- The bone that forms the skull.
Compound from English skull + English bone.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- anklebone English
- armbone English
- backbone English
- barebone English
- bladebone English
- bonable English
- bone English
- boneache English
- bonebed English
- bonedigger English
- bonedog English
- bonedome English
- bonefish English
- bonefolder English
- bonehead English
- boneheaded English
- bonehouse English
- bonejarring English
- boneless English
- bonelet English
- bonelike English
- boner English
- boneseed English
- boneseeker English
- boneset English
- bonesetter English
- bonesetting English
- boneshaker English
- boneshaking English
- boneyard English
- bonfire English
- bony English
- breakbone English
- breastbone English
- browbone English
- cheekbone English
- chickenboner English
- collarbone English
- cuttlebone English
- debone English
- dogbone English
- dragonbone English
- earbone English
- featherbone English
- fingerbone English
- fishbone English
- footbone English
- fuckskull English
- greenbone English
- hambone English
- heelbone English
- herringbone English
- intrabone English
- jawbone English
- knapskull English
- knitbone English
- knucklebone English
- legbone English
- marrowbone English
- neckbone English
- nonbone English
- numbskull English
- numskull English
- popskull English
- pseudo-skull English
- redbone English
- ridgebone English
- ringbone English
- sapskull English
- sharebone English
- shinbone English
- shoulder bone English
- sidebone English
- skull English
- skull-collecting ant English
- skull-fuck English
- skullcap English
- skullcup English
- skullfish English
- skullfucker English
- skullish English
- skulllike English
- skullscape English
- skully English
- spadebone English
- tailbone English
- thickskull English
- thighbone English
- unbone English
- underbone English
- whalebone English
- wishbone English
- wristbone English
- yellow bone English
- bon Middle English
- sculle Middle English
- bom Volapük
- bun Tok Pisin
- bon Torres Strait Creole
- bone
- bony
- boner
- skull
- skully
- unbone
- debone
- earbone
- jawbone
- boneset
- armbone
- bonelet
- bonedog
- bonable
- nonbone
- redbone
- dogbone
- hambone
- legbone
- bonebed
- bonfire
- tailbone
- neckbone
- wishbone
- numskull
- heelbone
- boneseed
- bonelike
- shinbone
- backbone
- ringbone
- fishbone
- bonedome
- sidebone
- bonefish
- skullcup
- skullish
- knitbone
- footbone
- sapskull
- boneless
- barebone
- skullcap
- browbone
- boneache
- bonehead
- boneyard
- popskull
- whalebone
- anklebone
- bonehouse
- wristbone
- skulllike
- cheekbone
- bladebone
- fuckskull
- breakbone
- ridgebone
- numbskull
- thighbone
- intrabone
- knapskull
- greenbone
- skullfish
- spadebone
- sharebone
- underbone
- skullscape
- collarbone
- marrowbone
- bonedigger
- boneshaker
- cuttlebone
- dragonbone
- fingerbone
- skull-fuck
- boneseeker
- boneheaded
- breastbone
- bonefolder
- bonesetter
- thickskull
- featherbone
- bonejarring
- yellow bone
- herringbone
- skullfucker
- boneshaking
- bonesetting
- knucklebone
- chickenboner
- pseudo-skull
- shoulder bone
- skull-collecting ant