- (of a cetacean) The action of raising the front half of the body out of the sea in a controlled manner.
Compound from English spy + English hop (move rapidly between locations).
move rapidly between locations
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Lindy Hop English
- Spygate English
- antispy English
- barhop English
- bespy English
- cafe hop English
- counterspy English
- cyberspy English
- head-hop English
- hedgehop English
- hop English
- hopback English
- hopbine English
- hopbush English
- hopene English
- hophead English
- hophornbeam English
- hopper English
- hoppest English
- hoppeth English
- hoppity English
- hoppy English
- hopsack English
- hopsacking English
- hopscotch English
- hopset English
- hopt English
- hoptree English
- hopvine English
- hopyard English
- multihop English
- spiest English
- spieth English
- spy English
- spyboat English
- spycam English
- spycatcher English
- spycatching English
- spycraft English
- spydom English
- spyess English
- spyglass English
- spyhole English
- spyism English
- spyless English
- spylike English
- spymaster English
- spymistress English
- spyplane English
- spyproof English
- spyware English
- superspy English
- スパイ Japanese
- hoppen Middle English
- spien Middle English
- espiya Cebuano
- 스파이 Korean
- hop
- spy
- hopt
- bespy
- hoppy
- spiest
- barhop
- spieth
- spyess
- spydom
- hopper
- hopene
- spyism
- hopset
- spycam
- antispy
- Spygate
- hopyard
- spyless
- spyhole
- hoppeth
- hopbine
- spyware
- hopbush
- hoppest
- hoptree
- hopsack
- hophead
- hoppity
- spyboat
- hopback
- spylike
- hopvine
- head-hop
- cafe hop
- spycraft
- hedgehop
- multihop
- spyplane
- spyglass
- spyproof
- cyberspy
- superspy
- spymaster
- Lindy Hop
- hopscotch
- spycatcher
- counterspy
- hopsacking
- hophornbeam
- spymistress
- spycatching