- An artwork produced by means of screen printing.
Compound from English screen + English print.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- answer print English
- assprint English
- backprint English
- backscreen English
- bescreen English
- bioprint English
- blue screen English
- blueprint English
- bluescreen English
- bootprint English
- buttprint English
- comprint English
- counterscreen English
- descreen English
- e-print English
- earprint English
- faceprint English
- fingerprint English
- firescreen English
- flatscreen English
- flyscreen English
- footprint English
- forescreen English
- fullscreen English
- greenscreen English
- handprint English
- headprint English
- heelprint English
- hemiscreen English
- holoscreen English
- hoofprint English
- inkprint English
- kneeprint English
- lithoprint English
- microprint English
- miniprint English
- miniscreen English
- misprint English
- monoprint English
- moonscreen English
- mouseprint English
- multiprint English
- multiscreen English
- newsprint English
- nonprint English
- noseprint English
- odourprint English
- offprint English
- offscreen English
- onscreen English
- overprint English
- overscreen English
- palmprint English
- pawprint English
- phosphoscreen English
- photoprint English
- pinscreen English
- polescreen English
- postprint English
- preprint English
- prescreen English
- print English
- print-off English
- printability English
- printable English
- printbound English
- printer English
- printery English
- printest English
- printeth English
- printhead English
- printless English
- printlike English
- printmaker English
- printmaking English
- printoff English
- printout English
- printseller English
- printshop English
- printwheel English
- printworker English
- printworks English
- printworthy English
- rainprint English
- rainscreen English
- reprint English
- rescreen English
- scratch print English
- screen English
- screen reader English
- screen-free English
- screenable English
- screenbound English
- screenburn English
- screencast English
- screencraft English
- screenee English
- screener English
- screenful English
- screengrab English
- screenie English
- screenland English
- screenless English
- screenlet English
- screenlike English
- screenman English
- screenname English
- screenout English
- screenphone English
- screenplay English
- screenreading English
- screensaver English
- screenscape English
- screenshot English
- screenspace English
- screentone English
- screenwash English
- screenwork English
- screenwrite English
- screenwriter English
- screenwriting English
- shoeprint English
- sightscreen English
- silkscreen English
- smokescreen English
- snowprint English
- sporeprint English
- subscreen English
- sunscreen English
- superscreen English
- surprint English
- teleprint English
- telescreen English
- thumbprint English
- toeprint English
- touch screen English
- transprint English
- underprint English
- unscreen English
- videoscreen English
- vidscreen English
- viewscreen English
- voiceprint English
- wallscreen English
- whiteprint English
- widescreen English
- windowscreen English
- windscreen English
- workprint English
- workscreen English
- Infoscreen German
- printen Dutch, Flemish
- プリント Japanese
- *printen Middle English
- scren Middle English
- print Serbo-Croatian
- स्क्रीन Hindi
- print Cebuano
- printahanan Cebuano
- sgrin Welsh
- iprint Tagalog
- skrini Swahili
- screen
- e-print
- reprint
- printer
- assprint
- toeprint
- printery
- printout
- onscreen
- misprint
- descreen
- preprint
- screenie
- bescreen
- offprint
- screener
- printest
- printeth
- nonprint
- unscreen
- comprint
- surprint
- bioprint
- rescreen
- printoff
- inkprint
- earprint
- screenee
- pawprint
- rainprint
- subscreen
- printless
- printlike
- handprint
- backprint
- teleprint
- screenful
- prescreen
- printable
- print-off
- monoprint
- sunscreen
- newsprint
- vidscreen
- screenout
- hoofprint
- miniprint
- bootprint
- offscreen
- faceprint
- footprint
- overprint
- shoeprint
- printshop
- screenlet
- snowprint
- blueprint
- noseprint
- headprint
- pinscreen
- postprint
- workprint
- kneeprint
- palmprint
- screenman
- heelprint
- buttprint
- flyscreen
- printhead
- screenburn
- screentone
- printmaker
- thumbprint
- screenless
- firescreen
- microprint
- backscreen
- underprint
- screenplay
- moonscreen
- viewscreen
- odourprint
- screenwork
- whiteprint
- screenable
- silkscreen
- photoprint
- windscreen
- transprint
- printwheel
- forescreen
- screencast
- wallscreen
- telescreen
- sporeprint
- rainscreen
- workscreen
- miniscreen
- flatscreen
- bluescreen
- screenname
- voiceprint
- printbound
- holoscreen
- multiprint
- mouseprint
- screenshot
- screengrab
- screenlike
- hemiscreen
- lithoprint
- screenwash
- polescreen
- fullscreen
- overscreen
- screenland
- widescreen
- printworks
- screenscape
- screencraft
- printworker
- screensaver
- fingerprint
- multiscreen
- superscreen
- smokescreen
- videoscreen
- greenscreen
- screenspace
- screenphone
- printseller
- printmaking
- blue screen
- screenbound
- screenwrite
- printworthy
- sightscreen
- screen-free
- windowscreen
- screenwriter
- answer print
- printability
- touch screen
- scratch print
- screenwriting
- screenreading
- counterscreen
- phosphoscreen
- screen reader