- A member of any of various species of small passerine birds in the family Polioptilidae found in North America and South America, close relatives of the wrens.
Compound from English gnat + English catcher root from Proto-Indo-European *keh₂p- (seize, grasp, take, catch, grab, stick to, hold).
seize, grasp, take, catch, grab, stick to, hold
Semantic Field
Ontological Category
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- -ception English
- Cablegate English
- Hawkery English
- Princess English
- Principality English
- acapsular English
- acceptability English
- acceptably English
- accepted English
- acceptedly English
- acceptibly English
- acceptive English
- acceptress English
- afterperception English
- anticonception English
- anticontraception English
- antinociception English
- antioccupation English
- archdeceiver English
- beaucatcher English
- becatch English
- behaver English
- behavioral English
- behaviorism English
- behaviorist English
- behaviour English
- birdcatcher English
- birdcatching English
- bycatch English
- cablecar English
- cableco English
- cablegami English
- cablegram English
- cableless English
- cablelike English
- cabler English
- cablese English
- cablet English
- cablevision English
- cableway English
- capability English
- capacitate English
- capacitation English
- capacitively English
- capsular English
- capsulate English
- captee English
- captionable English
- captioner English
- catcatcher English
- catch English
- catchable English
- catcher English
- catchy English
- caterer English
- chemoperception English
- chemoreception English
- chemosusceptibility English
- chickenhawk English
- coalheaver English
- coalheaving English
- conceit English
- conceited English
- conceivability English
- conceivable English
- conceivableness English
- conceivably English
- conceiver English
- conceptible English
- conceptionally English
- conceptively English
- conceptor English
- conceptualism English
- conceptuality English
- conceptualization English
- contracept English
- contraceptive English
- copepodite English
- cowcatcher English
- cum catcher English
- deceitful English
- deceivability English
- deceivableness English
- deceiver English
- deceivingly English
- deceptress English
- disoccupation English
- dogcatcher English
- dorhawk English
- dreamcatcher English
- electroreception English
- emancipatist English
- emancipatory English
- emancipatrix English
- emancipist English
- encapsulate English
- enchaser English
- exceptional English
- exceptionally English
- eye English
- eye-catcher English
- fishcatcher English
- flycatcher English
- flycatching English
- forechase English
- foreconceive English
- foreconceiving English
- forepurchased English
- gamecatcher English
- gnat English
- gnat-strainer English
- gnateater English
- gnatlike English
- gnatling English
- gnatty English
- gnatworm English
- gnatwren English
- graviperception English
- havenage English
- hawk English
- hawkery English
- hawkish English
- hawklike English
- hawkmoth English
- hawknose English
- hawksbeard English
- hawkweed English
- hawky English
- heaver English
- heavingly English
- heavyish English
- heavyweight English
- hypernociception English
- hypersusceptibility English
- imperceivable English
- imperceivableness English
- imperceivably English
- imperceived English
- imperceptibly English
- imperception English
- imperceptive English
- impercipient English
- inacceptable English
- inacceptably English
- inceptual English
- incipiently English
- inconceivableness English
- inconceivably English
- inconceptible English
- inoccupation English
- insusceptible English
- interceptable English
- interceptive English
- interpurchase English
- intussuscepted English
- jashawk English
