- A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony; absence of violence. For instance, a state free from civil disturbance.
- A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions.
- Harmony in personal relations.
- A state free of war, in particular war between different countries.
Inherited from Middle English pes borrowed from peis borrowed from Old French pais (peace) derived from Latin pāx (peace) derived from Proto-Indo-European *paḱ- (fasten, place, stick).
fasten, place, stick
Semantic Field
Basic actions and technology
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Greenpeace English
- Greenpeacer English
- antipeace English
- breaker English
- breaking English
- builder English
- building English
- dispeace English
- frith English
- green English
- grith English
- keeper English
- keeping English
- make English
- makepeace English
- maker English
- making English
- monger English
- mongering English
- nonpeaceful English
- peaceability English
- peaceable English
- peaceableness English
- peaceably English
- peacebreaker English
- peacebreaking English
- peacebuilder English
- peacebuilding English
- peaceful English
- peacefuler English
- peacefuller English
- peacefully English
- peacefulness English
- peacekeeper English
- peacekeeping English
- peaceless English
- peacelessness English
- peacemaker English
- peacemaking English
- peacemonger English
- peacemongering English
- peacen English
- peacenik English
- peacespeak English
- peacetime English
- peacework English
- peacify English
- sib English
- time English
- unpeace English
- unpeaceable English
- unpeaceful English
- work English
- *pāctāre Latin
- antepagmentum Latin
- compaciscor Latin
- compingo Latin
- depango Latin
- depeciscor Latin
- impingo Latin
- pacalis Latin
- pacifer Latin
- pacificus Latin
- pacīscor Latin
- pagensis Latin
- pangito Latin
- pangō Latin
- pax Latin
- pācem Latin
- pāx Latin
- pēnsum Latin
- pagare Italian
- paix French
- *paḱ- Proto-Indo-European
- *fōgijaną Proto-Germanic
- *sahtiz Proto-Germanic
- *sibjaz Proto-Germanic
- *sibjō Proto-Germanic
- pax Swedish
- ピース Japanese
- ciricfriþ Old English
- ciricgriþ Old English
- deorfriþ Old English
- friþ Old English
- friþaþ Old English
- friþhus Old English
- friþian Old English
- friþleas Old English
- friþlic Old English
- friþlice Old English
- friþowebba Old English
- friþsum Old English
- godsibb Old English
- griþ Old English
- griþian Old English
- griþleas Old English
- insiht Old English
- seht Old English
- sehtlian Old English
- sibb Old English
- sibbegedriht Old English
- sibbleger Old English
- sibling Old English
- unfriþ Old English
- frith Middle English
- godsib Middle English
- pees Middle English
- peesful Middle English
- pes Middle English
- saght Middle English
- sib Middle English
- sibbe Middle English
- péas Irish
- póg Irish
- grið Old Norse
- pais Old French
- paco Esperanto
- paco Ido
- pacifier Middle French
- *friþu gmw-pro
- Pungg Alemannic German
- pungge Alemannic German
- spéis Middle Irish
- püd Volapük
- püdik Volapük
- peis xno
- poiys Bourguignon
- paix Louisiana Creole French
- sib
- make
- work
- time
- maker
- grith
- frith
- green
- making
- keeper
- monger
- peacen
- keeping
- unpeace
- peacify
- breaker
- builder
- building
- peacenik
- breaking
- dispeace
- peaceful
- antipeace
- makepeace
- mongering
- peaceably
- peacetime
- peaceable
- peacework
- peaceless
- unpeaceful
- Greenpeace
- peacemaker
- peacefuler
- peacefully
- peacespeak
- nonpeaceful
- peacekeeper
- peacefuller
- unpeaceable
- Greenpeacer
- peacemaking
- peacemonger
- peaceability
- peacekeeping
- peacebreaker
- peacebuilder
- peacefulness
- peacebuilding
- peacelessness
- peaceableness
- peacebreaking
- peacemongering