- The fundus of the eye; the inside of the bottom part of the eyeball, particularly retina as examined through an ophthalmoscope.
Compound from English eye + English ground (that has been ground, earthing).
that has been ground, earthing
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Hawk-Eye English
- Popeye English
- above ground English
- aboveground English
- after-eye English
- aground English
- background English
- barreleye English
- battleground English
- bedground English
- belowground English
- bigeye English
- birdeye English
- blackeye English
- bleareye English
- bootleg ground English
- browneye English
- bullseye English
- byground English
- campground English
- centerground English
- centreground English
- cockeye English
- cow-eyed English
- cumberground English
- deadeye English
- eye English
- eye dialect English
- eye socket English
- eye-apple English
- eye-catcher English
- eye-gougingly English
- eye-opener English
- eye-opening English
- eye-roll English
- eye-socket English
- eye-watering English
- eyeable English
- eyebags English
- eyeball English
- eyebar English
- eyebath English
- eyebeam English
- eyeblink English
- eyebolt English
- eyebright English
- eyebrow English
- eyecap English
- eyecare English
- eyecup English
- eyed English
- eyedrop English
- eyedropper English
- eyeflap English
- eyefuck English
- eyeful English
- eyegasm English
- eyeglance English
- eyeglass English
- eyeglasses English
- eyehole English
- eyehook English
- eyelash English
- eyeless English
- eyelet English
- eyelid English
- eyelift English
- eyelike English
- eyeline English
- eyelined English
- eyeliner English
- eyelock English
- eyely English
- eyemark English
- eyemask English
- eyepaint English
- eyephone English
- eyepiece English
- eyepoint English
- eyer English
- eyereach English
- eyering English
- eyesalve English
- eyeservant English
- eyeservice English
- eyeshade English
- eyeshadow English
- eyeshape English
- eyeshield English
- eyeshine English
- eyeshot English
- eyesight English
- eyeslit English
- eyesome English
- eyesore English
- eyesplice English
- eyespot English
- eyestalk English
- eyestone English
- eyestrain English
- eyestring English
- eyestripe English
- eyetooth English
- eyetracker English
- eyetracks English
- eyewall English
- eyeward English
- eyewards English
- eyewash English
- eyewater English
- eyewear English
- eyewink English
- eyewinker English
- eyewitness English
- eyeworm English
- eyeworthy English
- fairground English
- fireground English
- fisheye English
- foreground English
- glasseye English
- goldeneye English
- goldeye English
- green-eyed monster English
- greeneye English
- ground English
- ground stop English
- ground tissue English
- groundable English
- groundage English
- groundation English
- groundbait English
- groundbreaker English
- groundbreaking English
- groundburst English
- groundcherry English
- groundcrew English
- grounder English
- groundfire English
- groundfish English
- groundhog English
- groundhopper English
- groundhopping English
- groundlaying English
- groundless English
- groundline English
- groundling English
- groundly English
- groundmass English
- groundmist English
- groundnut English
- groundpecker English
- groundplan English
- groundrow English
- groundshare English
- groundsheet English
- groundsill English
- groundspeed English
- groundstaff English
- groundstone English
- groundstroke English
- groundswell English
- groundwall English
- groundward English
- groundwards English
- groundwater English
- groundwave English
- groundwood English
- groundwork English
- groundworker English
- groundworm English
- groundy English
- hardground English
- ineye English
- loineye English
- microground English
- midground English
- misground English
- mooneye English
- nonground English
- opaleye English
- outground English
- overeye English
- overground English
- oxeye English
- pinkeye English
- playground English
- popeye English
- preground English
- red-eye English
- reground English
- roundeye English
- rufous-vented ground-cuckoo English
- sandgrounder English
- schoolground English
- showground English
- shut-eye English
- side-eye English
- silvereye English
- slanteye English
- sportsground English
- stoneground English
- thimbleeye English
- undereye English
- underground English
- unground English
- urgrund English
- wasteground English
- webeye English
- white-eye English
- window English
- yelloweye English
- *keh₂p- Proto-Indo-European
- アイキャッチ Japanese
- eye Middle English
- grounde Middle English
- ai Tok Pisin
- graun Tok Pisin
- ai Sranan Tongo
- ae Bislama
- garaund Fiji Hindi
- ai Kriol
- eye
- eyed
- eyer
- eyely
- ineye
- oxeye
- bigeye
- eyecup
- window
- eyecap
- eyelid
- ground
- Popeye
- eyelet
- webeye
- popeye
- eyebar
- eyeful
- groundy
- eyeball
- eyebags
- eyesore
- goldeye
- eyeless
- eyemark
- eyebrow
- eyewall
- eyeflap
- eyebeam
- opaleye
- eyebolt
- eyeslit
- aground
- eyewash
- pinkeye
- eyesome
- eyehole
- cockeye
- eyeshot
- eyemask
- eyelock
- mooneye
- eyebath
- loineye
- eyeworm
- eyespot
- eyeward
- eyelash
- eyering
- eyecare
- eyehook
- birdeye
- eyelike
- eyefuck
- eyeable
- eyelift
- eyewear
- eyewink
- deadeye
- eyeline
- eyedrop
- fisheye
- urgrund
- eyegasm
- overeye
- red-eye
- eyeshade
- eyesight
- eye-roll
- byground
- eyeshape
- eyepoint
- eyeglass
- eyesalve
- greeneye
- shut-eye
- eyephone
- eyewater
- bullseye
- eyeblink
- side-eye
- blackeye
- reground
- eyeshine
- grounder
- unground
- slanteye
- cow-eyed
- eyestone
- eyestalk
- eyeliner
- eyepaint
- eyetooth
- eyepiece
- eyewards
- roundeye
- eyelined
- Hawk-Eye
- bleareye
- glasseye
- groundly
- browneye
- undereye
- eyereach
- groundnut
- after-eye
- eyeglance
- groundage
- outground
- eyewinker
- eyestripe
- misground
- eyesplice
- groundrow
- yelloweye
- white-eye
- eyeshield
- eyestring
- bedground
- midground
- silvereye
- goldeneye
- eyebright
- eyeshadow
- nonground
- groundhog
- eyetracks
- barreleye
- preground
- eyeworthy
- eye-apple
- eyestrain
- groundfish
- groundline
- groundbait
- groundwork
- groundward
- foreground
- groundmass
- fairground
- eyeservant
- groundwood
- groundless
- eyeservice
- groundmist
- eyewitness
- eyedropper
- hardground
- eyetracker
- groundsill
- groundfire
- campground
- playground
- eye-socket
- eye socket
- groundwall
- groundworm
- eye-opener
- groundplan
- overground
- groundwave
- thimbleeye
- groundcrew
- showground
- eyeglasses
- background
- groundling
- groundable
- fireground
- ground stop
- eye-catcher
- eye dialect
- microground
- groundwater
- groundspeed
- wasteground
- aboveground
- eye-opening
- groundation
- groundstone
- groundwards
- groundswell
- stoneground
- groundstaff
- groundburst
- groundsheet
- underground
- belowground
- groundshare
- sandgrounder
- schoolground
- sportsground
- groundcherry
- eye-watering
- groundpecker
- groundworker
- centerground
- cumberground
- groundlaying
- centreground
- battleground
- groundstroke
- above ground
- groundhopper
- ground tissue
- groundbreaker
- eye-gougingly
- groundhopping
- groundbreaking
- bootleg ground
- green-eyed monster
- rufous-vented ground-cuckoo