- Any of various gastropods having a slit in the shell.
Compound from English slit + English shell.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Musselshell English
- aeroshell English
- arrow slit English
- arrowslit English
- backshell English
- bandshell English
- bodyshell English
- bombshell English
- clamshell English
- cockleshell English
- deshell English
- eggshell English
- enshell English
- eyeslit English
- hardshell English
- headshell English
- inshell English
- intershell English
- kidneyshell English
- microshell English
- multishell English
- nanoshell English
- nanoslit English
- nonshell English
- nutshell English
- papershell English
- piss slit English
- preslit English
- seashell English
- shell English
- shell suit English
- shell-less English
- shell-like English
- shellable English
- shellac English
- shellback English
- shellbag English
- shellbark English
- shellcode English
- sheller English
- shellfire English
- shellfish English
- shellfisherman English
- shellflower English
- shellheap English
- shellless English
- shellpad English
- shellproof English
- shelltoe English
- shelltoed English
- shelltoes English
- shellwork English
- shelly English
- shotshell English
- slit English
- slitless English
- slitlet English
- slitlike English
- slitmask English
- slitted English
- slitter English
- slitty English
- slitwidth English
- snailshell English
- softshell English
- subshell English
- supershell English
- topshell English
- tortoiseshell English
- undershell English
- unshell English
- unslit English
- シェル Japanese
- slītan Old English
- schelle Middle English
- หอยเชลล์ Thai
- selak Cebuano
- slit
- shell
- slitty
- unslit
- shelly
- inshell
- slitter
- sheller
- enshell
- slitlet
- preslit
- shellac
- slitted
- deshell
- eyeslit
- unshell
- topshell
- slitlike
- nonshell
- eggshell
- seashell
- nanoslit
- shellbag
- subshell
- slitmask
- shellpad
- nutshell
- shelltoe
- slitless
- shellbark
- slitwidth
- bandshell
- shotshell
- shellheap
- shellwork
- shellable
- bodyshell
- nanoshell
- shelltoed
- hardshell
- bombshell
- headshell
- shelltoes
- aeroshell
- backshell
- arrowslit
- softshell
- shellback
- shellfish
- shellless
- shellcode
- shellfire
- piss slit
- clamshell
- undershell
- shell-less
- arrow slit
- intershell
- multishell
- shell-like
- shellproof
- supershell
- snailshell
- microshell
- papershell
- shell suit
- Musselshell
- shellflower
- cockleshell
- kidneyshell
- tortoiseshell
- shellfisherman