- A credit card, offered by a retailer, that gives discounts or benefits when shopping at the retailer's stores.
Compound from English store + English card (material with embedded wire bristles, card).
material with embedded wire bristles, card
Semantic Field
Modern world
Ontological Category
♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️ 🃏 🎴 💳️ 📇 🗂️ 🗃️
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- CharlieCard English
- Eurocard English
- MetroCard English
- backcard English
- backstore English
- bankcard English
- bookstore English
- card English
- card-room English
- cardbearer English
- cardboard English
- cardcase English
- carder English
- cardholder English
- cardholding English
- cardhouse English
- cardless English
- cardmaker English
- cardmaking English
- cardmember English
- cardphone English
- cardplay English
- cardplayer English
- cardplaying English
- cardroom English
- cardshark English
- cardsharp English
- cardsharper English
- cardsharping English
- cardware English
- chargecard English
- chipcard English
- cryostore English
- cyberstore English
- daughtercard English
- discard English
- downcard English
- drawcard English
- drugstore English
- e-store English
- ecard English
- falsecard English
- farecard English
- feedstore English
- file-card English
- filestore English
- filmcard English
- flashcard English
- foodstore English
- freestore English
- gamecard English
- hovercard English
- hyperstore English
- instore English
- keycard English
- keystore English
- lettercard English
- mailstore English
- megastore English
- microcard English
- multistore English
- newsstore English
- noncard English
- nonstore English
- notecard English
- overcard English
- overstore English
- passcard English
- phonecard English
- photocard English
- playing card English
- postcard English
- pushcard English
- racecard English
- railcard English
- scorecard English
- shoestore English
- showcard English
- sports card English
- storability English
- storable English
- storage English
- store English
- store-goer English
- storeback English
- storebought English
- storefront English
- storeful English
- storegoer English
- storehouse English
- storekeeper English
- storekeeping English
- storeless English
- storelike English
- storeman English
- storeowner English
- storer English
- storeroom English
- storeship English
- storest English
- storeth English
- storeward English
- storewards English
- storewide English
- storewoman English
- storeworker English
- superstore English
- swipecard English
- sympathy card English
- thank you card English
- timecard English
- toystore English
- travelcard English
- triplestore English
- undercard English
- upcard English
- used bookstore English
- webstore English
- wildcard English
- woodstore English
- card Italian
- carte French
- estoa Portuguese
- カード Japanese
- ストア Japanese
- carde Middle English
- store Middle English
- stór Irish
- carte Old French
- कार्ड Hindi
- stoor Afrikaans
- stòr Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
- kad Malay
- ကတ် Burmese
- ကတ်ပြား Burmese
- စတိုး Burmese
- 卡片 Chinese
- 士多 Chinese
- kadi Swahili
- 카드 Korean
- کارڈ Urdu
- ikhadi Xhosa
- isitora Xhosa
- stua Tok Pisin
- sitolo Swati
- Schtor Pennsylvania German
- kati Hausa
- sito Hausa
- isitolo South Ndebele
- chitoro Shona
- sitolo Chichewa, Chewa, Nyanja
- sitowa Chuukese
- stoang Palauan
- card
- store
- ecard
- carder
- upcard
- storer
- storest
- noncard
- storage
- instore
- keycard
- discard
- storeth
- e-store
- chipcard
- racecard
- postcard
- Eurocard
- backcard
- timecard
- gamecard
- notecard
- nonstore
- pushcard
- filmcard
- farecard
- bankcard
- overcard
- drawcard
- webstore
- toystore
- railcard
- keystore
- cardless
- storable
- cardplay
- downcard
- cardroom
- cardware
- showcard
- wildcard
- storeman
- storeful
- passcard
- cardcase
- drugstore
- cardsharp
- cryostore
- cardshark
- storeroom
- mailstore
- newsstore
- falsecard
- scorecard
- megastore
- shoestore
- bookstore
- cardphone
- cardhouse
- storeship
- filestore
- foodstore
- card-room
- file-card
- woodstore
- MetroCard
- cardmaker
- hovercard
- photocard
- feedstore
- storeback
- backstore
- storegoer
- overstore
- undercard
- storeless
- storelike
- microcard
- flashcard
- cardboard
- swipecard
- freestore
- phonecard
- storeward
- storewide
- storewoman
- hyperstore
- cardmaking
- cardholder
- cardplayer
- travelcard
- storewards
- storefront
- chargecard
- storeowner
- lettercard
- store-goer
- superstore
- cardmember
- cyberstore
- multistore
- cardbearer
- storehouse
- cardsharper
- cardholding
- CharlieCard
- sports card
- cardplaying
- storability
- storebought
- storekeeper
- triplestore
- storeworker
- cardsharping
- storekeeping
- daughtercard
- playing card
- sympathy card
- used bookstore
- thank you card