- magnetoreception English
- mailcatcher English
- meadowhawk English
- mechanonociception English
- mechanoreception English
- merprince English
- metaconcept English
- microconcept English
- microforceps English
- misbehaviour English
- misconceiver English
- misconception English
- misperceive English
- misperceiver English
- misreceive English
- molecatcher English
- newshawk English
- nonacceptable English
- nonacceptance English
- nonaccepted English
- nonaccepter English
- nonheavy English
- nonoccupation English
- nonoccupational English
- nonoccupying English
- nonperceived English
- nonperceiving English
- nonperceptible English
- nonperception English
- nonpurchased English
- nonpurchaser English
- nonpurchasing English
- nonreceipt English
- nonsusceptibility English
- nonsusceptible English
- occupational English
- occupationally English
- occupationless English
- occupiable English
- occupier English
- omnipercipient English
- outcatch English
- overcatch English
- overheavy English
- overperceive English
- oystercatcher English
- paperchase English
- particeps criminis English
- participatory English
- participially English
- perceivable English
- perceivableness English
- perceivably English
- perceivedness English
- perceptibly English
- perceptively English
- perceptivity English
- perceptualize English
- photoreceiver English
- podcatch English
- podcatcher English
- posticipate English
- postpurchase English
- preceptorship English
- preceptress English
- preconceit English
- preconceive English
- preoccupancy English
- prepurchase English
- princely English
- princessipality English
- princessly English
- principally English
- pseudoconcept English
- puncept English
- ratcatcher English
- reaccept English
- reacceptance English
- recapture English
- receivable English
- receival English
- receivedness English
- receivership English
- reconceive English
- recuperatively English
- reoccupation English
- reoccupy English
- reperceive English
- reperception English
- repurchase English
- repurchaser English
- slavecatcher English
- slavecatching English
- smokechaser English
- splurchase English
- spycatcher English
- spycatching English
- steeplechase English
- steeplechaser English
- steeplechasing English
- subchaser English
- subconcept English
- subpercept English
- subpurchaser English
- suncatcher English
- superaccept English
- superheavy English
- superheavyweight English
- suscept English
- susceptibly English
- transceive English
- transceiver English
- ultraheavy English
- unaccept English
- unacceptability English
- unacceptably English
- unacceptance English
- unaccepted English
- uncaught English
- unchased English
- unconceivable English
- unconceivably English
- unconceived English
- undeceivably English
- undeceive English
- undeceiver English
- underperceive English
- unexcepted English
- unheavy English
- unperceivable English
- unperceivably English
- unperceived English
- unperceivedly English
- unperceiving English
- unpurchased English
- unreceived English
- unsusceptible English
- upcaught English
- upheaval English
- upheaver English
- windcatcher English
- *accaptāre Latin
- *appercipiō Latin
- *capseum Latin
- acceptiō, acceptiōnis Latin
- accepto, acceptō, acceptāre Latin
- acceptum Latin
- acceptābilis Latin
- acceptāre Latin
- capabilis Latin
- capis Latin
- capistrum Latin
- capiās Latin
- capiō Latin
- capsa Latin
- capsula Latin
- captio Latin
- captiō Latin
- captiōsus Latin
- captura Latin
- captāre, captō, capto Latin
- captīvitās Latin
- captīvus Latin
- captīvō Latin
- captō Latin
- captūra Latin
- capulum Latin
- capābilis Latin
- capācitās Latin
- capāx Latin
- conceptiō Latin
- conceptus Latin
- concipere, concipio, concipiō Latin
- disceptō Latin
- dēceptīvus Latin
