/ˈfɛləʃɪp/, /ˈfɛləʃɪp/
- A company of people that share the same interest or aim.
- (dated) Company, companions; a group of people or things following another.
- A feeling of friendship, relatedness or connection between people.
- A merit-based scholarship.
- A temporary position at an academic institution with limited teaching duties and ample time for research; this may also be called a postdoc.
- (medicine) A period of supervised, sub-specialty medical training in the United States and Canada that a physician may undertake after completing a specialty training program or residency.
- (arithmetic) The proportional division of profit and loss among partners.
Inherited from Middle English felowschipe suffix from English fellow derived from Old Norse félagskapr.
Old Norse
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Oddfellow English
- bedfellow English
- blackfellow English
- byfellow English
- classfellow English
- coachfellow English
- disfellowship English
- disfellowshipment English
- fellow English
- fellowcraft English
- fellowess English
- fellowfeel English
- fellowless English
- fellowlike English
- fellowly English
- housefellow English
- namefellow English
- pewfellow English
- playfellow English
- race-fellow English
- schoolfellow English
- underfellow English
- unfellow English
- unfellowship English
- whitefellow English
- workfellow English
- yokefellow English
- フェローシップ Japanese
- felowe Middle English
- felowschipe Middle English
- félagskapr Old Norse
- fælles Danish
- fællesskab Danish
- faalaa Fiji Hindi
- fellow
- byfellow
- unfellow
- fellowly
- fellowess
- bedfellow
- pewfellow
- Oddfellow
- yokefellow
- fellowlike
- fellowless
- fellowfeel
- playfellow
- workfellow
- namefellow
- blackfellow
- fellowcraft
- race-fellow
- whitefellow
- classfellow
- housefellow
- underfellow
- coachfellow
- schoolfellow
- unfellowship
- disfellowship
- disfellowshipment