- A supply, especially a large one, of something kept for future use.
Compound from English stock (supply, cover with material, target, butt, source) + English pile (fine, short hair of certain animals, column of wood, steel concrete).
fine, short hair of certain animals, column of wood, steel concrete
Semantic Field
Spatial relations
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- backstock English
- ballstock English
- basestock English
- bedstock English
- bestock English
- biopile English
- bitstock English
- blendstock English
- bloodstock English
- broodstock English
- buttstock English
- counterstock English
- cryostock English
- deadstock English
- destock English
- diestock English
- dogpile English
- drillstock English
- dustpile English
- farmstock English
- fatstock English
- feedstock English
- forestock English
- gazingstock English
- gunstock English
- gunstock war club English
- headstock English
- hoofstock English
- jesting-stock English
- junkpile English
- lackstock English
- laughing stock English
- laughingstock English
- leafpile English
- livestock English
- macrostock English
- microstock English
- midstock English
- monopile English
- netherstock English
- nonstock English
- overpile English
- overstock English
- pile English
- piledrive English
- piledriver English
- pileless English
- pilement English
- piler English
- pilewise English
- pilework English
- pileworm English
- pily English
- polypile English
- rawstock English
- repile English
- restock English
- rockpile English
- rollingstock English
- rootstock English
- roughstock English
- rudderstock English
- sandpile English
- shagpile English
- shimstock English
- shitpile English
- slushpile English
- snowpile English
- soapstock English
- stock English
- stockable English
- stockade English
- stockage English
- stockboy English
- stockbreeder English
- stockbreeding English
- stockbroker English
- stockbrokerage English
- stockbroking English
- stockdove English
- stocker English
- stocketh English
- stockfeed English
- stockfish English
- stockgirl English
- stockgrower English
- stockholder English
- stockholding English
- stocking English
- stockish English
- stockist English
- stockjobber English
- stockkeeper English
- stockless English
- stocklike English
- stocklist English
- stockman English
- stockpicker English
- stockpiler English
- stockpot English
- stockrider English
- stockroom English
- stocktake English
- stocktaking English
- stockwhip English
- stockwoman English
- stocky English
- stockyard English
- superstock English
- tailstock English
- thermopile English
- tipstock English
- toolstock English
- turdpile English
- understock English
- unpile English
- unstock English
- uppile English
- wastepile English
- whipstock English
- woodpile English
- woolstock English
- word-stock English
- workstock English
- youngstock English
- Staffel German
- stock Italian
- stock Dutch, Flemish
- stock French
- stock Spanish, Castilian
- *stebʰ- Proto-Indo-European
- estoque Portuguese
- *stapulaz Proto-Germanic
- stapol Old English
- stocc Old English
- stoca Irish
- stǫpull Old Norse
- stapel Middle Dutch
- pile Middle French
- stapal Old Dutch
- stapol Old Saxon
- stapul Old Swedish
- staple xno
- pily
- pile
- stock
- piler
- unpile
- stocky
- repile
- uppile
- dogpile
- bestock
- restock
- biopile
- unstock
- destock
- stocker
- pileworm
- snowpile
- stockade
- stocketh
- pilement
- pilewise
- stockman
- stockish
- stockboy
- midstock
- rockpile
- tipstock
- shitpile
- gunstock
- leafpile
- diestock
- dustpile
- pilework
- fatstock
- pileless
- woodpile
- stockpot
- stockist
- rawstock
- shagpile
- bedstock
- stockage
- polypile
- turdpile
- nonstock
- overpile
- junkpile
- bitstock
- stocking
- monopile
- sandpile
- workstock
- tailstock
- feedstock
- farmstock
- deadstock
- buttstock
- ballstock
- woolstock
- hoofstock
- cryostock
- lackstock
- stockless
- headstock
- backstock
- stockwhip
- stockfish
- livestock
- wastepile
- stockable
- toolstock
- stocktake
- stocklist
- stockfeed
- forestock
- whipstock
- stockroom
- stockdove
- overstock
- soapstock
- basestock
- slushpile
- rootstock
- shimstock
- piledrive
- stockgirl
- stocklike
- stockyard
- understock
- bloodstock
- blendstock
- drillstock
- word-stock
- roughstock
- youngstock
- superstock
- macrostock
- broodstock
- stockwoman
- stockpiler
- thermopile
- piledriver
- microstock
- stockrider
- stockpicker
- stockjobber
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- stockgrower
- netherstock
- rudderstock
- gazingstock
- stockkeeper
- stocktaking
- rollingstock
- stockholding
- counterstock
- stockbroking
- stockbreeder
- stockbreeding
- jesting-stock
- laughingstock
- stockbrokerage
- laughing stock
- gunstock war club