- A female quartermaster.
Compound from English quarter + English mistress.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- choirmistress English
- concertmistress English
- dockmistress English
- forequarter English
- grandmistress English
- harbormistress English
- headmistress English
- hindquarter English
- housemistress English
- midquarter English
- mister English
- mistress English
- mistressdom English
- mistressless English
- mistressly English
- mistresspiece English
- mistressship English
- multiquarter English
- paymistress English
- postmistress English
- quarter English
- quarter-hour English
- quarterage English
- quarterback English
- quarterboy English
- quarterdeck English
- quarterer English
- quartereth English
- quarterfinal English
- quarterite English
- quarterization English
- quarterland English
- quarterless English
- quarterlifer English
- quarterlight English
- quarterly English
- quarterpace English
- quartersaw English
- quarterstaff English
- quizmistress English
- ringmistress English
- schoolmistress English
- scoutmistress English
- spymistress English
- stationmistress English
- taskmistress English
- toastmistress English
- tri-quarter English
- wagonmistress English
- webmistress English
- whoremistress English
- workmistress English
- quartier French
- cuara Spanish, Castilian
- クォーター Japanese
- ミストレス Japanese
- maistresse Old French
- chwarter Welsh
- *s/m/g-rus Proto-Sino-Tibetan
- quattie Jamaican Creole
- mister
- quarter
- mistress
- quarterer
- quarterly
- quartereth
- midquarter
- quarterite
- quarterage
- quarterboy
- mistressly
- quartersaw
- paymistress
- quarterless
- quarterback
- mistressdom
- webmistress
- forequarter
- tri-quarter
- hindquarter
- quarterland
- quarterdeck
- spymistress
- quarterpace
- quarterlifer
- mistressship
- taskmistress
- quarterfinal
- postmistress
- mistressless
- dockmistress
- quizmistress
- multiquarter
- ringmistress
- quarterlight
- quarterstaff
- quarter-hour
- workmistress
- headmistress
- whoremistress
- choirmistress
- wagonmistress
- grandmistress
- toastmistress
- housemistress
- scoutmistress
- mistresspiece
- quarterization
- harbormistress
- schoolmistress
- stationmistress
- concertmistress