- (Australia) The practice of living, with others, in a flat.
- (countable) A type of paint that dries with a flat (matt) finish; a coating of such paint.
- The process of applying a coating of flatting paint.
- (countable) A flat part of something, a flattening.
- The process of becoming flat.
- The process of causing something to become flat; the process of flattening something.
- (countable) An instance of a musical note being flatter than intended.
- A method of preserving gilding unburnished, by touching with size.
- The process of forming metal into sheets by passing it between rollers.
Suffix from English flat (apartment, dwelling, flatten, make flat).
apartment, dwelling, flatten, make flat
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Flathead English
- aflat English
- demiflat English
- flat English
- flat-footed English
- flat-headed cat English
- flat-mouthed English
- flat-warming English
- flatback English
- flatbacker English
- flatbed English
- flatbill English
- flatblock English
- flatbread English
- flatcar English
- flatette English
- flatfield English
- flatfish English
- flatfoot English
- flatfooted English
- flathead English
- flathouse English
- flatification English
- flating English
- flatiron English
- flatland English
- flatlay English
- flatleaf English
- flatlet English
- flatline English
- flatling English
- flatlings English
- flatlock English
- flatly English
- flatmate English
- flatmount English
- flatness English
- flatpack English
- flatpacked English
- flatrod English
- flatsawn English
- flatscape English
- flatscreen English
- flatsedge English
- flatshare English
- flatsharer English
- flatsharing English
- flattage English
- flatten English
- flatter English
- flattie English
- flattish English
- flattop English
- flatty English
- flatware English
- flatwater English
- flatweave English
- flatwise English
- flatwork English
- flatworm English
- flatwoven English
- layflat English
- microflat English
- mudflat English
- nonflat English
- sandflat English
- ultraflat English
- flat Dutch, Flemish
- flat Middle English
- फ़्लैट Hindi
- fleti Swahili
- flet Tok Pisin
- flat
- aflat
- flatty
- flatly
- flatbed
- flatlay
- mudflat
- layflat
- flatcar
- flating
- nonflat
- flatter
- flatten
- flatrod
- flattie
- flattop
- flatlet
- flatling
- flatsawn
- flattish
- flatbill
- flatmate
- flatness
- flatwork
- flathead
- flatiron
- flatline
- Flathead
- flatette
- flatfish
- flatlock
- flatland
- flatware
- sandflat
- flatwise
- demiflat
- flatpack
- flattage
- flatworm
- flatleaf
- flatback
- flatfoot
- flatblock
- flatwater
- flatwoven
- flatweave
- flatfield
- flatshare
- microflat
- flatscape
- flathouse
- flatsedge
- flatbread
- flatmount
- ultraflat
- flatlings
- flatbacker
- flatscreen
- flatpacked
- flatsharer
- flatfooted
- flat-footed
- flatsharing
- flat-warming
- flat-mouthed
- flatification
- flat-headed cat