- dēcipere, decipio Latin
- dēcipiō Latin
- exceptio Latin
- exceptiō Latin
- exceptus Latin
- excipio Latin
- excipiēns Latin
- forceps Latin
- imperceptibilis Latin
- inceptiō Latin
- inceptor Latin
- incipientia Latin
- incipit Latin
- incipiēns Latin
- interceptiō Latin
- interceptum Latin
- intercipiēns Latin
- mūnicipālis Latin
- nuncupātus Latin
- nuncupātīvus Latin
- occupare Latin
- occupāre, occupō Latin
- occupātio Latin
- occupātus Latin
- participare Latin
- participatiō Latin
- participium Latin
- participiālis Latin
- participāns Latin
- perceptio Latin
- perceptiō Latin
- perceptum Latin
- percipio Latin
- percipiēns Latin
- percipiō Latin
- prae Latin
- praeceptor Latin
- praeceptum Latin
- praecipitium Latin
- praeoccupare Latin
- praeoccupare, praeoccupo Latin
- praeoccupatiō Latin
- princeps Latin
- pro- Latin
- prīnceps Latin
- prīncipium Latin
- prīncipālis Latin
- receptibilis Latin
- receptio Latin
- receptiō Latin
- receptor Latin
- receptum Latin
- receptus Latin
- receptāculum Latin
- recipiēns Latin
- recipiō Latin
- recuperator Latin
- recuperatorius Latin
- recuperātiō Latin
- recuperō Latin
- recuperō, recuperāre, recupero Latin
- recuperō, recuperātus, recupero Latin
- susceptus Latin
- ēmancipātiō Latin
- ēmancipātus Latin
- ēmancipō Latin
- Catcher German
- Kapsel German
- prinzipiell German
- cacciatore Italian
- aperception French
- chasseur French
- exceptionnel French
- municipalité French
- princesse French
- κάπη Ancient Greek
- κώπη Ancient Greek
- *kapno- Proto-Indo-European
- *keh₂p- Proto-Indo-European
- *kh₂pnós Proto-Indo-European
- *kh₂ptós Proto-Indo-European
- *kh₂pyéti Proto-Indo-European
- *kopuǵos Proto-Indo-European
- *káput- Proto-Indo-European
- *kóh₂p-eh₂ Proto-Indo-European
- *ne Proto-Indo-European
- *bihōfą Proto-Germanic
- *bihōfōną Proto-Germanic
- *habilaz Proto-Germanic
- *habjaną Proto-Germanic
- *habnō Proto-Germanic
- *habukaz Proto-Germanic
- *habą Proto-Germanic
- *habīgaz Proto-Germanic
- *haftijaną Proto-Germanic
- *haftiją Proto-Germanic
- *uber Proto-Germanic
- キャッチャ Japanese
- キャッチャー Japanese
- heft Norwegian Nynorsk
- hev Norwegian Nynorsk
- heving Norwegian Nynorsk
- hiv Norwegian Nynorsk
- hoven Norwegian Nynorsk
- hovne Norwegian Nynorsk
- håve Norwegian Nynorsk
- tverrhalehauk Norwegian Nynorsk
- uakseptabel Norwegian Nynorsk
- gōshafoc Old English
- habban Old English
- hefiġlīċe Old English
- hefiġnes Old English
- spearhafoc Old English
- ūphebban Old English
- behaven Middle English
- behavoure Middle English
- behovely Middle English
- cacchen Middle English
- gnat Middle English
- havener Middle English
- havenles Middle English
- hevysum Middle English
- misbehaven Middle English
- misconceite Middle English
- misconceiven Middle English
- recevere Middle English
- sperhauke Middle English
- unacceptabylle Middle English
- haf Old Norse
- hafa Old Norse
- hafna Old Norse
- hefð Old Norse
- hefða Old Norse
- hepta Old Norse
- hæfr Old Norse
- hǫfugleikr Old Norse
- København Danish
- *xapati Proto-Slavic
- accepter Old French
- achater Old French
- chacepol Old French
- chaceür Old French
- princesse Old French
- recovree Old French
- Prinsesa Cebuano
- *կիպ Old Armenian
- accepteur Middle French
- incapable Middle French
- hever Middle Low German
- *kapelos Proto-Italic
- cúan Middle Irish
- *iš-gabā Proto-Albanian
- *kapa Proto-Albanian
- *kapmi Proto-Albanian
- acatòu Ligurian
- riacatâ Ligurian
- eye
- hawk
- gnat
- catch
- hawky
- cabler
- catchy
- heaver
- captee
- cablet
- gnatty
- puncept
- cableco
- bycatch
- unheavy
- dorhawk
- jashawk
- becatch
- catcher
- caterer
- cablese
- suscept
- conceit
- behaver
- hawkery
- hawkish
- Hawkery
- newshawk
- hawkmoth
- upheaval
- enchaser
- receival
- nonheavy
- havenage
- podcatch
