- A coloured spot, on the anal fin of some fish, believed to mimic eggs.
Compound from English egg (incite, encourage) + English spot (brief advertisement).
brief advertisement
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- afteregg English
- bespot English
- blackspot English
- blind spot English
- blindspot English
- bloodspot English
- browspot English
- checkerspot English
- crescentspot English
- egg English
- egg hunt English
- egg yolk English
- egg-bound English
- egg-shaped English
- eggball English
- eggbeater English
- eggbox English
- eggburger English
- eggcrate English
- eggcup English
- egger English
- eggery English
- eggette English
- eggfruit English
- egghead English
- eggheaded English
- egghot English
- eggie English
- egglayer English
- egglaying English
- eggless English
- egglike English
- eggman English
- eggmass English
- eggnog English
- eggplant English
- eggshell English
- eggtimer English
- eggtray English
- eggwhisk English
- eggwoman English
- eggy English
- eggyolk English
- eyespot English
- findspot English
- followspot English
- handegg English
- highspot English
- immunospot English
- inkspot English
- leafspot English
- microspot English
- misspot English
- monospot English
- multispot English
- nightspot English
- nonegg English
- playspot English
- power spot English
- respot English
- ringspot English
- silverspot English
- spot English
- spot beam English
- spotface English
- spotless English
- spotlight English
- spotlike English
- spotshank English
- spottable English
- spotter English
- spotteth English
- spottie English
- spotty English
- spotwise English
- starspot English
- sunspot English
- superegg English
- tailspot English
- thunderegg English
- troublespot English
- twinspot English
- wingspot English
- Spot German
- spot Italian
- spot French
- spot Polish
- egge Middle English
- spot Middle English
- spota Irish
- espot Catalan, Valencian
- spot Indonesian
- salted egg Chinese
- igi Aukan
- egg
- eggy
- spot
- egger
- eggie
- bespot
- spotty
- respot
- eggnog
- eggbox
- nonegg
- egghot
- eggery
- eggcup
- eggman
- egglike
- eggmass
- eggyolk
- eggtray
- eyespot
- sunspot
- egghead
- eggless
- spottie
- eggette
- eggball
- handegg
- misspot
- inkspot
- spotter
- leafspot
- eggshell
- wingspot
- eggcrate
- spotlike
- browspot
- eggfruit
- findspot
- playspot
- egglayer
- afteregg
- eggwhisk
- egg hunt
- spotteth
- spotwise
- ringspot
- eggwoman
- spotface
- spotless
- twinspot
- eggplant
- superegg
- monospot
- egg yolk
- tailspot
- starspot
- highspot
- eggtimer
- blindspot
- spot beam
- bloodspot
- egglaying
- spotlight
- nightspot
- spotshank
- multispot
- blackspot
- egg-bound
- eggbeater
- microspot
- eggburger
- spottable
- eggheaded
- blind spot
- egg-shaped
- power spot
- silverspot
- immunospot
- followspot
- thunderegg
- checkerspot
- troublespot
- crescentspot