tok Pisin
- hukim Tok Pisin
- swis Tok Pisin
- suichi Yaqui
- hook
- hooked
- hooker
- rehook
- switch
- dehook
- unhook
- hooklet
- pothook
- switchy
- webhook
- skyhook
- hookset
- hookest
- armhook
- hookman
- hooktip
- eyehook
- hookgun
- hooketh
- nuthook
- hooktop
- shithook
- pre-hook
- tailhook
- hooknose
- fishhook
- hooklike
- hookbill
- billhook
- switcher
- butthook
- bullhook
- boothook
- boathook
- baithook
- coathook
- hookless
- forehook
- firehook
- foothook
- hookable
- hookworm
- keyswitch
- microhook
- switchman
- fleshhook
- hookthorn
- nonswitch
- subswitch
- wolf hook
- dipswitch
- sheephook
- switchout
- switchbox
- shavehook
- switchmode
- tenterhook
- riboswitch
- switchport
- baroswitch
- hookkeeper
- switchback
- switchover
- nanoswitch
- switchgirl
- breasthook
- switchable
- switchyard
- switchfoot
- autoswitch
- switchroom
- switchlike
- hookswitch
- switcheroo
- switchless
- switchgear
- footswitch
- buttonhook
- switchblade
- switchgrass
- grapplehook
- photoswitch
- switchplate
- heddle hook
- switchology
- switchboard
- microswitch
- thermoswitch
- switchability
- hook maneuver
- phosphoswitch