- The command signal or value which is fed into a controller to establish the target or desired position or state of the controlled device or process.
Compound from English set + English point.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- afterset English
- antipoint English
- antiset English
- backset English
- ballpoint English
- basepoint English
- bedset English
- beset English
- bipoint English
- biset English
- bitset English
- bladepoint English
- blowpoint English
- boneset English
- branchpoint English
- breakpoint English
- breastpoint English
- budset English
- callset English
- cashpoint English
- centerpoint English
- chainset English
- changepoint English
- changeset English
- chargepoint English
- checkpoint English
- chipset English
- chokepoint English
- codepoint English
- codeset English
- cogset English
- colourpoint English
- copoint English
- cord set English
- cordset English
- coreset English
- coset English
- counterpoint English
- crankset English
- crosspoint English
- cutpoint English
- cutset English
- daggerpoint English
- dashpoint English
- deep-set English
- drypoint English
- earset English
- endpoint English
- eyepoint English
- feedpoint English
- fieldset English
- fileset English
- filmset English
- filterset English
- fireset English
- flashpoint English
- floorset English
- footpoint English
- forepoint English
- foreset English
- forset English
- forthset English
- frameset English
- fruitset English
- gearset English
- geneset English
- gifset English
- giftset English
- gridpoint English
- groupset English
- gunpoint English
- handset English
- hardpoint English
- headset English
- heavyset English
- homeset English
- hookset English
- hopset English
- infoset English
- inset English
- interset English
- intraset English
- itemset English
- keypoint English
- keyset English
- kitset English
- knifepoint English
- laminaset English
- leafset English
- lockset English
- logpoint English
- masterpoint English
- metaset English
- micropoint English
- mid-point English
- midpoint English
- midset English
- mindset English
- miniset English
- mispoint English
- misset English
- moonset English
- moveset English
- multipoint English
- multiset English
- nailset English
- needlepoint English
- newset English
- nodeset English
- nonpoint English
- offset English
- onset English
- outpoint English
- overset English
- patchset English
- paypoint English
- penpoint English
- photoset English
- pinpoint English
- playset English
- ploughpoint English
- plowpoint English
- plugpoint English
- point English
- point of tangency English
- pointable English
- pointcast English
- pointclass English
- pointcut English
- pointee English
- pointen English
- pointer English
- pointest English
- pointeth English
- pointful English
- pointing English
- pointism English
- pointless English
- pointlet English
- pointlike English
- pointling English
- pointmaker English
- pointset English
- pointwise English
- pointwork English
- pointy English
- pre-set English
- preset English
- probeset English
- quadripoint English
- rearset English
- recordset English
- redpoint English
- reefpoint English
- repoint English
- reset English
- resultset English
- romset English
- roomset English
- ruleset English
- salespoint English
- sampleset English
- savepoint English
- seedset English
- set English
- set fire English
- setaside English
- setbolt English
- setdown English
- setfast English
- sethood English
- setless English
- setlike English
- setline English
- setlist English
- setmark English
- setness English
- setoid English
- setout English
- settable English
- setter English
- settest English
- setteth English
- setup English
- setwise English
- shadeset English
- shelveset English
- showerset English
- sibset English
- silverpoint English
- soundset English
- spearpoint English
- standpoint English
- strongpoint English
- subpoint English
- subset English
- sumset English
- sunset English
- superset English
- swingset English
- swordpoint English
- tagset English
- taskset English
- telepoint English
- thermoset English
- thickset English
- three-pointer English
- tileset English
- timepoint English
- toolset English
- touchpoint English
- tracepoint English
- trackpoint English
- trainset English
- tripoint English
- triset English
- twinset English
- typeset English
- umbeset English
- underpoint English
- underset English
- unipoint English
- unset English
- upset English
- viewpoint English
- wadset English
- watchpoint English
- waterpoint English
- waypoint English
- well-set English
- wheelset English
- wideset English
- withset English
- setti Finnish
- set Italian
- set Dutch, Flemish
- point French
- сет Russian
- set Spanish, Castilian
- setear Spanish, Castilian
- sett Norwegian Bokmål
- set Portuguese
- set Swedish
- siat-to͘h Japanese
- ポイント Japanese
- set Polish
- point Middle English
- setten Middle English
- set Czech
- sette Old French
- poin Indonesian
- set Indonesian
- punto Ido
- iset Tagalog
- ပွိုင့် Burmese
- 恤髮 Chinese
- 세트 Korean
- 포인트 Korean
- *mej Proto-Sino-Tibetan
- set
- beset
- onset
- biset
- inset
- upset
- setup
- unset
- point
- coset
- reset
- offset
- earset
- tagset
- setout
- wadset
- midset
- gifset
- sunset
- misset
- romset
- kitset
- bedset
- cutset
- newset
- cogset
- preset
- hopset
- budset
- sumset
- setoid
- triset
- subset
- bitset
- pointy
- setter
- sibset
- keyset
- forset
- setbolt
- seedset
- repoint
- itemset
- boneset
- hookset
- copoint
- setlike
- sethood
- typeset
- metaset
- coreset
- setteth
- cordset
- taskset
- rearset
- toolset
- infoset
- leafset
- lockset
- playset
- pointen
- fileset
- miniset
- setmark
- setness
- pointer
- twinset
- setline
- overset
- foreset
- setlist
- geneset
- mindset
- ruleset
- chipset
- gearset
- setwise
- backset
- roomset
- pre-set
- setdown
- setless
- codeset
- nodeset
- homeset
- antiset
- fireset
- handset
- moveset
- callset
- headset
- umbeset
- setfast
- moonset
- giftset
- withset
- filmset
- bipoint
- nailset
- settest
- wideset
- pointee
- tileset
- frameset
- endpoint
- deep-set
- floorset
- drypoint
- set fire
- outpoint
- photoset
- fieldset
- afterset
- eyepoint
- waypoint
- crankset
- groupset
- pointlet
- chainset
- nonpoint
- well-set
- cord set
- fruitset
- pointeth
- subpoint
- midpoint
- swingset
- logpoint
- pointful
- patchset
- forthset
- mispoint
- pinpoint
- multiset
- thickset
- underset
- unipoint
- paypoint
- pointcut
- gunpoint
- pointset
- keypoint
- pointism
- cutpoint
- pointest
- settable
- interset
- trainset
- tripoint
- shadeset
- pointing
- heavyset
- redpoint
- wheelset
- soundset
- penpoint
- setaside
- probeset
- superset
- intraset
- thermoset
- pointwork
- telepoint
- resultset
- shelveset
- showerset
- hardpoint
- reefpoint
- pointling
- footpoint
- pointless
- blowpoint
- savepoint
- viewpoint
- antipoint
- laminaset
- changeset
- timepoint
- pointcast
- sampleset
- basepoint
- mid-point
- pointable
- ballpoint
- recordset
- codepoint
- gridpoint
- plugpoint
- forepoint
- cashpoint
- feedpoint
- plowpoint
- pointwise
- pointlike
- dashpoint
- filterset
- pointclass
- standpoint
- spearpoint
- knifepoint
- checkpoint
- multipoint
- watchpoint
- bladepoint
- underpoint
- micropoint
- crosspoint
- chokepoint
- salespoint
- touchpoint
- breakpoint
- trackpoint
- waterpoint
- flashpoint
- tracepoint
- pointmaker
- swordpoint
- quadripoint
- masterpoint
- branchpoint
- colourpoint
- chargepoint
- daggerpoint
- breastpoint
- ploughpoint
- needlepoint
- centerpoint
- strongpoint
- silverpoint
- changepoint
- counterpoint
- three-pointer
- point of tangency