- An area which abounds in dust and which is very dry.
- The central region of the United States during the 1930s.
- The 1930s period.
Compound from English dust + English bowl.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Super Bowl English
- antidust English
- bedust English
- bowl English
- bowler English
- bowlful English
- bowllike English
- brickdust English
- bulldust English
- chalkdust English
- coaldust English
- dedust English
- diamond dust English
- dust English
- dust-ridden English
- dustable English
- dustbag English
- dustball English
- dustbathe English
- dustbin English
- dustbrush English
- dustcart English
- dustcloth English
- dustcloud English
- dustcoat English
- dustcover English
- duster English
- dustfall English
- dustfree English
- dusthead English
- dustheap English
- dusthole English
- dustless English
- dustlike English
- dustling English
- dustman English
- dustmat English
- dustmote English
- dustout English
- dustpan English
- dustperson English
- dustpile English
- dustproof English
- dustrag English
- dustsheet English
- duststorm English
- dustup English
- dustwoman English
- dustwrapper English
- dusty English
- embowl English
- fishbowl English
- microdust English
- milldust English
- moondust English
- nanodust English
- nutbowl English
- outbowl English
- overdust English
- punchbowl English
- rice bowl English
- sanderdust English
- sawdust English
- slop-bowl English
- smartdust English
- stardust English
- swill-bowl English
- tea bowl English
- teabowl English
- toilet bowl English
- undust English
- washbowl English
- Bowle German
- bowlen Dutch, Flemish
- ボウル Japanese
- bolle Middle English
- dust Middle English
- dusta Irish
- bowle Danish
- bovlo Esperanto
- bole Latvian
- bòl Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
- das Tok Pisin
- dust
- bowl
- dusty
- dustup
- embowl
- bowler
- duster
- dedust
- bedust
- undust
- dustpan
- bowlful
- teabowl
- nutbowl
- dustbag
- dustmat
- dustbin
- outbowl
- sawdust
- dustout
- dustrag
- dustman
- dustfree
- stardust
- dustcart
- milldust
- dustfall
- antidust
- dusthead
- tea bowl
- dusthole
- bulldust
- dustable
- dustmote
- dustball
- dustlike
- dustpile
- coaldust
- bowllike
- dustless
- washbowl
- moondust
- nanodust
- overdust
- fishbowl
- dustcoat
- dustheap
- dustling
- dustcover
- rice bowl
- brickdust
- slop-bowl
- dustproof
- dustcloud
- dustbathe
- dustbrush
- duststorm
- dustsheet
- microdust
- dustcloth
- punchbowl
- chalkdust
- smartdust
- dustwoman
- dustperson
- Super Bowl
- swill-bowl
- sanderdust
- toilet bowl
- dustwrapper
- dust-ridden
- diamond dust