- heavyish
- deceiver
- occupier
- capsular
- hawklike
- hawkweed
- upheaver
- gnatworm
- princely
- accepted
- gnatwren
- gnatlike
- Princess
- cablecar
- -ception
- hawknose
- reoccupy
- cableway
- unchased
- upcaught
- uncaught
- gnatling
- reaccept
- outcatch
- unaccept
- captioner
- cablelike
- recapture
- overheavy
- acapsular
- undeceive
- conceptor
- merprince
- deceitful
- catchable
- Cablegate
- forechase
- behaviour
- cablegram
- inceptual
- conceiver
- subchaser
- capsulate
- overcatch
- conceited
- cableless
- cablegami
- heavingly
- acceptive
- gnateater
- unreceived
- coalheaver
- reperceive
- unaccepted
- reconceive
- preconceit
- copepodite
- occupiable
- capability
- acceptably
- nonreceipt
- contracept
- capacitate
- dogcatcher
- acceptress
- podcatcher
- acceptedly
- cowcatcher
- transceive
- hawksbeard
- subconcept
- suncatcher
- paperchase
- subpercept
- spycatcher
- acceptibly
- undeceiver
- splurchase
- emancipist
- catcatcher
- ratcatcher
- behavioral
- receivable
- ultraheavy
- unexcepted
- misreceive
- flycatcher
- superheavy
- princessly
- deceptress
- meadowhawk
- repurchase
- misperceive
- molecatcher
- smokechaser
- preceptress
- perceivable
- transceiver
- prepurchase
- conceivably
- exceptional
- perceivably
- coalheaving
- preconceive
- unperceived
- perceptibly
- deceivingly
- nonaccepted
- flycatching
- cum catcher
- posticipate
- metaconcept
- incipiently
- birdcatcher
- fishcatcher
- mailcatcher
- cablevision
- eye-catcher
- encapsulate
- beaucatcher
- repurchaser
- heavyweight
- nonaccepter
- imperceived
- behaviorism
- spycatching
- gamecatcher
- behaviorist
- susceptibly
- unconceived
- superaccept
- captionable
- conceptible
- unpurchased
- conceivable
- principally
- windcatcher
- chickenhawk
- perceptivity
- misperceiver
- unperceiving
- microconcept
- inacceptable
- preoccupancy
- imperception
- unacceptably
- capacitation
- capacitively
- Principality
- misconceiver
- occupational
- inacceptably
- receivedness
- emancipatory
- subpurchaser
- nonperceived
- microforceps
- foreconceive
- nonpurchased
- slavecatcher
- postpurchase
- interceptive
- imperceptive
- overperceive
- unacceptance
- perceptively
- nonpurchaser
- reacceptance
- inoccupation
- receivership
- emancipatist
- dreamcatcher
- reoccupation
- reperception
- undeceivably
- nonoccupying
- impercipient
- misbehaviour
- emancipatrix
- birdcatching
- archdeceiver
- steeplechase
- conceptively
- inconceptible
- perceivedness
- nonoccupation
- unsusceptible
- imperceptibly
- unperceivably
- pseudoconcept
- oystercatcher
- imperceivable
- photoreceiver
- interpurchase
- nonperception
- nonacceptance
- unconceivable
- deceivability
- steeplechaser
- contraceptive
- misconception
- nonacceptable
- preceptorship
- perceptualize
- slavecatching
- imperceivably
- nonpurchasing
- interceptable
- underperceive
- unperceivedly
- exceptionally
- conceptuality
- inconceivably
- acceptability
- participatory
- nonperceiving
- insusceptible
- unconceivably
- disoccupation
- conceptualism
- gnat-strainer
- participially
- forepurchased
- unperceivable
- omnipercipient
- recuperatively
- antioccupation
- occupationless
- chemoreception
- occupationally
- foreconceiving
- steeplechasing
- conceivability
- intussuscepted
- deceivableness
- conceptionally
- nonsusceptible
- nonperceptible
- anticonception
- princessipality
- graviperception
- chemoperception
- nonoccupational
- conceivableness
- unacceptability
- antinociception
- afterperception
- perceivableness
- magnetoreception
- hypernociception
- superheavyweight
- electroreception
- mechanoreception
- anticontraception
- nonsusceptibility
- conceptualization
- inconceivableness
- imperceivableness
- mechanonociception
- particeps criminis
- hypersusceptibility
- chemosusceptibility